Theo on Linux
How can a man be so redpilled?

Attached: iwannafuckthatpuffy.jpg (800x600, 147.68K)

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Any update on this image?

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OpenBSD programmers and users are overwhelmingly white and male. Here's why that needs to change.

Attached: damn white people.png (1232x1140, 1.35M)

We need more feminists in burning buildings. Here's why that's a good thing

If you look and compare it's astounding actually. Take the coreutils, the GNU versions are boated as fuck and all follow a mishmash of weird conventions many of which were added by certain corporate sponsors in a one-off fashion. If anybody read the 'The Design And Implementation of the ____BSD Operating System" series, you'll see why Theo and the BSD people are right.

Thank god i still use winxp with patches.

Theres a good damn reason why the cianiggers still use it: because it's prefect.

That OpenBSD TRIM support is on schedule for 2024.

Linux is to me what Windows was when I was 14. Used as sparingly as possible.

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might as well use linux at that point instead of LARPing in IRC

cool arch rice!

i3 is BSD not GPL

its not about licensing, its about software
you literally have no reason to use BSD unless you're a suckless fag or Zig Forumsshit muh CoC
i3 and bash are pretty bloated, so it doesn't fit into the first category, and bash is "muh GNU viruz", so you can't possibly use both while fitting into the last

Or maybe you want to secure your computer as much as you can.


Nice tears.

with such arbitrary justification i might as well use openbsd as my daily driver :^)


Being that much of a cuck that you think they could enforce a CoC against you


The performance says otherwise though. What does Theo even mean by “code quality”? The fact that it's well-documented and easy to read? If so, this doesn't make a piece of software better for the end user, only for the developers.



Meanwhile, in Linux

Attached: Theodore Ts'o vs. Intel.png (2328x1500, 221.53K)

Nice straw man.

McFucking kill -9 $$, my man.


Don't use SSD, problem solved. HDDs should be enough for anybody.

I turn off TRIM support on Windows anyway.




If that's what matters to you, stick with Linux. It's no skin off anyone else's back.

If you have a modern computer, you wont need to have TRIM enabled. But you should just use HDDs, like said. Don't fall for the SSD meme, unless you have low-end laptop or something.

you don't know wtf you are talking about.

opinion discarded.

You're the one who doesn't know shit, nigger. Compare i3 with bspwm or spectrwm and bash with mksh or even zsh.

I admit that zsh is better than bash, however, mksh hasn't been very stable in my experience (I have used it in Arch, idk if it's better on *BSD)

But how exactly is i3 bloated? (I haven't used the other WMs you mentioned)


Most of that shit you should already have installed. I'll take the extra one or two MB RAM usage for a twm with commands and bindings that make sense.

Attached: cmp-all4.png (625x618, 38.39K)

Just how old is that fucking graph?

m8, did you read the post?
But that's wrong. All that perl shit isn't installed anywhere here.

You could reply to the rest too. Like the lack of IPC client or the bloat of wanting to do everything but worse (because, yes, sxhkd is really good). As I already said in the post I linked, I used to use i3 too, so it's not like I'm talking out of my ass for internet points.

It's more your job to convince me (and yourself) that a tenfold source code and a big ass dependency tree brings something to the table other than a more centralized config file. For a lack of better answer, I'll just consider this as a babby duck outburst. What it probably is.

Half of that shit you will need to install if you plan on using x11

The fuck am i saying. You're using gentoo so you will be bloated out the ass anyway.

Thank god!


Oh man, FUCK moving parts. The less of them there are in machines, the happier I am. HDDs are dead to me.

literally what, SSDs fail just as much or worse, all to slightly speed up that pajeetcode

SSDs haven't needed TRIM in years dumbshit. Why would they code a feature only used on old hardware?

What version of mksh and what problems? I use it as login shell for my user accounts (but not root or system accounts) on Devuan without any issues.
KSH_VERSION='@(#)MIRBSD KSH R54 2016/11/11'
OpenBSD uses pdksh though, which is a little different.
KSH_VERSION='@(#)PD KSH v5.2.14 99/07/13.2'
And I think NetBSD uses a different one altogether. Ksh93 or something.

X kinda sucks though. Not much point caring about how many extra kilobytes your WM uses , when the X server itself is sucking up 50 MB. Take the FRAMEBUFFER PILL for instant fat loss.

Attached: screenshot2.png (1280x800, 57.74K)

Absolutely problematic

Attached: openbsddevs.jpg (1278x856, 254.86K)

Can we at least be honest and recognize that a shell having scripting features(can't forget its interpreter) is fucking retarded? All you need a shell to do is invoke programs and possibly pipe shit from one program to another(which itself is a shit replacement/alternative for programming libraries).
It amazes me the fucking retards that think their 50-100 line shell script is, "minimal". They aren't cognizant of the fact that the dependencies for their shitty script is comprised of hundreds of thousands of lines of code; they not only need whatever shell they're using but also whatever utils they're calling. Fun task: check the root directory of latest version of the BASH source tree. You will see 4 files in the root directory that alone contain over 25,000 LoC(three 5,000 LoC and one 10,000 LoC) in a project that contains hundreds of files and directories. BUT REMEMBER GUIZ, IT'S MINIMALZ! Hint: many of the alternative shells aren't much different and contribute to the same problem.
Write discrete programs you fucking feral apes.

Look at all that cultural appropriation! I'm triggered. Literally shaking now.


Why wouldn't you want flow control in a scripting language?
The script itself can be minimal.
dash/ash/busybox ash and even mksh are so much smaller that your argument is simply nil. And even then, how is it an argument against shell as a gluing language? I'd argue TCL could replace it well, but the point still stand.
Why? What don't you understand in modularity and reusability, you monolithic faggot?

You are creating so much cruft and unnecessary code just to make things "modular" while simultaneously not realizing that the dependencies you create/include are fucking huge.
Additionally, programming libraries are modular(especially if statically linked) and reusable. I shouldn't have to justify their existence.
28,351 SLoC for the c source files alone in the latest Dec 4 revision of mksh; that doesn't include the remaining stuff in the repo and the utility programs you call/pipe shit to. You, yes you, can write all your scripts as independent discrete programs instead and the total number of dependencies as well as needed logic will be significantly less than the script versions. This is the crux of my argument.
The argument is that the shell shouldn't be glue at all since writing discrete programs results in less needed dependencies, less SLoC(which means easier to audit and maintain), and more portability.

Wrong. Keyword being "needed", sh is guaranteed by POSIX to be here; same for a lot of other tools.
Are you retarded? How does using sh means you have to maintain it? It would be fun seeing a retard like you reimplement sed in C just for a simple ERE replacement.

when SSDs fail you only lose write acess, when hard drives fail you don't even get that

There's always a trade off between code quality and how many features you support. When implementing features, you eventually arrive at one where the code is impossible to write cleanly, or very difficult, or you're just not willing to do it. So either you implement it badly or not at all. Linux takes the former path, BSD is the latter. Kind of dumb to compare them.

and yet my openbsd computer gets slower and slower the more uptime it has, like it's windows 7

Actually, great initiative. This means more feminists are going to die in a fire.
I prefer this 50000000000 times more than women in tech.
Should we promote this on social networks?
Other interesting ideas could be women in construction work and in mining.

OpenBSD is maximum Zig Forums.

It's a good idea until your house burns down, and some wealking womyn has to carry you out of a burning building

$ uptimeXX:XXXX up 12 days, 23:49, 6 users, load averages: 5.44, 5.30, 5.36
and i'm running firefox with over 30 tabs open and no problem
go back to your wangblows 7 if you believe it's better than superior openbsd

absolutely p a t h e t i c

It's sad because while I really do love it, I also need to use modern hardware...

my nigger

is jorde kang your name?

OpenBSD is based. But Linux got taken over by SJeWs because thats how they operate, they infiltrate a community (games, anime, computers) and enforce their shitty politically correct retardation. If they werent given room to talk they wouldnt be there.

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I would rather avoid Linux and I will happily replace it with the Hurd when it's finally completed 200 years in the future (though I am still using Devuan, because my hardware violently rejects OpenBSD and NetBSD, though I will probably build a PC that runs them in a few months), but the BSDs are kinda crap as well, even more outdated in many ways. Maybe Haiku is good and usable, I should try it soon, but clearly we need something new that isn't based on old shit, especially Unix (we already have way too many Unixes and they are all shit, so fuck that).

I have a lot to learn before I can do that myself, though, but that is one of my goals. "Just fork it" is killing software design. Learning from someone else's work is fine, but at this point people just make slightly different variants of shit that already exists. Crazy levels of stagnation and lack of creativity. When you have a shitty wheel, you should probably reinvent it instead of bitching about it but still insisting that making something new is a waste of time, just saying.

The real problem is that people seem to think that this supposed minimalism is quality. They are fighting against crap user interfaces made by retards while completely defeating the point of having a user interface in the first place. Things could be a lot better if people focused on designing good interfaces for actual human use. Making something customizable, intuitive and efficient is possible, a customizable and light desktop environment usable by everyone, with many presets, can be made, the problem is that no one is actually doing it (XFCE is the best one easily, but it's still limited, and could be more efficient), and people are replacing bad ideas and bad features with no ideas, and no features. That's why I'm really feeling the need to implement my own designs. The fact that no one else has created something good yet represents pretty well just how bad things are. I am an incompetent fuck with good ideas. Someone else should probably do it, but apparently I'm the only person available, so fuck it, I have to do it, but it sure will take a while.

CDE makes me happy, for some reason.

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Nice picture. Are you aware of CDE's security holes? I am still content to see it, though.

yeah, it doesnt use a lot of memory and it looks good. i like it

oh no, i wasnt :x

Linux is the best compromise between freedom, quality and usability.

This is quite unfortunate. I still have hope that linus is gonna come back and act his former self again. If he doesnt I might have to start looking around for alternatives.

tell me whats wrong you fucking faggot

Plenty of openbsd devs are already SJWs

All those modern desktop shits are lame anyway. Just throw them all in the trash. Look at the 80's stuff like Amiga, Atari, Mac and see what they accomplished with only 512K RAM 68000 computer. Hell, even look at SymbOS which needs only 64K RAM Z80 computer. And all of those run fine from just floppy disk. Everything that has been done since then is simply garbage. The *nix desktops try to "compete" against Windows, to see who can win the stupidly bloated special olympics! Then you get to choose between retard and full retard, but never anything good.

Attached: Symbos-cpc.png (640x400, 11.48K)

I forgot how good and inviting mono orange looks, even just on my LCD. White and green a shit.


Yet installing a non-ancient C++ compiler is a pain.
OpenBSD is effectively unusable unless you use computers only to shitpost on the chans and start arguments on IRC.

That's one of the main issues and why I would like to learn from old software. The fact that it was possible to do so much with so little back then proves that something went horribly wrong since the 90s. And very little innovation happened in the actual user interfaces, so there is no excuse for everything to be this inefficient. With the hardware that we have now, GUIs should be completely trivial even with almost limitless customization options. Maybe it could still boot instantly as well, that would be nice.

Windows reflects the bloat well enough on its own. Look at just how little a newer version of Windows can do that Windows 95 can't and the seemingly reasonable RAM usage of even supposedly minimal setups becomes difficult to justify. Windows has been pretty much the same thing for a long time, but it just keeps demanding more and more resources and keeps getting worse for the most part. Windows 7 is usable. The newer ones aren't.

Other than Windows, Unix is basically the only alternative and at this point it's the OS version of Frankenstein's monster. It wasn't even made for personal computers in the first place. Nothing else survived, and nothing new has been made successfully in decades. Software is probably the best example of just how disastrously capitalism can fail a lot of the time. The solution will definitely not come from money, it will come from autism. Or it will never happen and things will only keep getting worse. That just makes suicide look even more appealing than it already does. I want to make at least one decent contribution. I already hate my life anyway, so I might as well try to make it useful.

So, in $CURRENT_YEAR usabliity implies botnet (which in turn implies that non-botnet implies non-usability)?

Do any modern web browsers work in frame buffer mode?

Nothing that's designed for Web 2.0 compliance, but then again those are much bigger than X itself.

This. One of the OpenBSD devs run an BSD chat channel that has adopted a CoC that is arguably even worse than what we have seen in the past. There was a pretty raunchy thread about it on the openbsd subreddit a while ago.

Oh wow, man. We better all go install GNU/systemdicks lickety-split.

Attached: 1544200608731.png (740x720, 655K)

it's run by a guy who has developed openbsd for at least the last 15 years

FVWM can be lighter than TWM if you set up the config file properly.

sure it is

Welcome to Zig Forumschan, now gas (((yourself))) faggot!

FVWM can be anything. If you want customization and nothing else, it's clearly the best option. I considered using it, but configuring it would take too long, and I just need something that works, so I use XFCE (the only DE that can be customized enough to satisfy me, though it could be a lot better). People spend so much time configuring other people's shit (finishing their job to some extent, really) that they should probably just make their own WMs or DEs already. And no, that's not an implication that we need more forks. I really regret wasting so much time just making my computer work, though.

Anyway, if that is true and it bothers you, maybe consider NetBSD. I was told that it's the only operating system officially approved by the Third Reich. Hitler himself uses it.

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And nobody gives a shit about his chat. Unless Theo himself decides that OpenBSD needs a CoC, it's not happening.

With all these SJWs developing OpenBSD I think it's just a matter of time before Theo cucks, he is a leaf after all. He is not as angry and virile as he used to be in his youth.

Theo is from South Africa, you moron. He's not from some rich western country full of leftists that never had to live next to niggers and muslims but yet want to invite them all to destroy their culture.

he has chosen to live in canada of all places, which is bascially sweden except even more cucked

But the fact remains that he's South African and knows better, and he's not a cuck like Torvalds with feminist daughter. You can keep wishing for OpenBSD CoC all you want, but you've got no power, and neither does that other developer.

more like lame

i dont wish for it but im afraid it will happen. people on this site didnt think linus was a cuck until he cucked

Stop being afraid then. If he cucks that just means we have to pick up the ball. Just get used to minimal OS and software, because I sure as hell am not coding or maintaining any Web 2.0 browser shits. That's how the cianiggers get you to waste lots of time and energy (also shit like systemd and bloated desktop environments).

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Openbsd is a meme OS

Which chat is this again friend? ;^) ;^) ;^)

< is red
^ is yet unused