Pooland just expanded their IT Act to allow 10 agencies (including shitters like the Central Board of Direct Taxes, Research and Analysis Wing, and regular fucking police) to demand full access to any pajeet's computer under any circumstances. Refusing to unlock or decrypt anything will earn the pajeet seven years in jail and an unspecified fine, probably fine-tuned each instance to assrape the resisting pajeet.
India takes a fat orwellian shit on pajeets
Other urls found in this thread:
I've seen a few governments threatening jail with the failure to decrypt. If you're traveling through them, then you should wipe your data before visiting and restore later. If it were your own country, I suppose your best bet is having a kill switch.
OP, why act like this law is mainly going to fuck over innocent people? We all know India is a swarming hive of cyber crime, telephone scammers, and spam. Those are the people who will be affected be the law.
If India is so horrible and corrupt, why expect their government to be any better?
Expect Java stenography software to explode in the upcoming months.
Pick one
You can hide lots of stuff in those gorillions of lines of Java, my dude.
You have unlocked the mystery. Pajeet isn't a bad coder at all, he's hiding illicit material in those seemingly endless if-else chains.
Or python.
Does this mean I'll get less calls from Microsoft telling me I have a virus on my computer?
steganography != stenography
Ok we so totally did not need that mansplained to us.
apparently you did though
Umm excuse me, I have degrees in sociology and communication studies and I'm working on my masters in Human Resources Administration. Educate YOURSELF before talking down to a strong empowered biracial gender bending female, you hateful bigot.
I wonder who could be behind this post
daily reminder that libertarianism and the concept of civil rights was invented by WHITE MEN, no country that isn't run by WHITE MEN has ever really given a shit about liberty. the reason western countries are going to shit is because WHITE MEN have relinquished power to kikes and women. literally no one else care about freedom in general, they might care about their own freedom or the freedom of their particular interest group, but they don't care about the idea of freedom, only WHITE MEN do because it's a WHITE MANS IDEA
That's because only white men are capable of abstract thought.
I hate stupid fucking statists.
why won't nobody kill people responsible for this or commit terrorist attacks against them?
only (((kikes))) say the first part, even subtly, in a public discourse.
White Men are taking their countries back.
tits or gtfo.
My device was never encrypted in the first place. It must have been corrupted while mishandled in police possession.
Then the blunder called "Aadhar", now this. Pooland is going the way of Jewmerica.
go back to >>>/feminism/
Not surprised. They want to know what's going on in their minds.
They want to replace the indians with their gene stolen self.
Fuck you poosmell, China #1.
dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sda
on your disk and then the popo tells you to decrypt the random data or go to jail for 7 years, what do?
How do I get the cool formatting, wtf?
based, but this will only work in the USA
There sure are a lot of curryniggers on Zig Forums
You wouldn't even need to write over the entire disk if it were using full encryption. If it's using a wrapped-keys scheme, just a small header at the beginning (and possibly end) would be enough to make it irretrievable, since the real key would be lost.
the same as always faggot redditor
Meritocracy is why. A country's government is made up of the cream of the crop of that country's population. Only the most competent and knowledgeable portion of the population have the requisite skillset to get into government jobs.
Kek. An old indian man told me it's one of the most corrupt places ever, where you have to bribe people to get anything done. Also, nepotism and caste system aren't compatible with meritocracy.
You clearly have not heard of Canada.
Life was better in India when the Aryans protected the country from the vile Dasyu color
Alas they failed and the result is modern Poo-in-loo
Any time in history when poos weren't in charge was better for India.
On behalf of western civilization, we apologize for making your population explode to such an unsustainable size. I wish to mend that mistake before you eat all of your resources dry.
Did the brits take with them all the infrastructure they built when they left? Did they destroy some amazing infrastructure you had before when they arrived? There's nothing to rebuild.
Sucks to be you.
Nice try, pajeet. Learn to poo in the loo first.
nice joke user
It's like niggers in Aperica complaining about white men.
t. NPC
I don't understand how fucking stupid you have to be to believe a statement like that, even in western democracies its a complete joke much less in a nepotic and corrupt country like India.
Shouldn't you be shilling for TSeries?
The Brits actually maintain a database of all the infrastructure they built during their rule and inform the Indian government when something like a bridge needs to be replaced or fixed. The Indian government of course ignores all of this and people die from bridges collapsing and such.
Nah, some African countries such as Namibia are actually asking white people to come and are giving them free land since they recognize the benefit of having white people. They are specifically targeting whites fleeing Zimbabwe and South Africa.
Pajeets are mentally retarded. They are not as violent as niggers or arabs, but they are stupid as a rock as a race.
Isn't Namibia the country who's king said Africans are the makers of their own problems and that no one else is to blame?
It always funny seeing people forget how the bell curve works and using it as a point against being racist or "racist" against a group.
Namibia doens't have a king, you are probably thinking of Swaziland (the Zulu nation) whose king said something to the effect of they were better under white rule than black rule since blacks mess everything up. Note that the Zulus aren't the same as the current black majority which is sub-Saharan African.
That's it, thanks for reminding me.
India is botnet
same thing can be said of any race, nignog
so you're "helpless" because you're as thick as the shit you drop in the street. Got it.
Are you merely pretending or are you actually retarded?
You do realize that the infograph you provided is complete bullshit, right?
I messed up the terminology but most of the black population in SA arrived post-WW2 (with the majority post-apartied) and are from the central African nations, which is in contrast to the Zulus which arrived in the 1800's from regions slightly north of SA.
The majority blacks in SA are extremely racist and hate everyone who isn't 100% central african heritage, so the Zulus get fucked over as well as whites and coloreds.
Indians don't care about privacy nor do they seriously question their government's actions. Many of them actually want their democratic rule replaced with military/autocratic rule even. It's a country populated by NPCs. So expect nothing to happen against this from them.
pussybegging NPCs
Was watching a YouTube video about JIDF's Unit 8200. All the comments were negative except ones left by Indians. Why do pajeets like Israel so much?
Oh you...
If anything they'll love the attention, you don't understand how weird these fucks are.
Cheap shills.
Here is your answer.
Congratulations for using a website longer than I have. Please give me a list of other websites you also use so I can make fun of you in cases where I've used said websites than you.
They deserve no rights you dumb anarchist
China may be a shithole but India is like, a funny shithole.
can be applied to any population wherever
burgers didn't do shit against patriot act, eu population didn't do shit over article 13 and gdp, australibongs didn't do shit
no one ever will revolt over such idea as freedom
you are free when you are happy
you are not happy when you are free
It's not called Pajeethon for no reason.
That's fucking insane.
What have i done with my life?
It will happen everywhere. No one actually gives a shit about freedom, most people are barely even sentient. Some races have more exceptions than others, but it's still the case for all of them. The only problem is that it affects the exceptions. NPCs don't matter, it's actually enjoyable to watch them hurt themselves and each other. Pretty sure that India has fewer exceptions than a lot of other places, so fuck them. I don't care that much about anything that doesn't affect me. I just want the world to end before I die so I can watch it and furiously masturbate to it before being consumed by the flames.
Hello, chap. Are you me?
First pajeet who shoots an agent dead on his doorstep will set off a chain reaction. Rothschilds not sanctioned here.
$8K USD per year in India is a huge amount of money when the average person earns less than $2K USD per year.
Interesting, although I suspect that's due to supply and demand more than anything else, most programmers in the US would be doing C/C++. Also interesting that R is there.
will be named anti-national and get lynched by a mob of Indian version of MAGApedes. India is kiked beyond imagination. It is the ideal NPC country. But, the kikes are not here because there is nothing of worth to suck on.
t. actual pajeet
I came to this thread to laugh at you
My fucking sides.
Holy shit, that chinese fucker is brutal. Fucking niggers getting humiliated by a chinese -- how mentally handicapped can a race be?
Military rule could be a good thing if they care about the country and want to improve it. Military absolutely needs a booming economy and will benefit greatly from developed industry. This kind of shit can turn a country around. Obviously, if you just want to keep power and oppress random idiots your country will go to hell just like many south american dictatorships.
user, you don't how long of a history India has of fucking themselves up. Read up on what happened to King Asoka:
long centuries Buddhism and Brahminism flourished side by side, and then slowly Buddhism decayed and Brahminism in a multitude of forms replaced it. But beyond the confines of India and the realms of caste Buddhism spread-until it had won China and Siam and Burma and Japan, countries in which it is predominant to this day.
What the fuck.
Poos never cease to amaze and disgust me.