How to protect my ears of an acoustic attack?

The US withdrew more than half of its Havana diplomats last year and expelled 15 Cubans after 24 embassy staff and family reported a bizarre list of symptoms, ranging from headaches, dizziness and difficulties in sleeping, to problems with concentration, balance, vision and hearing. Many said their symptoms developed after they heard strange noises, described as cicada-like chirps, grinding, or the buffeting caused by an open window in the car.

The accounts led Washington to claim the diplomats had been victims of “”, though an FBI investigation found no evidence that sonic weapons were involved. Physicists have voiced doubts that such weapons were even feasible.


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Those people had brain damage. I don't think ear protection is going to work.

This, the SPL was apparently so high that it went right through the body and organs.

I would say the best thing to do is to get yourself a sound pressure level meter that is sensitive up to the ultrasonic range, and a gun. If you detect people attacking you with ultrasound, just shoot them. Law enforcement will laugh at you anyway.

Zersetzung is best dealt with vigilante-style. You don't even need to identify the exact perp, just somebody in his organization, or even family.

They were exposed to microwave weapons, not an "acoustic attack". Aluminium foil can quite successfully be used to reduce microwave exposure, but probably not at the frequency such weapons would broadcast at, although I don't know what frequency they use.

Nah it was ultrasound you dumbshit, the report is out and everything.

Just remember, people are armed and looking for shills, gaslighters, and so on. And their families!

You're the fucking shill nigger.

You're the fucking CIA nigger piece of shit glow in the dark pedo kiketard, trying to derail this event and stop people from realizing that EMFs can be used as weapons. Fuck you.

Of course EMFs can be used as weapons but in this case it was ultrasound.

Why are you so angry about this? It seems like you don't want to acknowledge this at all. Fortunately ultrasound is easy to detect with a cheap SPL meter, and targeted individuals can then deal violently with their gaslighters as law enforcement won't help.

Vigilantism is going to be coming back big and it's a good thing.

prove it was ultrasound and not with some bullshit made up theoretical report with no evidence

Prove you read about the attack first. It was determined to be ultrasound by the experts and was thought to have been ultrasound since it was discovered.

The report stating it was ultrasound is better evidence than your shitty screed, gaslighter. Just remember, people are hunting for you guys now. It's serious.

fucking brain cuckold

I think it was EMF too, grape in the microwave kind of thing. Resonance

I should answer your question OP. Your ears have nothing to do with the effectiveness of high power ultrasonic. I've stung myself messing with those ultrasonic crystals and felt it with my finger while hearing nothing. The main reason ultrasonic sucks is air, in water it can travel a long ways but in air 30-40ft would require a incredible emmiter. And 99% of that energy would be lost, it diffuses like ripples in a pond, there is no way to make a beam like with radio waves, well not anything that is a tight "beam". If you want to protect yourself fiberglass insulation will stop the waves in the air because it is basically sound. Just sound. Egg crates would probably be great too. Ultrasonic is sound and doesn't even travel as well as sound we can hear.


5G towers could be used as microwave weapons but 5G itself isn't that, regular 5G transmission is on a lower frequency

Russian shills confirmed.

IIRC the weapons exploit the Microwave Auditory Effect, so rather than being caused by acoustic waves, modulated microwaves are causing your inner ear to resonate.

The answer is literally tinfoil.

You have to go back, Hillary.

Can you not read?

it probably (probably) wasn't a weapon but eavesdropping tech with an unknown side effect.

imagine rhe amount of power would be needed. its alot easier, quicker, more efficient, and easier to hide to kill you more convential ways for no ones like us like guns and poison. they wouldnt even target us anyways.

Law enforcement won't laugh if you shoot someone and they find out.

You know these people aren't dead, right? They're just going deaf and having painful migraines. The US government has been known to use loud music in psyops. I'm sure this was just commie payback.

It's kinda funny when you're not the guy it's happening to.

Infrasound would vibrate most of the stuff in the vicinity with the same frequency so you get the earthquake or shaking effect and would notice it happening while Ultrasound would be inaudible plus it would also be depleted by the background the time it reaches your ears unless the equipment was beamed directly to you at a really wide depth. Imagine a large man or a huge concert speaker beaming sound to a small flimsy glass. It would resonate and react or even break although Infrasound also does that at a larger scale (plates) and they use it for major and silent terror attacks in the guise of natural disasters like generating an artificial tsunami on Fukushima Japan or the typhoon Haiyan which is a mix of microwaving powdertrails of metal to generate artificial low-pressure zone causing storm though the outcome wasn't supposed to hit Philippines which supplies most of the Trilateral Commission's major supplier of food (feeding both the West and Europe, even most of China. they f'd up so the entire commission had to bring aid to the only major food source of the world or global hunger will be imminent out of a f'ing accident), it was supposed to hit and devastate Japan and guess why? The answer is Satoshi - the last resistance to world control or maybe not if [Q] wasn't fooling around with riddles and games.

last edit: Gonna end my post now. I just had heard a sudden weird deranged sound on my left ear which didn't happen before.

I'm not sure what the chirps are exactly but I'd like to know more if someone could explain it.

5G is already rolled out. They're not announcing it but I noticed a huge difference very recently. The nature of 5G is to reach even the unreached areas from GSM up to WiMax and LTE so it's definitely at the danger zone throughput even with a high noise ratio. It works but it is being weaponized. Imagine how many scientists opposed the plan, now dead.

if 5g was already rolled out we would know about it because they need a tower about every 100 meters

Take your meds.