Vision Tech

How can I improve my eyesight?
*How can I improve my eyesight without using common methods? are there any technologies I can use to improve my distance vision?

Attached: eye eye capn.jpeg (251x201, 8.17K)

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go on...

alright so its like LASIC 2.0 slightly better boogaloo
Is there anything that I can do on my own to make my vision better?

You can't, inferior genes should be eliminated, kys before you taint the genepool.

the future is nano, faggot

The majority of malformed eyeball development is due to exposure environment and (poor) nutrition.

CRISPR yourself better DNA. Or KYS and respawn with master race blue eyes.

You can use the refractive index of transparent materials to focus the light so everything is clear to you.

Just wait 'til we finally abandon “muh electrical circuits” and move on to the microbiology.
The computer of the future is the one that you have to feed and clean up its shit after.

You can train the muscles inside your eyes to contract and relax on command. Just close one eye with a hand, and hold a pen in front of the other. Now with your open eye: focus on the pen, then immediately focus on a distance. Keep switching between the two until you've detected the circuits responsible for focus and have gained manual control over them. It's as easy as moving your noseflaps or wiggling your ears.

The difficult part comes when you try to focus both eyes at the same time, just take the pen again and now work on it with both eyes until you master it.

Genes for myopia are pleiotropic for higher non-verbal IQ.

Use the Bates method to cure your eyesight.
Optician's sekret knowledge.
Eyes are naturally the right shape, the surrounding tissue and muscle pulls them out of alignment making the eye shape less than spherical, and giving poor vision. Re train the eye muscles to pull on the eye to get the shape back to spherical and you've cured your vision.
This is why wearing glasses makes eyes worse, as it tends to cause the muscles to do more of what they were doing wrong in the first place.

Wait for electrowetting displays to come out and stop looking at the screen without taking breaks once in a while to look at farther distances and thus prevent your vision from getting even worse.
this goes for me as well, fucking vision worsens by the year

One of my eyes is more myopic than the other, resulting in amblyopia that wasn't treated when I was a child. Studies suggest there's still enough neural plasticity in adults to achieve better vision with treatment, but how do I go about doing that?
Should I just occlude the 'good eye' with a piece of paper in my glasses?

It depends what's wrong with your eye. If you're Myopic (near sighted) your eyeball is elongated and you need to change your behavior to reduce accommodation ( ). Basically anything you focus on up close (computer screens, phones, books, cooking, tv, literally anything) will cause accommodation and prolonged periods can lead to a persistent elongated shape (imagine squeezing a basketball with a belt over time until the ball retains the shape even when the belt is removed). You'll never see any officially published studies on this, but just read what accommodation actually is, read about what eye strain is, and look at what used to be common knowledge for previous generations ("You'll go blind sitting so close to the TV!"). The increase in incidence rate is supposedly "genetic" but only seems to occur within a certain generation for an entire society. It's all about behavior. Increase of time spent indoors. People living in cities where the farthest they can see is across the street. People spending more time watching tv, reading, or using phones. The ideal is to never spend more than 15 to 20 minutes at a time focusing on anything up close that causes accommodation or alternate to looking at things farther away (the farther the better). This is why vision is always best in the morning when you first wake up and worsens over the day for nearly everybody (most won't notice it though). If you have myopia you can reverse it over time by reducing or eliminating accommodation from your behavior, but it always takes longer to revert than the time caused to damage. If you spend 5 years with avid reading, computer time, handheld consoles etc it'll take you 5 years or more without. Negative or Minus ( - ) corrective lenses (prescribed for nearsightedness) alter the light entering your eyes to make things farther away appear closer but also cause additional accommodation that can exacerbate the problem if you don't change your behavior and continue to look at things up close with them. The ideal is to have anything you focus on be just at the border of being out of focus. If you have it closer so the focus is a lot sharper, it can increase the accommodation causing more damage. A lot of people think just reducing prescription strength can work, and it can be a useful tool, but if done improperly will lead to more accommodation than the stronger prescription and cause more damage (this is the result of the only study that's been done, that an "incorrect" prescription damages your eyes when it's all behavior which is harder to control and change). One useful tool is to utilize reading glasses or plus lenses ( + ) for anything involving near work. This changes the light to make things appear farther away than they really are, so anything up close will appear more blurry. If you can keep whatever near work just at the boundary of being barely readable/blurry, it can benefit your eyes over time. They also reduce overall strain (VR headsets for example use very high power plus lenses to make the tiny screens inches from your face appear farther away for example). You can typically buy reading glasses at any store for cheap. Be warned though that using cheap glass can cause your eyes to get used to artifacts in the glass causing artifacts in vision or other odd distortions if there are distortions in the glass and they're used for prolonged amounts of time.

If you're far sighted, you have an opposite problem. Your eyeball is not elongated but instead either squished in OR your lenses are stiffening. Most babies are born with their eyes squished more and elongate in the first years of life to a more "correct" vision. Also older people experience their eye lenses "stiffening" from UV light, age, poor nutrition, poor behavior, and other factors. The stiffening alters the light cumming in making it hard for them to see anything up close without the aid of reading glasses. This can be fixed somewhat but stiffening usually permanent. One benefit of stiffening is that it usually makes people who are near sighted be able to see farther away when it happens but they lose their near vision.

Stop jacking off.

I never tried them but there are some lenses that you wear when you sleep that reshape your eyeballs so you can see without lenses during the day (the vision getting worse at the end of course).

LASIC just changes the lens shape of your eye by removing cells. It does nothing to alter behavior and if your behavior is conclusive to elongation, it will continue and your vision will continue to deteriorate. Usually there's a point where it "stops" because continuing the bad behavior causes strain making the person stop but not always. It's a fast method though.

While some rare genetic conditions do exist, it's almost never genetic for the majority of the population and always environment and behavior induced.

The problem with looking up close is excessive accommodation which leads to excessive elongation which leads to your retina detaching.


If you're myopic (near sighted) this does NOT help and can actually worsen your condition due to excessive accommodation. If you're older and have lens stiffening causing loss of near vision, this can help regain some near vision but you'll also sacrifice some of your distance vision.

If you want exercises you should practice exercises that work out all eye muscles EXCEPT for the ciliary muscle ( ) the main one responsible for accommodation. Try squeezing your eyelids closed without scrunching up any of your face muscles for example. This also puts minor pressure on your eyes, pushing the elongation back slightly. Also with eyes closed, you can look to your extreme left, right, up, down, diagonals, and in circles clockwise and counterclockwise.Try holding each direction for about 10 seconds. It's also good if you can sort of "wiggle" the eye between directions a bit on the outer edge.

Bates method lacks a lot of details and causes additional accommodation for myopic patients as it only focuses on the ciliary muscle (see above). You'd be beter off just strapping high powered reading glasses on 24/7 if you're myopic but then you can't see, at all which reduces quality of life and can lead to vision artifacts from lens imperfections. However it can correct elongation overtime. Proper behavior changes and training for everyday life mitigate those issues.

There is. It's difficult when the eyes are different though as usually your dominant eye will take over and worsen. Try the exercises above or find reading glasses that you can wear that if you use only the "worse" eye, looking at a book or your phone or whatever you do regularly up close is almost too blurry to see but you can put it just barely in focus. The strength depends how far away you want to hold it (if it's beyond arms reach, increase the strength, if you have to hold it up to your face decrease it, so people don't give you shit for looking like Mr Magoo). You never want to bring things in to focus too far though as it can cause more harm, it's better to be right at the edge and just past being focused so its a little blurry.

Yes, i don't remember the name of them off hand but the idea is a good concept but almost all implementation of it is poor. It's very expensive to have them custom made and almost always cause defects in vision, such as blurry spots, or double vision. Also almost all trials with them originally were made out of material that caused a lack of oxygen to flow to the eye causes severe medical problems. Materials now are better, but remember this only reshapes the lenses and not the entire eye ball (or not enough) so it doesn't fix the underlying issue. If there was a way to fully encase the eyeball (there isn't since it's inside your head) you could maybe properly reshape it but you need to remove pressure on the lens at the front while doing it (which is what most people focus on anyway). It's an option but its just not very practical overall.

I'm , Thank you for that info. What I said worked for me, I didn't realise it could be harmful to some.

Just be careful. When you look up close, you're mainly only exercising your cillary muscle causing accommodation and (temporary) elongation. Just remember that focusing up close literally squeezes your eye ball increasing occular pressure (pressure inside the eye) and prolonged focusing leads to eye strain (well researched/documented) and potentially "permanent" elongation.

*bump* I have this weird thing where I can see double with just one eye. No matter which eye I close, I see the normal image and floating slightly above it a faded copy of it. The second image is not blurred, it is just as sharp as the original. This is particularly noticeable when I look at light text on black background, some colorschemes are unusable for me, while something like Solarized Dark is very comfortable. Any idea what that could be?

Source? I REALLY find it hard to believe the ciliary body has sufficient contractile strength to cause enough deformation of the sclera, and thus rupture the very tight bond of the retina. Sure, you only need to damage the most anterior part of it to cause gradual damage by dissection by the vitreous, but again, I seriously doubt that is the case, and not another underlying cause.
Source your claim, please.

Informative posts. I assume you'll know the cause and solution to reverse my problem:

Also my prescription glasses (I do not wear them) say:
Are these plus or minus lenses, as you described? Could using them (correctly as you have explained) be beneficial to me?

'People's Republic of Korea

Replace your vitreous humor with an invivo grown diamond

Attached: eye training.png (1178x687, 11.73K)

Got info on this?

I had problems with my eye long ago and it's gone now.
It's like there is a significant piece of dust but there's nothing (tried washing it, eye drops and cotton). Like there is a chunk of eyelash on top of the iris and I can feel it whenever I blink. There is also no redness or any other sign of pain. It just feels like there is hair but the sensation was gone after a few months and it never happened again. Any ideas what it's called?


To see colors you use cones, to see light you use rods. If you're in the dark you can actually see better by not looking directly at what you want to see due to their position btw.

Thanks, going to give that exercise a try.

I noticed this and I thought it was because of the center of vision being poorer in the dark because it's always taking in light.

If you have non-severe myopia, you can use CRT contacts (also called "night contacts") which you wear as you sleep and have perfect vision during the day. This was the only option I liked since I do a lot of sports like rock climbing. My vision improved (myopia is often caused by inflammation) so I stopped using them, but while on them I had 15/20 (better than 20/20) vision. YMMV

I also suggest using an ultrasonic cleaner. I bought one for less than $10 online IIRC.

Attached: crt.jpg (300x199, 47.96K)

How long ago did you use them and how long did you use the lenses? Did you ever have to go back and use them again afterwards?

don't do laser, it's not coming back and there's no other solution after.

contacts if you got myopia.

use sunglasses when outside under the sun.
don't stare at high brightness screens. (laptop, tv, pc...)
NO CCFL in your home. prefer led or halogen at worst; CCFL ( light tubes) waste your retinas.
exercise your focusing, your AF anbd aperture engine is a muscle, so go outside, practice some crafting or art, etc.

I don't care what big pharma and Jews say, it IS possible to improve your eyesight without surgery. I have experienced this myself.
This guy is 100% correct.

Oh, there's something like that? I always stayed away from lens for fearing fucking up cleaning them and developing some kind of infection.

Thanks for the information healthy vision user. (and other vision Anons)
I'm curious if you have any remarks about my own anecdote.
My vision context: I can't usually read street signs that are 4 feet away.

When I meditate, I often close my eyes with the intent of "not seeing black, but turning my vision off". Whatever I'm subconsciously doing to achieve this abstract goal, triggers some kind of phosphene effect. Specifically what I envision is like changing color gradients that look kind of like fat moving worms or waves. The colors look almost like what happens when you do these "impossible colors" cross eye things, but not as extreme. But not as gradual as how some people describe color blindess gradients changing colors while looking at a static gradient.

When I "come back to reality", I feel like what I'm doing is involuntarily crossing my eyes towards the nose (like double esotropia) and I assume this is bad because I feel a sensation of pressure on the side of the actual eyeball towards the nose on each eye. Originally I thought my eyes where rolling into the back of my head but I don't have any idea what direction they're actually facing as the whole point is to try and ignore my sensations.

I don't force this, it just happen when I stop thinking about my senses and focus deeply on audio and then later, my own thoughts (leaving my hearing behind as well).

However, recently I began to force my cheek bones down and my eyebrows up (no other muscles) to elongate my face before going into some deeper mental state. Both the phsophene and pressure I mentioned before doesn't happen in this scenario.
As for the eyeballs I feel like they're in the opposite state as before (exotropia). In reality, I can't actually tell what direction they're facing since the lids are closed and if I try and think about it, they recenter anyway. It's rare that I've been able to open the lids and not have this happen but the image I make out more or less looks like exotropia in that case. I have a very wide panoramic view of my room that changes in clarity.

I don't know if anything there is of note, but if you want to remark on anything I'd be interested in it. I can also give more autistic details or even try doing something if you want. Not a request, just putting this out there.

Additional context, when I was a kid I was really dumb and often pushed against my eyes to see gif related (a different type of phsophene).

Attached: Phosphene.gif (1920x1080 1.45 MB, 5.38K)

Most people eye problems were originally just an issue with constant close focus strains the eyes, which causes minor blurriness. Glasses are then used to "fix" this, but all it does is exacerbate the problem. more and more, leading to progressively worse eyesight.

The process however can be reversed by basically reversing the above.

What I mean to say is:
When I am done meditating, I reconnect with my sensations and what it feels like I've BEEN doing is crossing...
As in the whole time, not in that instant.

Cleaning contact lenses is simple, just pour some of the cleaning solution on the inside while rubbing the inside. This is just to get the mucus from your eyes off the lens. Then leave it in the container over night as per instructions, and the next morning rinse them off with the cleaning fluid again before putting them in. And of course wash your hands with soap before handling lenses. If you happen to drop a lens during the day and have no bathroom access throw it away, it's better to be with only one lens than to put it back in with dirty hands.

Try getting closer to the subject. Not many people think of that.

What is the source of this / how do I use it?
Reverse search only results in "diagram" and unrelated images.

close up eyesight IS a product of the evolution.
from scribes, to writers, to engineers with a higher IQ always been basement dweller in some kind.

I could never have developed drawing skill or electronic skills I got without the vision that got with it.

Don't get laser surgery. The flap never heals.
Use contacts or glasses.

It's optics, there is no other solution, for the same reason you cannot miniaturize a good CMOS sensor and a decent lens.

There's SMILE.
Although there are a bunch of studies with extremely good results from wavefront guided lasik.

I see those circles when I look to my side.

Most eye doctors I saw throughout my life were wearing glasses so I ended up getting one for myself too tbh.

At last I truly see.