I seem to be one of the few people around who can write and understand regex, I also enjoy it alot, how do I turn that skill into money?
I seem to be one of the few people around who can write and understand regex, I also enjoy it alot...
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maybe you should fucking regex for regex on jobsites.
I regex'd my mom once
I didn't realize that the skill of regex was so big that there are people paying money solely for that single skill.
Big data idiots who increasingly like to "program AI" desperately need people to massage their datasets because they can't actually program computers.
No, you're not, it's just that regex is such a basic skill that no one considers it worth mentioning. It's like being proud that you can wipe your own ass.
And this is like asking how you can turn your ass-wiping skill into money. Scratch that, it's even lower, because at least with ass-wiping there might be some degenerate who would pay to watch you do it.
Not even Universities, interestingly enough. This is why people can possess CS degrees yet can't be arsed to use regular expressions.
Well, you did have to be trained to wipe your ass when you were a toddler.
Wow OP you're SOOOOOOOO cool, teach me to be like you, then I can neck myself and not go to prison for vicariously killing your dumb ass.
Is this a joke, or have you not passed the weeder courses at uni yet and are still surrounded by normies?
Not happening. Regexp is just a tool in your toolbelt, and you don't want to start thinking every problem is a nail because you have a hammer. Regular languages are fairly limited in the capability. You should learn how to use parser generators if you want to become a lexical ninja.
Except for the fact that people regularly tell me I'm amazing at regex.
Yup, perlfags and rubyfags don't exist.
Come back when you can parse more complicated things.
I never went to uni.
Seems like the consensus here, ah well.
Is it just me or is the documentation for Bison really bad? Every time I need a DSL I just end up writing my own lexer, parser & interpreter/transpiler.
No. I think that's obvious even for a nigger toddler like (You).
Everyone apart from your mom and dad can into regex.
I don't know of a job where you can charge money for writing regex replace commands for other retarded people.
I don't understand what's so difficult about regex that you are amazing compared to they are. It's simple pattern matching. I don't know what those people are doing that your regex work is superior.
I don't either. From what I understand it just seems intimidating to people so they never go to the trouble of learning it and the only time they ever use it is if a Stack Overflow answer has it.
Page scraping & simple code generation mostly.
you fucking what?
protip: you're not. regexes are the most basic shit. go to reddit and impress them with your 1337 regex skills.
Why? You only have to escape every fucking nonletter and look up some codes. Nothing hard about it.
Idk, it's the best explanation I've got.
explain how i am the normie
Totally agree. I recommend ANTLR instead.
Oh cool thanks fam
You're confusing regular expressions with what UNIX calls "regular expressions" which are overcomplicated bullshit that makes a simple and intuitive mathematical concept into something with nonsensical rules and special cases that takes a "guru" to understand. If you don't think grep and sh are bad enough, look at PCRE. They're not Perl compatible and not regular expressions.
Of course this won't work if you have files with names like".x", in which case you have to type "rm -rf /tmp/.[^.]*", ITHINK. You see there's this problem in unix: there areREGULAR EXPRESSIONS, which are one thing, and then there areREGULAR EXPRESSIONS, which are a different thing, and Isometimes get them confused for some reason, so I'm not surewhether "/tmp/.[^.]*" is a regular expression or a regularexpression. They're really very different in appearance,which is good because they have incompatible semantics.Pop quiz: identify the types of the following patterns: (a) "a*" (b) "a*"(answers: (a) is a regular expression, but (b) is not - it'sa regular expression).Note the difference in spelling: the patterns used by theshell are called "regular expressions", whereas the patternsused by everything else are called "regular expressions."You should never get them confused. You see regularexpressions are used for matching in the shell and aredocumented in the section "REGULAR EXPRESSIONS", whereasregular expressions are used for match, a very differenttask, in grep(1), and are documented in the section on"REGULAR EXPRESSIONS". The former look like strings, buthave special wildcard characters like "?", "*", and "[]",whereas the latter also look like strings but have specialwildcard characters which look like "?", "*", and "[]". Besure to notice the differences in appearance because theyhave different semantics. For example, the regularexpression "[a-z]*" matches all strings consisting oflower-case letters, whereas the regular expression "[a-z]*"matches all files begining with a lower-case letter.I hope this had made everything clear to everyone.
unix btfo
The "regular expressions" in the shell are called glob-pattens. Use "man 7 glob" to read up on them before you post bullshit from ancient mailing lists.
Who the fuck are you constantly quoting? Sage for off topic
He's right though. At least with Perl you don't have to escape every other character.
/thread and sage
I know a guy who wrote basic regex shit, first in excel then simple vb for filing. He just got a multi mil contract organising healthcare files, seriously the guy isn't a great programmer but he's making mad bank.
That's what I thought. It is indeed you who is the normie.
normally you are pretty based and post based quotes, but this time the quote is aboslute shite.
unbased and saged
The problem with regex isn't that it's difficult in concept, it's that its implementation is different in every language you use. What works in one language probably doesn't work the same way in another, which is irritating and likely why people consider it to be difficult.
That's why any language without perl style regex immediately gets shitcanned.
I'm not sure that there actually is
Well, you should look for new peers then. Your current ones are obviously subpar.
Create a universal turing machine with Perl regex then you'll have my respect.
There's nothing to do. Perl already lets you embed code blocks inside of regex.
Code blocks aren't always turing complete. They're possible due to your turing complete processor.
if you don't make gems, you're racist and cissexist
Wat. You can put whatever Perl code you want in there. So there's no reason you can't stuff an entire CPU emulator in a regex.
Yes it's possible. That's why I suggested it.
pattern matching is like 0.2% of what you do as a software developer, and people in the real world look up cheat sheets on a regular basis rather than memorizing everything