Why do Germans love Qanon so much?

Why do Germans love Qanon so much?

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They're hoping for a mass "wake up" amongst their population. Too bad Q is a LARP.

As you already knew Germans love fringe politics. And Qanon is made for schizo boomers so ours adopted it.

it's literally COPE.
>no we werent the bad guys
>it was america!
so anything that makes the american government look bad it's a boner inducer in krauts

>2nd reich flag
>Trumps is on it

the people in OPs pic clearly love trump and burgerland though

I've always gotten the impression that Germans have a special penchant for some of America's most bizarre cultural exports, Q being one example.

I think our boomers are quite similar in some way but I don't know how to articulate it

How am I supposed to be sure that those aren't """"""""""German"""""""""""-americans and not actual germans?

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yeah cause they think a bigger american institution is behind, as if the deep state, as if the ones that defeated germoney

What the fuck? Can Germans explain this to me?

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these are from an anti-mask march in Berlin

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take your meds

its literally that. you faggots love the idea of "america bad!"

Oh ok. Yeah those are incredible retards

>I've always gotten the impression that Germans have a special penchant for some of America's most bizarre cultural exports, Q being one example.
We do. David Hasselhoff would be another example. Germans LOVE that guy.
I guess many American boomers have German ancestry. Some of the emigrates were so extreme they weren't even tolerated in Germany. And given we are very Americanized it sort of comes back to us.

>russian flag
Based, we will come back soon

that march was so fucking weird

>tons of Polish flags
>American flags
>a few Russian flags
>LGBT flags
>German Empire flags
>a few contemporary German flags (though at least one turned upside-down)
>Trump/QAnon/MAGA flags

how can germans be so americanized.
and if america it's mexicanized
germany is mexicanized.

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Autism. He loves fitting colors.

what does it mean

"Where We Go One, We Go All"

It is a cesspool of boomers, lunatics and retards. We got a lot of these, especially in the South West. They come from different backgrounds but are united in their battle against coivd-restrictions.

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I hope they all die from Corona or get crippled for live, fucking embarassing

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But why such a large amount of Polish flags? In fact, why so many foreign flags? With the American flags I can understand it being just MAGAtards, but why so many flags from other yuro cunts (even Russia for example)?

be appreciative that this seems to be a relative minority in your country. mine is thoroughly infested with them

>search for it
>first result is amazon page for t-shirt
>Buy Qanon/We Are Q/Red Pill/WWG1WWA/Trust The Plan/Tic Tock T Shirt

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>nooooo stop questioning our corona policies hope you die


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they are immigrants and dont want to be defamed as nazis by the media

Uh... identitarians or refugees?

Rural and Midwestern white boomers are especially susceptible to this stuff; that's also where you'll find the strongest concentrations of people with German immigrant backgrounds.

That's kind of a weak correlation to draw of course but it's worth considering

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True that. Major psy-op build of the comotion of half-truths.

I guess they are from Poland oder Russia. ;ost integrate well, but some are known to be fringe right. Or they are schizos who formed some bizarre connection in their mind, because Polish and Russian governments are anti-globalist and therefore anti-covid-restriction or something along the line.


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>questioning policies is the same as having 2nd Reich flags with trump on them
the first is ok, the second is embarrassing

Warum sind Ausländern mit unsere Politiken besessen? Deutsche Politik ist mir egal.

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in germany these fringe political movements are dominated by foreigners, the main "leaders" in the public discourse about these things are a turkish chef and an indian singer. many of the supporters are russian immigrants etc.

>what is the american empire
You do realize your president just ordered some occupation soldiers away to Poland, 80 years after the war ended. We're literally you're outpost, with all major institutions founded by you and the constitution written in your orders. Americans always acting like they're isolationist when they're literally the largest empire on earth controlling all their underlings.

Every political movement in America is a cynical capitalist grift

Has any other country had someone like QAnon, a mysterious "person" who threatened to reveal the secrets of the world to everyone? Before it was Q we had Anonymous.

Interesting. I don't think this is pure coincidence. From what I know some of Germans coming to America were fringe protestant sects who wanted to go on living their way and may prefered isolated and rural surroundings. I wouldn't be surprised if these origins carried on in a penchant for sentiments like this.

Domestic American politics are global politics

>they're literally the largest empire on earth controlling all their underlings

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Baffling that a LARP shitpost by Zig Forums has become a legitimate political movement in the US with mainstream appeal. This timeline doesn't make sense.

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yeah but the second one gives me free entertainment

Actually it is for best. Germans had their shot and fucked up two times resulting in millions dead.

I don't know what's that, but I support almost every right wing in Europe.

Why are boomers so into this Q-larp made by CIA?

Like are they actually retarded?

They're not even really right-wing, they're just retards