Is 4chan down?

Is 4chan down?

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Who cares?

I care because I use 4chan. You should care because now you are stuck with me.

It is for me

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i meant it isn't fuck

since it is down I would like to talk about how everyone should just migrate here while not saying shit about this place because 4chan is getting assfucked by reddittards everyday

Isn't this place slow though? Fuck waiting days for replies.

How do you honestly put up with that place? Low IQ?

fucking maintenance you dumb newfag. read the announcements

that's the point though.
If people migrate here then this place would be more active but we would have to come up with some way to make sure the redditfags can't find this place

Our comments about trannies will upset them too much.

Sometimes I like to just turn my brain off

/g/ is getting booted and moved to 4channel anyway.

I looked at your AoC thread, and there's like 1-2 smart people and everyone else complaining about being too much of a brainlet to compete. I assume most of /g/ wait for a solution to be posted, and just run it on their input to advance up the leaderboard.

*/g/ has been booted off to 4channlel

I mean it is im tired asf


reddit is a 7 year old boogeyman user.

No it's not, keep pressing F5 a little longer and it ought to work eventually

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Right because this place isnt filled with retards like you or anything

4chong is indeed down

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This is what I'm talking about. Just look at the quality of this retort, it's vapid. Utterly devoid of anything original that we can at least laugh about. A no effort "no u" would have been more worthwhile than this dreck. GTFO >>>/4chan/ and KYS promptly.

i dont get the purpose of these dumbass imageboards

and somebody on a broke ass laptop

Nigger-cattle google slaves can't access higher cognitive functions.

I just saw a fucking thread about some retard whining about how he got called a brainlet on r/archlinux for not knowing how to update his computer on /g/ today. I had a lot of fun calling his dumbass gay.

For next time you need to make a retarded thread:

It's been a reality for 7 years. Nuke the web.

The web has been shit since 2007, the dawn of the phone poster era.


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how do you put up with this place? It's full of pretentious pricks. I mean I'm glad this place exists as a backup but get off your high horse you ignorant MIT niggers, reminds me way too much of reddit

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Rip 4cucks I guess

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the fuck happened? clouflare attack?

They are reddit.

nah it's just scheduled maintenance, it was there in the announcement section all day. As for why, who the hell knows with hiro these days. Probably implementing some shitty new feature

ahh, figured it would be where I can't see
did they mention how long it was gonna take?
oh ffs, its not like he adds anything good, probably something like hardcore canvas fingerprinting or some shit

it said 7pm-11pm EST

ah, thanks lad
tbh i miss /ck/ more than /g/

4chan has been a redditor shitpost dumping ground for over half a decade now, stay the fuck away from our site niggers

yes it's slow, please leave

I've been holding out on 4chan, but with the 4channel thing and whatever hiro's doing, think I'm gonna finally jump ship here. 2019 might finally be when 4chan dies

Fucking cuckchanners amirite ;^)

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That wasn't a joke or hyperbole, nobody wants you here

you know what this board could use to be a little more like home? a few Intel vs AMD threads and some consumer general threads

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you know what else is technology?

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but why

this is my home now, better get used to is user, we're gonna be seeing a lot of each other now, fren

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We need to fix this!

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Well it's filling up with retards now, kindly leave and maybe we can return to an above 80 average IQ

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Create a headphone thread and you'll get the rope.

Not one of these cuckchan refugees will venture to the AoC thread.

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I feel the need to autistically discuss IEMs because fuck the pompous faggots in the Headphone general

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Imagine what it'd feel like if niggers rushed into your white community. That's what it feels like for us. Fucking nigger-cattle.

t. no-codez

way to be shit king of the shit mountain

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Cuckchan became a cargo cult once Zig Forums left. 4/pol/ is pretty much /r/The_Donald.

I'd rather be on top of shit mountain, than have shit mountain be on top of me

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Good, they clean clear out in 15 minutes. Then we can get back to comfy slow posting.

I mean seriously? that's what you got?

congratulations on your assburgers I guess

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nah lad, this looks quite cozy
think I'll stay

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Zig Forums is the heart of any imageboard, and your heart is BLACKED.

imagine being obsessed with black cock this much

I actually cannot. Which is why I could never stand to visit 4/pol/.

me neither, so why bring it up?


Zig Forums Zig Forums was /r/The_Donald but HIV positive up until a few months ago when they had all their infighting and drama

Don't know, don't care.
Huff some zyklon.

To be honest, I haven't really been to Zig Forums for sometime. After a while, what more could you possibly learn. Most of the quality posters dwindled away during the Turkroach era.

No its not. I mainly browse /vg/ and there are generals there that directly link reddit in OP. You know these are on life support or pozzed beyond saving.
You can casually mention reddit in /g/ threads and people will give you honest answers like posting there isnt a problem. Honestly have no idea how that place can be used for anything productive.

Alright, it's 11:00 EST. Bye new friends.

now that I've seen how good this place is when it's active, I think I'll just stay here instead of going back to that reddit infested, low quality post bearing place called 4chan/4channel

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Remember to invite all your friends over. We desperately need new blood, Zig Forums will not survive without it.

I'm already bastion

still down, yay! that means we get to hang out with our new friends more!

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But im already windowmaker

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I wanna be stalman

I have a suggestion

4chans gonna be down when the new advent of code problem comes out

Wat is it??

I think you know sweatie :^)

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I wanna be Microsfot


what does this terminolology mean?
i thought like a nerf gun

Clover doesn't allow you to post using Tor.
You should use Overchan (Fork), it has an option for using the .onion domain.
It's on F-Droid, btw.

your right so applel

I'm going in raw

However, Overchan (Fork) is an outdated software.

I only accept up to date new software on my phone.

Old software is clunky and deprecated.

Like pottery