Let's say we somehow acquired a massive amount of power as a community and were left in control of a world government

Let's say we somehow acquired a massive amount of power as a community and were left in control of a world government.

What would a Zig Forums utopia look like?

How long would it last before fracturing into smaller countries and how would these countries be similar/different?

What would exploration and science be like?

How long would the Zig Forumsnocracy last?

Attached: utopia_creepy-100676047-primary.idge.jpg (620x413, 61.48K)

Why do you feel the need to put a line break between every sentence? Can't you just string your sentences together like a normal English paragraph? Also
There is no us and them, we and they; there is only me and you.

kill all the communists. erase china off the map. get rid of the patriot act. get rid of the NSA and CIA.

- All CPUs would have TempleOS burned into them.
- All computers would run the GNU system
- All who market or use proprietary software should be beheaded.

Flat tax for citizens. Higher rates on businesses. High earners must spend it or lose it, additional tax for money left in the bank. No property tax for private properties.
Absolutely no lending of money unless you can prove you have that much to lend in cash, not bullshit assets. Large money lenders like big banks will be forbidden from giving personal loans.
The currency will be backed by government owned assets like gold and their value. Additional crypto currency for citizens only, forbidden to leave country.
Massive tax cuts and small grants will be given to small business start ups in their first year.
School will begin at age 7. There will be no long holiday periods, however children will have much shorter days beginning with three hours a day for first years and ending in full 8 hour work days in final year. What's more, the curriculum will be fluid allowing learners to show enthusiasm in a subject and focus more on it if they wish rather than be restricted to an hour and learn piecemeal. Students will be encouraged to learn from their community and have found work before they finish school so they go straight into a job.
Most law on citizens will be abolished. Any citizens committing violent crimes will have their citizenship revoked and be taken out into the ocean and dumped.
Migrants will be allowed in but must live where they told and non whites (including "whites") must not exceed 10% of population.
All botnet will be illegal. Low power, low level technology will be implemented everywhere and children will be encouraged to create their own and implement it at home.
Free software department within the government to prevent unethical computing practices.
A strong emphasis on free market, freedom of speech, freedom of press, freedom to privacy and democracy.
High import tax to encourage people to buy local and support jobs.


Peterson gets the gas as well


Kill all the hebrews, the rest will sort itself out

How would Zig Forums get its hardware and anime mousepads?

Weak-willed and easily conditioned teenage faggots with unlimited power?

Just like in my Japanese animes!



5 words.
NSDAO: National Socialist Decentralized Autonomous Organization.

If it looks anything close to this, I'm out of this train.

Written laws replaced by code, case law exists as functional tests, and judiciary replaced by A.I./intelligent agents which traverse the law graph. Court cases are a simply a matter of plugging in parameters and are decided instantly.

We would design the flag and then go fuck off

And this where it all fails, (and failed for western world). Shame because it sounded pretty good.

Americans were poorly educated and bombarded with non-sense in media format with free speech being punished. Just because the system was deliberately broken doesn't mean it doesn't work, because it worked just fine for generations before that. People just need to be well informed, have the right to say what they want and distribute that opinion to others and not have corporate monopoly situations that create all powerful media outlets.

worked great for about 150 years which is more than you can say about literally any other system of government

>The Zig Forumsnocracy would last as long as (((they))) are kept at bay

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Tech is a means, not and end. Fetishism will lead to destruction. Just like with guns. You're supposed to cherish what guns can protect, not slober over guns themselves.

Immediate dissolution.

Thats 6 words, one acronym and one number.

Erase the (((parasite))). Natsoc for all countries. Technology used to benefit the people of each nation.

I don't think you can really call that an acronym.

I'm sorry, but this sounds terrible for the parents. I'm trying to imagine what the 8 year olds are going to do while their parents are away. I guess government-sponsored childcare could be a thing, but isn't that pretty much what school is?

This is both terrifying and necessary.

I agree. The US has neither a free market nor free speech. We had that in the beginning but it fell apart rather quickly.
You don't want this. I can already tell you.

Where are their parents? I'm boggled by your statement. What parents aren't around to raise their children and need the state to do it for them?

I suppose I can imagine a situation though but it seems a little extreme. For instance, two orphans with no adoptive families have a child together but then one of them is murdered and so the remaining parent, who can't earn money from home for some reason, is forced to choose between raising the child and earning money. I suppose in that particular case she could be supported the same as cripples and retards, state benefits and a state appointed carer.

Attached: the future you chose.mp4 (640x480, 7.55M)

Not ancap Zig Forums it needs more

Liberalism and democracy neglect two important constants: nations are made of people, and people die.

No more than 10 million people worldwide.
The population of this board would naturally be excluded from this purge.

a white loli for every man that is judged to be based

literally worse than no law. then again so is every current system. we don't need extensive sets of laws to appease the people anymore, there's no threat of overthrowing

because he's been trained by reddit or microsoft word. they penalize you when you don't put 2 newlines between each line

jokes on you, we already have MINIX burned into every CPU

Pick one and only one!

I know you cuck just want to give her to tyrone!
I will defend her! Here comes LOLIMAN!

Attached: super loli man.jpg (600x4767, 826.91K)

You're stuck in the postmodern neoliberalist mindset where both parents must work 40+ hour weeks in order to raise even a single child. Any sort of reformation on society must allow mothers to raise their own children, not ship them off to government daycares or leave them alone all day

but you have to press shift enter to get a new line there. Everything else is a new Paragraph

100% this. It was soo horrible.
t. was one of those children

Why are you so fucked up in the head?

gommunism did nothing wrong

I don't think the haters realize the benefits of this system. New laws which contradict old laws would be impossible to add as a node on the law graph. The main problem with our legal system right now is the sheer magnitude of laws on the books and laws which contradict other laws, reducing the entire legal system to an arbitrary judicial tyranny. This would fix all those problems.

Aaaand it would unclog the courts. The average civil suit is a 1 year wait plus another year or so for resolution, or longer. It's even worse with criminal court, and is the main reason why police don't even respond to most crime anymore. Furthermore, it would eliminate preferential treatment for political and corporate big wigs.

We don't have a functioning justice system right now. We are far overdue for legal automation, and we have the technology.

best gubmint

As a added bonus, it'll do away the "guilty until proven innocent" parameters that foreign law firms wanted to instill to undermine the targeted host nation. Of course, with the advent of "ballot harvesting", you better be damn sure the slate is clean.

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reddit literally forces you to put double lines, which is where the habbit comes from, what are you even arguing about?

I never had any parents to look up to and I turned out fine you absolute asshat; All children that can't pull their own weight and educate themselves are to be euthanized for the betterment of humanity. Not sorry if that includes all of you retards.

I had parents but at least I can say they did a shitty job of it. By your own admission, you have no one to blame but yourself.

Fuck... world build a hypothetical utopia from a current country... Now that's a fucking challenge. First, let's break the problem down into more manageable chunks.
1. human/(eventually sentient being) rights
2. public education
3. the economy
a. division of labor
b. distribution of money
i. we know communism sounds good, but continually fails, so that is out.
ii. people should be rewarded for doing work
iii. more valuable work that is difficult, specialized, or unpleasant to do should be more heavily rewarded.
iv. money is money, it doesn't matter where it came from and is just as good as any other money
v. transactions between 2 willing parties that don't violate the law should not be prevented from performing a transaction
c. money should be anchored to some many real materials with a fixed value. ex: 100 coppers, 10 silvers, and 1 gold backing every "/g/ dollar" if it were to work like dnd(but we would probably want to figure out the actual rate and add a few materials and make them backed by roughly equal portions)
4. division of governmental power
a. system of checks and balances
b. restrictions on government expansion
c. enough flexibility that the government can adapt to new technology and threats to citizen rights
5. we should encourage r&d
a. we should encourage renewable resources
6. no "victimless crimes", aka drugs, porn, obesity, anime, hentai, *fictional* reproductions/imaginings of crimes(ex loli drawings, bestiality)
7. prohibit the murder of unborn children in all cases except those of medical complications significantly endangering the life of the mother(not up to the gov't to make that call).
8. prohibit the killing of any living creatures purely for sport(inb4 "why do you hate hunters!" Just don't waste the body, this is one of the few things the Indians got right you morons)
9. recognize the rights of AI that has achieved sentience(whatever that means, gl)
10. bio-engineered sentient creatures should also have access to basic sentient rights. same for AI. No engineering a slave class. Dumb AI will be plenty smart enough for that in the future anyway
11. create an open source gov't initiative
12. Immigration
a. all immigrants must be vetted and verified as non-threats & capable of providing a service that there is currently a gap in the market for job supply=1.5 for that job.
b. Citizens are only those who are born with two citizen parents, those who are accepted as citizens, or those children who parents have both become/already were citizens.

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