Projects switching away from Python

Anyone have any more examples of projects moving from Python to something else? I, for one, and very happy to see more people realizing that this overgrown toy language has few merits in the face of other languages.

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C is a terrible language too.

C is fucking great for software that interacts with hardware

kill yourself.

sudo apt-get remove rust* libstd-rust* cargo*

sudo apt-get remove snapd* libsnapd*


Then you've clearly never done it, because pretty much every language does this equally as well

Like every other language ever, it's been forced into places where it doesn't belong. While it doesn't belong as an embedded language or in dynamic website serving, it's more than adequate as an intermediate step between shellscripts and native applications, especially when it comes to data conversion, scraping and some types of automation.
python2 was always slow and now python3 takes three weeks to start up just to say 'hello world', and although that doesn't matter shitlord make everything a server and run it all the time instead, apparently it matters for build systems.

Basically perl5 without the whimsy.

There's always Ruby if you want whim.

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but I like using RPG Maker.

Why not Lua? She's pretty and can run fast!



Does Eric Raymond actually think Python and Go are competing in the same space?

There's overlaps, but not overlaps that would exist in a sane world. Remember Django, Tornado and all the other web frameworks?

But ruby is pretty /comfy/

Ruby is for soyboys and your success as a Ruby programmer is directry proportional to the percentage of a 9" penis you can fit in your mouth at once.

Python is only really good enough for prototyping, you really *should* rewrite it in something else when it's out of the "dicking around" phase.

Are you still salty about Matz not sucking your tranny dick, Coraline?

You only think that because you're a brainlet

What is the Zig Forums approved alternative to Python? Ruby is bloated, perl is a fucking mess. Awk, Sed, TCL aren't the nicest. PHP is pure shit. Javascript is for homosexuals. Bash is for niggers.

That leaves us with LUA or Racket. Solved.


That's like saying you want an alternative to cheddar but you hate all other cheeses

It totally depends on the task at hand.

Well the context is scripting languages, which should really be for glue, embedding or quick and dirty stuff. Guile is more appropriate for some of that compared to heavyweight Racket, but the creator is a bigger fag than anyone involved in Rust.

Andy Wingo did not create Guile, he is just the current maintainer. Guile does not have a package manager, so installing and updating libraries is a bitch.

Lua (stop capitalizing it, it's not an acronym) is created by a Jew and Racket has a tranny in its team.

So was Lisp.

Lang whiners always amuse me, because they not only have the cow already... but in current year rampant ebook piracy has proliferated cheesemaking instructions. I've been able to find near everything referenced in gcc for example.

Python is great for scripting if you want more control and advanced tinkering than bash, and it's good for prototyping, but I'd suggest rewriting your code with something else. Rust, C, Go, Crystal or something else.

Better yet, get comfortable enough of those other languages so you don't have to fuck with Python in the first place.

I've got a Python script that annoys the shit out of me with its cold start. I'm rewriting it in Bash.

the more lua you write the more you hate it

perl is the wizards choice

Attached: perl-scripts-done.jpg (600x425, 27.21K)

Yuck. Who is the Racket tranny!?? This shit is really getting annoying.

With Lua and Racket down, is anything sacred?

Leif Andersen (or it might be a really ugly woman with a male first name):

McCarthy was technically only half-Jew. I'm joking anyway, I don't know if Ierusalimschy is an actual Jew or if his name was just carried down so many generations that he wouldn't be considered Jewish even by Nürnberg standards. He studied and works at a Catholic university, so who knows.

If you are looking for a scripting language, then I guess not. The soy has been spreading at alarming rate through IT.

Tranny confirmed. I actually don't know what it exactly is, but I don't care. It is mentally ill and shouldn't be anywhere near a serious project.

There was a morman guy Jay, involved with Racket, and always did good work. Shame that he's not involved on the team anymore, and the freak is. Also strange Matthias Felleisen isn't listed, maybe this list isn't complete? Eli is definitely chosen, even served in the IDF if I recall. Very smart though, and had (or still does) a very interesting blog. I'm not so concerned that Jews are involved in projects because they tend to earn their way through merit. Trannies on the other hand are obviously mentally ill and prone to flipping out and creating all sorts of unnecessary drama. Even a plain old vanilla fag can usually be trusted to keep his degeneracy in check when it comes to project work.

Attached: confirmed.png (608x754 156.19 KB, 246.13K)

I might look into perl, I know many languages, but have always ignored it. Is it relatively free from degeneracy? Since it is no longer in vogue, can I assume it is soy free? Or maybe I'll just revisit Ruby after ignoring it for 10 years.

just don't go any conferences and you'll be alright.

I'll just pretend he's giving advice to be more like Zig Forums.

After seeing this though, I'm tempted to run back to Ruby. Didn't Matsumoto resist the CoC?

matz picked a CoC that trannies didn't like.
try Nim. It resisted CoCs more explicitly, and it's about as easy to start using a scripting language, but it's more powerful and way more performant.

Nim looks like a very nice python killer, I'm impressed.

Well, thanks for going down that rabbit hole in my stead. There is this one woman, I know her since childhood, so I know she is a woman, who is ugly like a tranny (her mother is pretty ugly as well), so I am inclined to at least not assume the worst at first, but the name is a dead giveaway.

look at the second screenshot where he calls himself trans genderfluid. So what the fuck is he? He's a tranny who fell for the propaganda, but deep down he knows it's wrong. But he is so deep in, he either has to go with the program (third screenshot) or kill himself when he recognizes the truth.

Probably. Felleisen is the tranny's advisor at his university, so there is definitely a connection.

If by "merit" you mean "collusion", then you're right. Jews might not be as batshit insane as trannies, but mental problems run through their blood from generations of inbreeding. That which makes them so smart also makes them very unstable.

I'm restricting this to the specific instance of open source work which stands on its own, not appointments to high positions merely because of tribal affiliation. They sure as hell are unstable though.

Nim seems to be holding strong, but the enemy was at the gates, and someday it will return. You can watch the creep madmalik in action on the forums as it tries to ram a pozed CoC into the project.

Should embrace it and get involved in the community, to keep it based and redpilled.

How exactly does a trans gendered contributor make any difference to you? What does that change which negatively affects you? What's next? Demand that the language designers all have blond hair and blue eyes? Slippery slope.

A project allowing trannies into its community is usually a sign of deeper issues than just a solitary nutcase being allowed to write code

Try taking issue with anything the tranny freak does, and you'll soon find out why others see tranny inclusion as big red flag. Notice how vocal the tranny is on twitter, it doesn't just mutilate itself and then shut up, it's a 24/7 activism campaign that absolutely will bleed into the operations of the project. Do you really disagree with the tranny code changes, or is it their sex change? Your existing racket code will work fine, but I will forecast chaos ahead.

So your concern is a matter of slippery slopes, it's a theoretical concern that might possibly happen in the future.

Yes, I want the mentally diseased to be kept as far away as possible from anything I use to earn a living

nope. Get yourself a 'fediverse' account and see how they act. It took me less than a day to get some tranny go did you just fucking call me a 'he' at me, and get me kicked off my instance for hate speech. I didn't even call the thing a 'he'; it misunderstood what I was saying.
trannies flipping their shit and ruining the party is a 'theoretical concern' like antifa kicking over a trash can or starting violence. If antifa's around, it's no longer theoretical. That trash can is already rolling down the road.

I don't know what kind of living you make where the mere existence of a single transgender person is all it takes to threaten your living. It must suck to live in your fragile world.

>heh, you're fragile

I don't know what universe you are living in where you think people with gender dysphoria should be taken seriously.

I have no idea what this message is supposed to represent.

If they're not to be taken seriously, then there's no problem when you stop taking them seriously. There should be no problem when they're code contributors to whatever coding project.

lol, imagine being you

what it represents, is fuck off with calling people "fragile" when the subject is transgenderism. You're not going succeed at shaming me or making me feel less masculine when we're talking about such pathetic, broken, emasculated, suicidal people.
Which is a bunch of words that makes them sound harmless, but the transpersyn that drinks bleach still spends the last years of xir life desperately engaging in malicious encouragement. A man might die with a kill count: these are the people I killed during my life. Transpeople also die with a kill count: these are the depressed effeminate males that I lured into my suicide cult. They weren't too fragile to listen to me :)

This is the real problem. Trannies are on a constant downwards spiral, and they can and will drag everything around them down with themselves on their way down. Why you would ever let one of these "people" get involved in something you care about is beyond me. I guess the peer-pressure in silicon valley supersedes common-sense

My issue is that if the project heads are taking them seriously, then I question their judgement. Trannies deny the very reality surrounding them, how can I trust them to be completely sane and normal in every other aspect related to their work on the project? "It's not a bug. I don't feel like it's a bug. Everyone that disagrees is committing a hate crime against me. I am a blue purple dragon that codes without making mistakes. You are the problem."

Kys rick

Shoo shoo tranny, we don't want you here. Why not go to any of the other thousand places where your ilk is welcomed. Might I suggest Pozdit or WebHackerNews.

Here's how I see it.

Transgender = ok.

Transgender SJW Feminist = triple pozz

yo what is blue purple dragon? is that your impression of a transgender person? dude, transgender isn't furry. are you new to the interwebs or something? furries do the spirit animal dragon bullshit. trannies are just cute dudes that dress like women.
fuckin' traps ya know?

If trannies are ok then where does the "triple" in "trans sjw feminist" come from? Either stop lying to yourself or call it double pozz.

I chose my word carefully.

"Ok" is not "good". It's not "great".
It's just ok.

Just like how sometimes you gotta deal with an asshole like Linus Torvalds, or a "philosopher" like RMS, or a nutjob like Terry Davis, you gotta deal with a tranny, like that fag who invented the concept of the redpill in The Matrix movie.

So yeah, it's single poz. I'm not gonna deny that. I'm just sayin' that there's probably more to a person than just the fact that it's a dude in a skirt. I just try to focus on the technology, while vehemently pushing back CoC bullshit. The moment I get banned for this post, where I say "single poz" and "fag" and "tranny," that's when they go too far.

They can work with me, but I'm sure as fuck not going to bow to their retarded demands. Free software is great just like free speech is. Fuck yeah freedom.

Oh, and furthermore, the SJW feminist stuff is WAY worse than just some "normal" tranny. I grew up in the 80's, so I got the worst of it, but I won't deny that I've seen some cute traps on 4chan way back in the day. 4chan's /g/ board in the early 2000's had a LOT of trannies, and they sure as fuck weren't SJWs back then.

But that's just my personal thoughts. It's different these days. SJWs permeate the internet and infest it with just absolute degeneracy. Not just the fetishy kind that can be lighthearted and fun, but straight up oppression and strangulation if you don't agree with them. Like it's some sort of fucking crusade or something.

I can get behind a boring tranny who just wants to be a cutie, but SJW stuff goes too far. Anyone who plays the SJW game is going way too far. But again, I'm older, and from a different time, when internet trannies just wanted to be cute and be a girl that nerds like me could adore, seeing as females didn't exist on the internet, especially on tech boards.

If trannies these days are purely SJW feminist cunts, then I guess things have changed. and it fucking sucks.

Nim considers itself a system programming language rather than a scripting language. There is also no REPL, which is a really neat feature for scripting languages where you just want to throw something quickly together.

Programming is an engineering field first and foremost, the name "Computer Science" is a really poor name. In order to be a good engineer you need a strong grasp of reality, being able to take criticism, putting your emotions aside and put up with the cold emotionless state of the underlying laws of nature. The machine does not care what you think, physics, chemistry, biology, none of them will have any tolerance for failure. This is true for all engineering and crafting fields, from the mechanical engineer to a carpenter or plumber. Not everyone is cut for this kind of work.

Now tell me: does someone who has convinced himself that the wound between his legs that his body is desperately trying to close is a real vagina fit this description? I have the utmost respect for people who have the transsexuality condition but resist it, they have a strong will. But anyone who is willing to put himself under the knife and throw away his perfectly healthy body is way off the rocker. But this is not where it ends, he will not be content with it, he will scream and foam at the mouth if you don't consider him a pretty girl. Look at a tranny the wrong way and you are literally Hitler. Say the wrong thing (it does not even have to be about his sex) and he will flip the fuck out. He will drag everything down with him in a spiral of madness. You criticize his coding style and he will take it as a personal attack.

Just look at what happened with Libreboot: the FSF fired some tranny for whatever reason and the maintainer of Libreboot instantly jumped to the conclusion that it was because he was a tranny. Because paying someone a stable wage for years on end, only to fire them out of the blue is such a brilliant plan, right? So the Libreboot tranny completely tanked to project and cut all ties with the FSF.

Shiiiit, I didn't know this was gonna be such a debate on tranny stuff. Listen, I just like the idea of a cute girl with a little surprise down there.

If they actually cut it off, it's kinda wacko. But I'm not some social justice nutjob, so I don't really care any more than that. I get it, they're deranged. But everyone has their quirks and flaws and strengths and stuff. I'm just trying to keep the peace, seeing as I don't exactly want to be hunted down by the SJWs if they win, nor do I want to be deathsquaded by the natsocs if they win. I just wanna do my coding, finish my casemod, and plot world domination with my cat. These stupid sexuality idpol things are way too boring to talk about for this long.

Go back to whatever shithole you came from, this french cuisine guildhouse isn't for niggers.

Traps are gay.

The difference is whether you allow your quirks and flaws to control your life. Replace tranny with furry, glutton, alcoholic, stoner or any other types of degeneracy.

Haha, so random, have an upboat my fellow redditor. wubalubadubdub

You speak of change but understand they themselves have not changed at all, nor have their desires or ethics. They were afforded an audience and thus the means of committing will to reality. Thus was the change. Behold! for you now bear witness to the true expression of their broken minds. Behold! for we all are cursed in a way once reserved for their immediate surroundings. Let not this curse throw a veil over your eyes and do well to remember, brother, that traps are gay.

Python is just for screwing around or for babbys frist codez. It was overused in many places it didn't need to be used. In actuality it should have been relegated to spend its existence as a bash script replacement. Same as perl5. Perl5's biggest downfall of course was the naming of Perl6. It would still be more prevalent if they had just used a different name.
Now neither Perl of Python is commonly used as what it's intended to be -- a bash replacement -- even though perl5.something and python 2.7 is installed on most every linux system by default.

As for Go and Python intersection, when I first started looking at Go it reminded me of Python quite a bit except a lot of the things I hated about Python had been dealt with.

No arrays should be indexed by 1. Ever.

It's good for writing keyloggers and malware and that's about it. that's literally all i've ever written in C. For everything else i use python3. python is a great language it's just that people are too lazy to update their code to python3 so that creates a lot of mess and confusion. The only thing python really needs is C style curly braces so we don't have to deal with those annoying white space errors.


Looks like there's some Nim REPLs on github.

You disgust me.

Attached: Screen-Shot-2016-04-06-at-11.56.02-AM.sized-770x415xc.png (770x415, 142.52K)

He's only an asshole when people suggest stupid things, like your post which states trannies are "ok". No, they're far from OK. They are mentally ill people being indulged by a society that wants to use them as a kludge against social norms.

You're a homosexual.

Kill yourself.

Since many things exhibit a natural correspondence with the Naturals / {0}, it's sometimes welcomed. Languages like Ada and VHDL go the extra step and allow you to specify the index type, which then uses the intrinsic (low/high) bounds of the type, so you could start your array from 5 if you "felt" like it.

Shit "programmers" like you are the reason modern applications are so bloated.

What a faggot this guy is.

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;procedure Faggotry is type Gay_Things is (Python, Rust, OP, Being_Really_Gay, Cocksucking, Traps); type Gay_Counter is array(Gay_Things) of Natural; Observation_Record : Gay_Counter := (Python => 84, OP => 1, others => 0);begin Put_Line ("Python: " & Natural'Image (Observation_Record (Python))); Put_Line ("OP: " & Natural'Image (Observation_Record (OP)));end Faggotry;No arrays should ever be indexed by Python. Ever.

There shouldn't have been a reason to "update" from 2 to 3. Python3 is a fiasco. They could have been smart and decided not to fractionalize the language. No, they wanted to create two separate but similar languages for some stupid reason.
And why spend the time converting Python2 code to Python3 now that projects are just starting to be forces to abandon Python2? If you're going to port to another language you're better off picking a decent one this time now that you have your proof-of-concept implementation fleshed out.

Typical nerd just wants to be loved, he's basically implying that if Mozilla showered him with cash, he'd suck a CoC down in a heartbeat.

Now that you're using Ada, do you ever want to use C++ again?

well, the C++ equivalent of the last line of my code is just "}"
that doesn't have the same ring to it.

Good point.

The traps you saw on 4/b/ were supposed to disgust you, even more so than gore. They weren't for you to get excited about, they were put their for shock value. The fact that they revealed your inner faggot freak nature is more of a troll than the poster intended.

Traps are not meant to invoke the same feeling as gore. Stop repressing your homosexuality, faggot

Attached: nigga-you-gay.png (720x540, 649.86K)

They are once you realize there's a dick. That's the core of the joke.

This thread is funny.
Alan Turing was a homosexual

Dennis Ritchie and Rob Pike used to "hangout" a lot.

Python is meant to be replaced for anything above advanced shell scripting. For a trickle to start in its actual field of application, more Linux distros should just bundle Ruby alongside it, but I doubt it'll happen.

And if he had kept his gay shit private, he would've lived and could've had a chance to leave even more of a legacy.

But he did keep his fetish secret, someone found out, and society neutered him: as if homosexuality was genetic.

Who knew inventing the first computer to save your country from war could be tarnished by a sexual orientation.

neutering probably also discouraged him from molesting children, the actual way that homosexuality spreads

You didn't read history...
He fucked military men, colleagues, not children.
None molested him, he grew up fine as an English boy.

man, I remember when I laughed about how stupid tribesmen must be, who weren't real sure about how babies kept showing up. And if one girl says she didn't have sex at all -- oh, I guess that happens, cool.