
is it ded 4eva?

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Does anyone have any information on this? Vincent doesn't seem to have posted anything on his Twitter related: it's possible w3m is miss rendering the page though and I'm just not seeing it.

So. What's the next least cancerous email host available.

He is kill

its yandex (unironically). fsb botnet is the best of botnets (ie they dont bulli you if you dont bulli russians first)
Confirmed not dead

Stop panicking.

Attached: Screenshot at 2018-12-13 15-43-34.png (582x109, 17.14K)

Vincent said it will be back up soon(tm).

In order, none, you, or one of the following:

The glows are back at it again

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (1826x256, 101.14K)

What channel is that from?

the fuck is this website? thanks.

what motherfucking bullshit is this. you cant take down a mail service to do your stupid LE check. now i cant get my bill invoices because some gayass bitch claims someone made a bomb threat or some other mundane shit

Blame vc for hosting in the EU

I hope we get it back soon. I just got back from a job interview, and I'm hoping to get an email to my cocktail account. Maybe it's just wishful thinking, but do you think I'll be able retrieve emails that were sent during this downtime?

If they weren't delivered, the sending SMTP server is supposed to attempt redelivery for a time.

Seriously, what in the fuck? Host it in Kazakhstan or something.

why are you using meme email for serious business that has your name all over it anyway?
these types of email services should be reserved for everything that isn't already associated with your name or money.

using megacorp email for things strictly with your name/money all over it is moderately acceptable, your not giving them any information that isn't already out there anyway.

yandex isn't bad for kosher email, atleast it's the russians and not google/isreal

running your own email is obviously a better option, there are pre-built things you can install so you have to do the bare minimum of configuration

seriously these meme email servers go up and down all the time and there's still no guarantee they are encrypting or doing any of the bullshit they claim they are. i don't know why you would run your bank through these services

it seems like the best places to host these days are non-eu european nations like switzerland, norway, & iceland.

There are issues with building up "reputation" when self hosting a email server, as well as dropped messages due to dynamic ip changing (I beleive reputation is IP based as well so you'd be losing any reputation you built up). It's not that there isn't a use for these services just that if you can avoid them you'd be better off. That's why I suggested "In order, none, you, or one of the following:" because in general you're better off not using any email at all for the sake of security, but if you need one you're better off hosting it yourself, and if you need one and you need it be reliable to use the list.

How long is anticipated to be down?

it's almost as if DKIM and such were invented so people wouldn't need to rely on poor measurements such as IP addresses. no idea how many dudes are still doing garbage with IP addresses though as I've only setup my own host years ago for a breif time (and my cocksucking webscale company probably switched to some Email as a service as a service bullshit after I quit)

no, blame the government for being actual monekey faggots with no real process.

central asia are full of bullshit rules too. so is anywhere in the world. there will inevitably be a user who violates some rule of the state

You fucking retard. You registered your shit in a cianigger's mail service?

Was planning to fully switch over from ProtonMail and now it's down. So unfortunate. I'll just continue when it gets online.

I was considering using Protonmail, but, if it's down like you say it is, that doesn't set a good precedent in terms of reliability. Also, you can't access it via any means besides web mail unless you use their proprietary software, so that's kind of a dealbreaker.

The problem with hosting things in countries where you can get away with a lot of things is that the infrastructure is shit and can't support much.

> is back online temporarily, but will likely go back offline in the morning. Read updates here: on

Fuck. I just got an account.

No, I said I was switching from ProtonMail to and now that is down I can't do that. ProtonMail isn't down and it's never been for me. You misunderstood user.

if he's forced to comply why would they not just force him to keep the system operational while they mirror the databases, instead of allowing him to power down the servers and then mirror the encrypted drives.

You're right. Although my point about unreliability still stands. VC is doing a great job, but I just can't rely on his service for any real work if the Germans are just gonna fuck with us.

the way protonmail works, or atleast the way I think it works, is once the mail comes in it's encrypted with the pgp key and saved that way. then the javascript client get's sent the encrypted emails and it's only decrypted inside of the browser when you enter your password to login to the account, it's never decrypted on their side.

full disk encryption seems pointless in these situations, they would just raid the servers while they are online.

besides the rediculous kangaroo laws in the EU now, can they not just compel you to disclose the passwords to decrypt the drives in the EU? do people in the EU even have rights when the government is involved?

Would you niggers stop calling Daniel Royston `VC`
You read retarded when you don't even host your own MTA. Not that it matters, e-mail is compromised top-down.

Oh wait, isn't he a global volunteer now?
goldenrod or something.

They could force him to unencrypt if there is a law that allows them to do so?

Smart admins, not Daniel Royston, make it impossible to do anything about the collection of data, or lack of knowledge of.
Don't want to expand this further, but there's used to exist really good ISPs and MTAs that did everything and above their power to be able to do anything against their clientele. Now it's more profitable to join the fiat cabal, control and monitor everyone's life, and pretend to care.

almost no ISPs open up ports 25, 587, 465 because of people spamming from their residential connections.

Protonmail kicks you off if you're a "nazi". Don't use it.

Don't use for serious matters either. You know it's full of faggots doing dumb shit and you sure as hell don't want to put as your email on a serious matter. Just use a dummy Gmail account for things that matter and check it once a week.

the domain I use for real shit like my bank and work

And your bank is part of the same botnet. Having your bank email be with google and then never have them send you an email ever makes you blend in with the background noise and not stand out so much. Some times the best way to hide is in plain sight. All my bank ever e-mails me is their amazing new deals that I never read any way. I wouldn't recommend using google for anything personal but you're already on the botnet, better to use it to your advantage and don't stand out then be an easy target.

I keep the accounts seperate, I real life stuff account then my communication account

Working fine for me.


Or alternatively you could just, you know, not act like a "nazi", perhaps. I can't even think out of the blue of a single case where you'd have to go against the norm while having your e-mail address publicly exposed. Only if you want to be a some sort of e-celeb, I guess?

so what? what exactly does that change?

We have 5th ammendment-like laws, unless you live in Bongistan.

You can use socat and a Tor HS to circumvent that. My mail server is literally next to me and no data ever touches my VPS' disk.

Attached: 7af21907392231412023fe230e167a1319bd313d37ccf2531b4b28c75a7a46c5.png (349x429, 55.09K)

Use your ISP's mail server, dillweed. You're already paying for it. If you want something more private you're gonna have to run your own server.

ISPs are all bags of shit


How would they know, though?

Why the fuck would anyone use

GnuPG motherfucker

Beacuse it's privacy focused and not (((proton mail)))

No it's not he stores the ip your registered with

I'm pretty sure protonmail is the most botnet provider out there, iirc you can't even use your own mail client with it because they've disabled imap/smtp connections. You have to run their own proprietary javascript in order to even access your mail

I can use my own mail client and have as many accounts with many different domains all with great convenience. The only reason for me to not use it is because every other year or so it goes down for a while.

Then register with Tor.


they see someone post your email on the internet and claiming it's racist

Oh so retarded people

or like albania

email from businesses is plain text anyway and it bounces of of other servers in between so what's your point

ISP mail is usually as bad as Gmail for privacy. Spent fucking $1 and get an account on or be a nigger forever.

the shit's in romania

no bs

won't help a iota with hiding your IP, or talking to ppl who are unable to use any form of GPG.

Recently a lot of ransomware was being setup using emails. It's probably related to that.

I completely guessed it was down because of the ransomware but it looks like that's actually the reason after checking the status page.

Seems like (((they))) got what they wanted. Back online baby!

Kek. They're mentally disabled? In that case, you'll never communicate with them securely, ever. You'll always be stuck using some cianigger (((platforms))).
As for hidding your IP, you can setup your own server, scp the encrypted text there, and then send it from there. Now your ISP doesn't see you send email.

literally what. should i use pozzed gmail for my bill email instead?

who gives a fuck about protonmeme? it requires phone/donation to sign up

or you could just fuck off and suck a cock

This applies to every email server, including ones that are just passing the message along.

So why use something that goes down every other day over anything else then? And since when can random employees open whatever email they wantm even if they're encrypted, in other email service providers? Good luck taking the guy to court and getting any meaningful compensation also.

Your debts are pozzed so yes.

Not an argument.

why bother if I can use tor + though?
do you even have friends outside /tech? how many of them use any kind of GPG?

less botnet than others
can sign up with tor
VC is a nice guy

If they can't even follow simple cookbook instructions, then they're mentally disabled. Stop making excuses for the learned helplessness that plagues modern society. By doing so, all you're doing is perpetuating the problem.

Attached: computer niggers.webm (1280x720, 1.39M)

can't != don't want
people value their time too much so they won't do this only to secure the communications with one dude which don't have anything top secret anyway
if they cared about it, they would do this easily


keep telling yourself that

do you have many problems in life from your autism?

Is back? I just tried to send an e-mail and it filed.

oh yeah baby

Good. My email finally have been delivered.

I created an account on 16th, now despite being absolutely sure the credential is legit I can't login, any of you experiencing similar issue? has been permanently compromised this go around.

Missing emails for two days. Is this normal?

Missing emails for two days. Is this normal?

Mine's been working fine

Attached: videoplayback.mp4 (640x360, 4.06M)

what happened with this

Attached: pomf.png (583x537, 252.41K)

Get fucked weebshits

sdf is underrated

Nothing is worse than SJW google. At least your ISP has an incentive to keep you paying them. Google doesn't give a shit and will lock you out anytime it wants, just for being a shitlord, or for using Tor.

Attached: back_to_cuckchan.webm (640x320, 640.96K)

your post wasn't an argument either you dickfuck:

this is too dumb for even reddit. go back to the Steam community

>UPDATE 2018-12-20

I guess most people ITT used for email and not a VPS --- anyway regarding VPS what good ones accept Bitcoin and Tor users?

Isn't FDE in a datacentre already totally compromised by design? Since staff or "visitors" have unrestricted access to the hardware there is in principle nothing to stop them obtaining the decryption key when the administrator makes a remote IPMI connection to the server in order to decrypt its drives on boot.

For our servers we never bothered with FDE for this reason - if the NSA can just secretly compel the host to let them mess with the hardware the whole exercise is pointless. The situation must even worse with a bunch of corrupt Romanian monkeys attempting to run a full botnet datacentre.