Why do Germans love Qanon so much?

they are immigrants and dont want to be defamed as nazis by the media

Uh... identitarians or refugees?

Rural and Midwestern white boomers are especially susceptible to this stuff; that's also where you'll find the strongest concentrations of people with German immigrant backgrounds.

That's kind of a weak correlation to draw of course but it's worth considering

Attached: 1920px-European_Ancestry_in_the_US_by_county.jpg (1920x1258, 495.63K)

True that. Major psy-op build of the comotion of half-truths.

I guess they are from Poland oder Russia. ;ost integrate well, but some are known to be fringe right. Or they are schizos who formed some bizarre connection in their mind, because Polish and Russian governments are anti-globalist and therefore anti-covid-restriction or something along the line.


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>questioning policies is the same as having 2nd Reich flags with trump on them
the first is ok, the second is embarrassing

Warum sind Ausländern mit unsere Politiken besessen? Deutsche Politik ist mir egal.

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in germany these fringe political movements are dominated by foreigners, the main "leaders" in the public discourse about these things are a turkish chef and an indian singer. many of the supporters are russian immigrants etc.