
this is called (((progress)))
the plan is that goyim does not create anything on their own, but only consume content that is controlled by (((them))).

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Attached: jews-violate-the-nap-comic.png (1500x500, 66.89K)


also 4:3 15" screen has more surface area and is more expensive to produce than 16:9 15"
but goyim thinks 15" 4:3 is as "big" as 15" 16:9. so jews can sell 15" 16:9 for price of 15" 4:3

4:3 was a mistake, 16:9 has always been superior. What OP has a point about though is keyboards and the kludgery of input on cellphone devices.

Attached: f76eaf1ddbcbfa115558744dbea11ffc3704e0821e6def2210dfaec99d7ecf16.jpg (1395x1080, 130.64K)

let's compare

working with spreadsheets: 4:3 destroys 16:9
working with documents: 4:3 destroys 16:9
web browsing: 4:3 destroys 16:9
watching or editing photos: 4:3 destroys 16:9
playing strategy or board geyms: 4:3 destroys 16:9
working with folders & files: 4:3 destroys 16:9
software development: 4:3 destroys 16:9
reading books, pdfs: 4:3 destroys 16:9

playing "interactive movie" type of geyms: 16:9 defeats 4:3
watching stupid movies: 16:9 destroys 4:3 (only because movies are produced in 16:9 format)


For literally all of those the opposite is true

Also most csgo pros play on 4:3

Yeah everyone there is using 4/3 sure thing

Look prosettings.net/cs-go-pro-settings-gear-list/
Everyone plays on 16:9 monitors, but most play on 4:3 resolution with black bars on both sides of the screen.

okay bud

Some of you probably are confused and meant to go to >>>/g/

...and yet you bumped his thread instead of simply reporting.

Video proof which only shows the back of the monitors you baiting nigger


Do you wanna meet up and fight irl?

No but I will kick your ass in CSGO on my 21:9 display.

It seems some do youtu.be/5LxzJ4rKQWw?t=1801 (shows one that does and one that doesn't)
But I'll say it has to do with GUI being more centered, them just being used to it and in case of 4:3 stretched to 16:9 because it's visually easier to aim.
tl;dr pro gamers just can't git gut. They learned it once with certain FOV and can't relearn distances on monitors. There's no actual benefit.

Most of 16:9 monitors are wasted. Mostly people just put bigger margins on stuff because it's awkward to work with.

please clarify, how does 4:3 exactly "destroy" 16:9 ?

How is being able to see more columns at once not an advantage of 16:9 ?
I can understand this partially, i.e. when you're writing or reading something from top to bottom, but working with 2 documents seems a pretty common usecase. For example comparing, reading from one, writing into the other, combining, extracting, ...
This is true.
If your photos are all 4:3, I guess that could be true.
If the board has a fixed 4:3 layout, maybe, but for most strategy games, I'd say 16:9 gives you a better overview over your whole game field.
I would say this is similar to documents. If you have two folders/files side by side, 16:9 should still be superior.
Again, it's not at all uncommon to have multiple source files open, or a window with documentation or whatever.

Sure, you could say that 4:3 gives you more vertical space, but that could go on indefinitely. Add a chunk to the side of 4:3, you got 16:9 with more space. Add a chunk to the top of that, you got 4:3 with more space. Repeat ad infinitum.
The simple fact is that human FOV is much larger horizontally than vertically. Anything that's not sequential top-to-bottom reading can profit more from added horizontal space than from added vertical space.

There's a reason books and magazines don't span the writing across both pages, and also why newspapers format text into columns. Your FOV might be large, but your focus is small, and having to move your head around constantly while losing track of which line you're on sucks ass.
Anyway they did the widescreen bullshit for MONEY. It's always about MONEY and cost-cutting measures. If they could sell you 100:1 screens, they would do it in a heartbeat.
I'm using a 17-inch 5:4 monitor that I bought for 15 euros, and it's comfy as fuck after being stuck with shitty widescreens. I would have actually preferred a 15-inch model, but this is good enough. And there will surely be more nice screens to be had for cheap, since brainwashed morons are going to just buy whatever lame shit the industry jews try to push.

The way from command line inputs, over shortcut symbols, to glorified capitalist visual indoctrination pictures, sure is the jewish way to steal freedom from individuals.



Attached: the-goyim-know-shut-it-down-jew-walkie-talkie.jpg (408x632, 31.73K)