Rogue Server

I'm sure this is already a thing and there is a specific word for it but I'm not tech savvy so I don't know it. So here's the plan:

I'm at a client on a regulary basis. One of the offices I'm in when I'm there has some kinda hidden crawlspace that was created during recent renovations. Inside this this are power outlets (working) and network outlet (not working). They have a guest wifi and I know the password. I guess some inbound ports must be usable because people presenting some systems and stuff. My idea is now to setup a tiny server there that can host an imageboard. not for CP you hentai!
Is this a thing? Are there any others who have hidden servers? Are there any super tiny servers that don't make any noise? How do I hide it so it doesn't show up on any router? Any tipps?

Attached: 7846533l.jpg (400x480, 85.31K)

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Use a raspberry pi and name it something like "VERY_IMPORTANT"

they will find it anyway. and bust your ass.

don't do it, op.
Randal Schwartz was legally a felon for a while for the software version of what you're proposing. Wikipedia vaguely mentions that he 'cracked passwords'; I remember the problem as him setting a server up for remote access, and then accessing it remotely, while still doing the work Intel hired him for

I just want to stay anonymous, mooch off others people electricity and internet and have the server not found easily by the gubbermint
How about public places with free wifi like airports etc.?

As long as you avoid cameras and never return to remove it you are safe. For all they know their weeb intern installed it.

mooching off public places is a lot less likely to get you labelled a felon. There the big problem is avoiding confiscation, and still providing any kind of service while dealing with 'login pages' and firewalls.
If your device is drawing power from someone else's power socket, it's likely to be found. You could bury a rPI outside a Starbucks, with a week's worth of battery, after getting a headless browser capable of clicking through the login page.
If that works, you could add some more middlemen by getting people on Craigslist et al. to accept your packages and bury them near their Starbucks for you. Other kinds of risks, there. Actually, at this point you're getting close to a product for a personal VPN, which people might want to use in their own workplaces. If that product has a big warning like "ALSO ALLOWS ME, THE SELLER, SOME FUNCTIONALITY" and "DON'T USE WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM IT", then your lawyer will at least be able to make a few reasonable arguments before you get railroaded and sent to Office Space prison.

If speed is not a main requirement, could you make a server out of one or several hijacked IoT devices? Bonus obscurity if they're used to host an onion website.

yes this is a thing. do it faggot

If you're legally a felon, presumably they can't do anything to you. It's being illegally a felon I'd be worried about.

None of the starbucks around here have anywhere to bury anything. A better option would be to airdrop it on top of the building with a drone.

The issue is you can't guard it so it will most likely be stolen.

fuck off and come back when you are.

Ofc I'd chalk up the server as a loss. That's why it should be dirt cheap or so small that it can't be found. After doing some research I found this:

This was 20 years ago. Today there exist stuff like in pic #2 which costs $15. I guess it's not powerful enough to host an imageboard but in 3-5 years maybe it is. Couldn't we build our own rogue tor network with many of such things hidden everywhere. The way things look today all web connections will be monitored, controlled, logged and analyzed.

forgot pics

Attached: Linux-Mini-PC.jpg (575x431 56.2 KB, 23.7K)

There is stuff like this designed for IoT:
The small board has everything needed, if you just want wifi networking. The only cable needed is micro USB power source.

how about anywhere _except_ an airport

put it inside the building foundation spliced through a wire while it's under construction (come at night, most sites have noone around). tfw had opportunity to do this and then months later they put a bank branch up at the location. batteries or solar are possible ideas too
...or use a ladder...

we could

imgboard doesnt take much to host. what can you get for $15 now? probably GHz and GBs of RAM. you could ditribute traffic to multiple of these hidden servers

That's all.



What is that pic in the OP from?

That looks very interesting. With that size you could build something that gets the electricity from let's say a light socket. Ofc you'd have to pick a bulb that doesn't generate much heat. LED or other cold light. Go to toilet in some public building or business switch out the bulb / tube with a prepped version. Doesn't sound that difficult.

Airport security is overrated. Especially for the area before the security check.
Hiding it directly in the building would be cool ofc but how do you setup the wifi.

Yep, doesn't sound that there is so much to it.

Sadly no anime. Just a cute elf rogue from deviantart

Also just got the idea that you could build the server into one of thoe 3 plug extension cables. Just need to pick one that's always plugged in.

Attached: b22.png (491x359, 88.71K)

I'm interested in this now, let us know if this goes anywhere

aren't those usually bare high-volt bus lines or whatever
and people definitely won't notice a box hanging on wires at the site


is it a thing that Microcenter tracks?

even SMT components are tracked by serial numbers, codes, special symbols and even blockchain ledgers due to hardware fraud from insect chinamen. this also results in the ability to track down individual SBCs, provided the effort is put in. manufacturers all throughout the supply chain have labelled the specific number and revision of all components and subcomponents
if you bring attention to yourself and appear to do nasty things, you could be caught easily

Just find a dead website and breach the cpanel then install your botnet server. You could even set an intrusion detection in it in case someone finds out about your botnet.
Your problem would be finding a power source for that server of yours.

For wifi you could just buy a directional antenna and mooch off of their wifi from afar.
Electricity is kinda tricky, there are plenty of 'outdoor' power outlets in public but most of them can only be used for power drilling etc. and are not suited for electronic devices.

I think there was a thread here before about this. Another user designed a drone disguised as a plant pot. It was pretty clever. You could even use solar power for it to recharge when you land it on top of a small building.
You should worry more about how you would fuck it up then proceed to mitigate the weaknesses of your plans. Plan B or btfo.

Manufacturers have the list of which serial number ranges go to every official distributor for warranty/replacement purposes. The manufacturers always have such list which also contains info about the location where they're released to so it's pretty easy to pinpoint you.
This is why they always ask for your actual address on the receipt.
Don't underestimate logistics. Even a mere can of sardine can be quickly tracked by factories in case of recalls.

If you're doing hackershit make sure you buy far away from your location in/under:
Make sure it won't require you to give away ID
Online shops with "cash on delivery" exist only to very few countries. If possible, you could receive your package at a 7-Eleven store assuming you covered up your identity online. Your only problem is if their policy requires them to take a photo of recipient as proof.

Attached: anon.jpg (917x942, 385.66K)

Wouldn't you need access to the gateway to make it public? Or is that not the case if it's a hidden service?

I like this idea, but I think you'd want to "target" a place like McDonald's or other public spot, where you could hide a tiny server, and make a auto reconnect / mac spoof to reconnect to the internet, once your 30 minutes of free access dies. That way, you could place a hidden server, in a public location, without fear of anything being on your home network. Wipe fingerprints, etc and hide it inside a a bathroom tile, or someplace where you could feed it power. Just an idea. Anything to distance yourself from the server and your internet connection, id, etc. That way, if crap went truly south, there's nothing to point back to you.

Hidden services have built in NAT punching.
Highly suggest watching Dingledine's recent talk where he goes over new features with HSv3 onions.

Cool user, thanks for link.

Some suggestions:
Of course, you'll have to find a way to deal with the IP address changing occasionally if you want to manage the server itself. I'm assuming there's already such a solution available, however.
not exactly what you are looking for but you might be interested in this

It's nice, and certainly saves the headache of setting up a SBC as a WiFi hotspot with filesharing and web servers- but I believe OP is looking for the device to be accessible outside of the location where it's planted. I think I'll certainly check that out though, and likely return with my findings and opinions on its operation. I suppose I should investigate potential software solutions to op's problem as well.

I think the only interesting thing to do is to set-up tor exit nodes on old phones and leaving them on public wifis, perhaps if you can get them in bulk or for free.

Huh, turns out piratebox is something out of my reach due to not having the right router.

Watch out for public or hidden cameras.
If I were you though I would clone the AP then you get the drift.

you can also build it with RPi
when you get bored with piratebox you can build something else with it
also - fuck captcha

That's fucking retarded

We need middlemen for the middlemen

I suppose I could try that. I have to wonder if OP made any progress on the rogue server idea however.

If the IP changes then your only bet is to have the SBC send you email or make a cryptic post on an imageboard (more anonymous but not as easy for a multitude of reasons.)

A good idea until they find it, then it's a bad idea.

Don't be stupid. You were hired to work not waste office resources. Keep your hobby projects at home before you get prosecuted for "hacking".

OP here. Did some more research on the topic and came across an interesting tip. A guy who travels alot said that bringing a router along often gives him free and fast internet in hotels. He doesn't use the hotels wifi but instead the network of the TVs which he claims often use the same net infrastructure but without the traffic shaping or bandwidth restrictions. Anyone can confirm that this is working? Would ofc be ideal for my plan.