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International #1314
Post the most american thing in your folder
What's the biggest pastaboo country?
What's it like to have a german gf?
Sverigetråden - Kebabupplagan
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Fucking finally
Imagina cogerte a una colombiana bien rico
/deutsch/er demokratischer faden
Do incels in your country fall for this?
71st anniversary of the People's Republic of China
Long live the awaited Pharaoh, Ramses IV, who sat on the throne in 2014
How are British guys treated in your cunt?
Anyone else completely rootless?
Canada is the best country in the world ! Do you agree, Zig Forums ?
Kurva anyátok
/ita/ - il filo
When did you first realize that this was an American and Canadian world and you were just living in it?
Have you thanked France for creating your country today?
Why are nordic countries so welcoming of immigrants? What makes them want to do that so much...
/fr/ - le francofile
How accurate is this?
Dabs on anglophones and am*ricans constantly; French > English anyday
/v4/ + friends
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2423.fuck you
I am refusing to speak English abroad
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
As Europe becomes increasingly more black, asian, and arab, will europeans become more united or less?
Tfw 26 year old with no skills
Sverigetråden - Visbys ringmur i Gruvkraft
Do you have an opinion of koreans and if so what is it?
Why do they always demonise us even though we are their allies?
Tell me about your favorite album/song/band/artist/music genre, r/shit
Did you know that Spaniards are an Arabic/North African people and country?
Thoughts on women from your country?
The Settlement Continuity Theory asserts that at least the genetic ancestors of the Finno-Ugric peoples were among the...
Why are whites like that?
How common are kissless hugless handholdless virgins in your country?
Zig Forums drawing thread
/ita/ - il filo
Do Americans really?
Do you miss them?
Why are people mad over BLACKED when hispanicbros are tilling the fields in the US...
Tfw no Diego twink bf to ride my baguette
Arabs and Iranian anons of /int
Your country
I'm learning Ukrainian. What am I in for?
1. Your country
Besides complaining about us here 24/7 and providing emotional support to each other with 'based' replies...
Has anyone ever met a religious Turk on the Internet? It seems everywhere no matter Zig Forums, Reddit, Discord...
Are women in your country like this?
Your cunt
Do you have schizos in your cunt?
International situation
/fr/ franchouillofil
Name one brown country worth living in
El hilo de los Piolas
/med/ - Mediterranean general
Sverigetråden - 太陽と鉄 Gamerupplagan 太陽と鉄
Will things get better anons?
Immigrating to Belarus, Russia, or Ukraine
Are they still p*gan?
Why dont American's seethe when people call Puerto Rico a country?
Why is wales so irrelevant compared to scotland?
I snorted 1 of these and swallowed the other 3 but it only made me feel tired. Why do Americans like it so much?
Zig Forums is like:
/desi/-Kino Bossfights in Video Games edition
/ita/ - il filo
Why should women receive equal salary when stuff like this happens ?
Which country has the worst women personality wise? Is it Spain?
/esp/ - Hilo Español
How has your country improved Italian cuisine?
Incident with South American immigrants in Barcelona subway:
Is comerade Stonetoss an old-school socialist?
There are only 2.5 million people living in the whole of WA
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Mfw when Europeans discuss the concept of "white" as if it meant anything in their culturally and ethnically...
I use reddit
Why you came here everyday?
How much popular is gta in your country?
Sverigetråden - Riktiga höstupplagan
Have you ever met a southern german girl? What are they like?
Does this happen in your kunt?
French or Turkish desserts?
/fr/ - le francofil
When will they pay reparations?
Post a country your countrymen worship
Flat or house? Which one do you prefer?
Happy birthday to Zig Forums :)
/ita/ - il filo
I am white and my opinion is
What is Austria known for?
US elections
Top Japanese chef killed himself in France after false sex claims, say family
Sverigetråden - Jonasupplagan
What lead to the decline of the British Empire?
1. Your country
/anime/ ehemals /deutsch/
/ישר/ -/이스라/ -/इज़रा/ -/isr/
I suffer in america
I don't get it
Why japaness love korea so much?
Westerners unironically think China is communist
Why do italians hate us we just want to be friends
From today's march on Hong Kong
Vgh... the twerk fields of Rvssia
How high is Varg's IQ exactly?
Why does america not have bullet trains?
Why do white people bully people of color?
/luso/ - Fio lusófono
Are high speed rails even necessary?
Sverigetråden - Höstupplagan
What's their problem?
So what are your hobbies user?
October 1st
Why does this part of Europe trigger so many people?
/fr/ - le francofil
/flag/ + /extraflags/
I have never seen a man named Pajeet in my life
What do real Italians think of Italian-Americans?
What's the biggest privilege you have in your country?
Finland's PM calls for shortening working hours
/lang/ - Language Learning General
/desi/-TV serial edition
What the fuck?
Kurva anyátok
VGH... the American breeding grounds of Tinder
Is it really hard to find virgins in the west...
Why did god bless russia with the most cute female white faces in the world?
Makes Zig Forums universally seethe despite having zero posters
I am an Indian living in the West
What happens here?
Post humour from your country
Is your country good at building cities?
Is Halloween a big thing in your country?
What does Zig Forums think of separatism in Brazil?
Korea, China, Japan
Please watch mexican movies, they're good
My local walking trail again
/wda/: why do americans general
Reminder that debt isn't that bad
Is Brazil really this dangerous?
Do you think it's society's fault that you are a kiselss virgin/ your romantic and social life is inexistent and you...
Ataturk was greek
Friendly reminder that we are the good guys
Why the fuck does this have 200 million views?
Yes I am a transwoman
Are you lonely?
If they win, will they annex Nagorno-Karabakh? What could they gain from winning...
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
Decadely, no DAILY reminder that Quebec will be a free and independent nation
Do you love Japan?
What happens when they become the majority in California? Are they going to sacrifice whitoids to Huitzilopochtli?
What happens here?
Why are they hated so much?
/dixie/ southern usa and pals + /lat/ hilo latino
Ask a hongkonger anything
Would you marry an Argentine GODDESS Zig Forums?
Is a man dating a woman that is older than himself considered normal in your country?
Kill niggers
Do you watch laowhy86?
Do people in your country remember this?
Convince me not to move to portugal
I am an arab whose into swedish guys:
Why do all socialist and communist revolutions in countries reduce the wages and income of employees across the board...
I don't get it
Why are algerians so cute? does this happen in your country?
Most popular sport in the world
This gets you maximum prison in other countries
I don't think racism is an issue in the United States
What does an Asian Chad look like?
Why French boys have hair so beautiful
You now live in the UK, what do you do?
Drop the woman you think is the beatutiest of your country. Wanna know how many the beauty standart changes
Do you go to french restaurants sometimes in your country ?
Why are we so hated?
The greatest Latino, fictional character?
1. cunt
/lat/ hilo latino
Sverigetråden - Välkomnande upplagan
Why are slavic women suffering?
The Polish kid who would hit people for no reason and started a lot of fights
/ita/ il filo
Does it make sense, USA?
Say random stuff you know about my country and i'll do the same to yours
Is it true i can go to brazil or portugal and just fuck a 14 year old? like thats just fine, no one cares...
Why are arabs such sex beasts?
Is it true that it was the richest country in the world once and now it’s an average shithole?
Brussels 32% "belgian"
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
What do you like about the UK?
Do these happen in your cunt?
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Your cunt, is female hypergamy going off the charts ?
Walk into turkish baths
What games are set in your country?
Your cunt
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Who was in the wrong here?
So should America annex this?
Do you want to find love in the iberian peninsula?
Are twinks well regarded in your country?
This is the best region in the world and there's no way one can prove otherwise
Sverigetråden - Kungliga älgupplagan
Do any other Americans feel inferior to Western Europeans (Aside from UK and Sweden
What the FUCK is their problem?
Damn, this is the German flag that is replying to you
Are they the best country in the Americas? Or at least in Latin America
Yes, I can name every major city in your country and maybe even your state/province
Why is spanish associated with poor people in USA?
You wake up in Grimsby, UK
Armenian supporters:
What do conservative Muslims like Saudi Arabia think of Turkey?
Spanish "culture"
There are people in this board RIGHT NOW
Edycja zasranych marginesów
You wake up and you are the last male on earth
Is this true
1 your country
Mfw you realize it is literally more like for the US to collapse right now than Brazil
Why are they so autistic to talk to?
Non Americans have never tried Costco Hot Dogs and Pizza
/ita/ - il filo
Kurva anyátok
Sverigetråden - kneg
How is mental healthcare in your country?
/fr/ le fil fancophone
Arabs and Latinos
Are you lonely?
I want to leave my country and live somewhere else
Says "sorry for bad English"
Can Russians redpill me on their biggest cities?
/balt/ and /ausnz/
/gen/ - general general
This is the closeness of Germanic languages
Where are you from
It's not our fault we're fat!
Addicted to coke
Why are Americans so stupid?
Ah... the impenetrable fortresses of the US of A
/flag/ + /extraflags/
Wake up
Map thread
Sverigetråden - Kinoupplagan
How do Russians feel about the spike in Russophobia following the events of 2016?
Would you date this girl in your country?
Is this why parents in the west allow their daughters to dress and act slutty?
Russian and Slavic girls thread
In Italy there has been some drama about a tv star called "vanessa Incontrada"; people online were bulliying for being...
Where is your native language spoken?
/ita/ - il filo
I have a really important announcement to make
And I made Germany bigger!
Islam Officially Bans Jokes
What is this phenotype called?
How do you say "shark" in your language?
/desi/-I just wanted to make you laugh edition
Spanish anons, which one is you?
You have to be reborn in either of these two. Which one you choose?
Is it true that European boys cuddle whenever their friend is lonely?
/ro/: firul nostru
/lat/ hilo latino
Pristine amazonian rainforest
My suicide attempt
Why do iranians hate Israel and what would Iran like to be friendly or neutral relations to Israel and thus the us?
If you find this trashy in 2020 you get called an incel and replied with le pol face
Thoughts and opinions?
This is how Swedes look like
Did you know Finland has twink lions?
/fr/ - le francofil
Alexander the Great leaves his empire "to the strongest"
MFW L*tino tries to educate a Spaniard on how to speak Spanish
Latin america
Do you have girls like this in your country?
Sverigetråden - upplagan E N I G H E T
Finland is not only the legitimate heir of the Roman Empire, but also Kievan Rus
What happened to the swedish man?
1. Count
Biden wants to give 20 billions dolars to Brazil so we can "save" the meme rain florest aka Amazonia
Zig Forums ylyl thread
This is YHWH/god's face. Just imagine how many wars have been, how many people died during history, only for this fella
Racism in Japan
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Why do people hate on honest to goodness immigrants? Many of them are poor and just want a better life...
Would you support this?
/ryona/ ehemals /deutsch/
Ugh, if only France speak Occitan instead of Fr*nch
Make me cum Zig Forums
Be honest...
/ita/ - il filo
Implying i suffer in brazil
Post the most German thing from your folder
Go to the gym
Why don't the japanese seem to be aware of their acts during WWII...
Is she the most famous Lebanese?
The acid is kicking in
/fr/ - le francofil
Do yanks really
Local news had me believing that in a eventual victory of Biden Trump would refuse to step down as a president...
Have you ever had a negative interaction with the police?
We suffers in the ghettoes in Norway, Oslo
Why are they so superior to the rest of Europe?
I love you
Geneva introduces minimum wage of 3800 euros
I suffer in east europe
Why human is greedy?
Do you read books in english or your languige?
Be me
Sverigetråden - 80-talskinoupplagan
Why do third worlders love wearing these so much? Even migrants to rich countries
/luso/ Fio Lusófono
/cum/ - Canada, United States, Mexico
What's the best American state to live in?
World Class Korean automatically become honorary Japanese
/fr/ - le fil
How common are East Asian girls in your area, Zig Forums? I think they are around 5% of the local population here
Lithuania. Home
FACT: Every thing USA touches turns into shitholes
Have zero friends
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2422
Americans be like
"Panslavic colors" happened because some russian king ripped this flag off
It is IMPOSSIBLE to suffer in Scandinavia
My local walking trail
/isr/ /ישר/
ITT: Post tongue twisters in your language
Why dont chicanos and mexicans get along?
Which European country is the nicest to live in?
Your cunt tree
I like you Zig Forums frens :3
Spanish vs. French
People say cats are high IQ pets and are independent
Is he libertarian? Or is he social darwinist?
Sanna Marin will also represent Sweden in EU summit conference
EU good
What do Japanese people think of Ms. Ito Shiori?
I managed to drop my weight from 99kg to 80kg And I'm 5'8"...
Greeks only marry virgins. They make fun of cucks who go after used goods
You are reborn here
/ita/ - il filo
Wait. Korean siblings kiss each other on the lips as a form of affection? How close is too close...
How well is the holocaust known in your country?
So how's life here in this part of Japan (ie Hokkaido)...
Why do foreigners unironically worship Pablo Escobar?
Kurva anyátok
*gives away passports like its fucking nothing*
Is this the ultimate proof of Amerimutt's mental illness at its peak...
You're now a teen in the 1950s in your country
Hilo /lat/
How many females coming to Zig Forums?
Zig Forums.jpg
Which of these best describes your personal beliefs, Zig Forums?
Dual Citizenship and Diaspora
Do you have "Halloween" in your country?
Are there any Cuban posters here?
What does Zig Forums think of HP Lovecraft?
Does Zig Forums eat moon cakes?
How can anyone feel patriotic for these meme countries?
/cum/ - Canada - United States - Mexico
If we elected this nigga in 2012 none of this would have happened
No hard feelings right non-Euro bros?
Did europeans ruin your country?
Why are women into slav males? I live in an area where there is a sizable ukrop minority and some other slavs...
Are soldiers in your cunt required to stand at attention when ordering fast food?
I hope you LOVE Northern Portugal, and never cross down the Douro lads
Why does this country not have an actual name? It's just a description
What some cool names in your country?
Your cunt
/cum/ Canada, USA, Mexico
Are you watching the US debates right now?
Why Australia and New Zealand have the same flag ?
Everyday that I wake up and realize the URSS is no more
She suffers in Russia
/lang/ - Language Learning General
/brit/ /brap/
Hilo /mex/ + /guat/ + /bel/ + /cub/
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Is this a common occurrence in your cunt?
Post you're international spouse
/loli/ zur /nachtschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
What's the BEST part of your country?
Be exchange student in Amer*ca
Be mutt
Literally the only good part of Italy
/dixie/ - Southern US and Friends
Anglos call a green lemon a "lime"
Henllo im a girl from baghdad is this really the Zig Forums racist site? do you people hack and all?
Ask an American Anything!
Argentina... Fuerza!
I just finished watching 1917. Why were the Germanoids so fucking mean?
Post your town city flag
What’s the whitest thing you’ve ever done?
Hans, how do we make Naziism seem like some kind of ancient tradition?
Is it true that each of these Chinese dialects is its own ethnic group...
Is Flip food really THIS popular in the West?
Remember the Maine! Down with Spain!
No one cares about Paraguay
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
Are your countrymen racist?
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine