Intel vs AMD


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because rule 3 if you want to know what to buy post here:

because everyone knows you buy Intel if you're not a poorfag

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Intel is just better.

Fuck you. Intel = jews. AMD is simply superior because they aren't a bunch of lazy stealing jews.

Explain why AMD processors are slow and energy inefeicient.

think again sweaty

I have to commend your dubs but AMD is far past that now. The poz at intel is starting to show itself. AMD zen is far suprior to everything intel can shit out.

In what way faggot. Intel has better top end products like xeon. AMD just makes cheap chinese shit.

AMD products are manufactured in the USA faggot. Can't say that for kiketel-aviv can you now intel shill

AMD CEO lisa su is a chink faggot

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Yeah so what. CEO can be any ethnicity and proucts are manufactured in the United States.

Did I mention that AMD integrated APU are way better than Intel graphics.

AMD products are manufactured in the USA

Intel HD Graphics are more power efficient than AMD APU though. Intel HD Graphics on low end netbooks can power 3 1080p displays without problems, while AMD APU will overheat and break.

doubling down on the retarded schtick eh?

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But AMD products ARE manufactured in the USA.

It's almost as if you think that implying what I said was wrong makes you right.

Both AMD and Intel chips are made in America broskies

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But Intel products are manufactured in Israel.

That's what (((They))) want you to believe. Intel chips are all American, its just more Jewish tricks to make you think Jews are relevant

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Thanks for the feedback, However, Intel products are manufactured in Israel.

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No, you don't understand.

Intel products are manufactured in Israel.

This is the reason why you should not use Intel products.

Instead, you should buy AMD products.

AMD products are manufactured in the USA.

I'm not falling for your Jewish tricks Schlomo. We all know Intel is the white mans CPU

No, you are wrong. Intel products are manufactured in the USA. AMD products are manufactured in China. This is why AMD products are low cost. You should purchase Intel products instead to support the economy of the USA.

I agree with you. Intel is the CPU of choice for all ethnicities around the globe.

Thanks for the feedback, but unfortunately you do not understand.

Intel products are manufactured in Israel.

If you purchase Intel products, you will support the economy of Israel.

You still peddling these JEWISH LIES Goldberg?

No, you do not understand.

I am not lying.

However, Intel products are manufactured in Israel.

git clone && cd spectre-meltdown-checker && sudo ./*.sh
Post distro; cpu; summary

Sucking the intelaviv cock I see?

lol house fire


Sounds like a great idea. I'd also recommend investing in that Madoff guy's venture, he'll be going places.

Wont work properly without root privileges. Feel free to inspect the code. :^)

check my dubs /g/

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whatever runs linux with the gnu toolset just fine
