Which is the best?
Python vs php vs ruby
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These languages are for very different purposes, so none are better than any other.
Hammer vs screwdriver vs wrench: which is best?
hammer, you can use it to make a screwdriver or wrench if you need to
it'll be a few hundred years before programming language design will evolve to the point you can legitimately compare its NIH warped wooden tools against modern hand tools.
If I had to choose between those three, I'd go with Python, because of Django. Rails is dying and so is PHP, aside from legacy shit. But aside from Django, Node is good to get into. I know a lot of people here would dislike it because it's
But it's really not that bad.
what about Ocaml or Lua?
Python has so many libraries and so much support, it's a wealth of usefulness. I hate it as much as you do, but I know it (well enough) for this reason. I began learning it for beautifulsoup alone but there's so many more "killer libraries". If OP is really going to decide between these languages, for no clear reason other than recreation, I would recommend Python, easily, hands down.
and don't forget guile ;)
I thought Python is good, because it is shilled as such
It can't be worse than PHP, which is shitest major language
Ruby is the only sane choice here, faggots.
PHP is much more flaky than Pythong mate
A well-designed language designed around a bad-design paradigm.
python can replace both of the others easily though
why so assblasted?
a python programmer rejected you or something?
Don't pretend like PHP has a legitimate reason for existing. It's objectively terrible; even worse than server-side JavaScript.
You can chisel a hammer with a screwdriver
wrenches suck
Honestly, I choose TCL.
PHP is a very bad language. It used to be extremely bad, now it's merely very bad. Far too many of its flaws are just design errors, not even tradeoffs. Only use it if you have to. PHP codebases are not always worth rewriting.
Python is pretty good. Sometimes a bit too dynamic for its own good, but that's partly offset by a norm of idiomatic, "pythonic" code. Most importantly, it's very versatile. You will be able to use it for a lot of different things and still have a lot of libraries and existing code and documentation to help you. That makes it worth learning for most programmers, even people who mainly use other languages.
I haven't used Ruby.
Your question is bad because you're not specifying a use case.
a commonly accepted truth you can say in passing.
a commonly rejected truth you must say with force.
I love PHP. It empowers me and my gaymur grrrl friends to write badass CODE! And games about my vagina. U mad bois?
if item in items: #proceed
//doesn't even have built-in Boolean typesint range = sizeof(items)/sizeof(items[0]);int proceed = 0;for(int i = 0; i
What is _Bool?
static int int_cmp(const void *a, const void *b){ return *(int *)a != *(int *)b;}if(lfind(&item, items, &nb_items, int_cmp)) //proceed
Looks nice enough if you put that function into a misc.c file (yeah, lambdas and real genericity would make it way better). See also bsearch(3), tsearch(3) and hsearch(3) for more generic data structures.
Ok Eric
so's Forth. C is a really easy target.
It's not the 90s any more though; you must now show that your shitty scripting language is better than Nim.
While python compiler exist, the language itself was never meant to be compiled and doing so is just a hacky solution to a problem that doesn't exist.
In this case they must have meant "run", not "compile", but more generally, it's fair to say that Python is compiled to bytecode at runtime (in the case of the reference implementation).
Ruby for webdev, Python for simple tools, PHP for masochism.
Where is your God now?
Ruby is the best of those 3. It's actually well-designed, unlike Python or PHP. PHP is actually pretty fun until you trip over it (which happens often). I don't know why people still keep on using Python when Ruby exists. Ruby is just better at everything. Rails is more /comfy/ than Django. OOP is more comfy in Ruby. Ruby hasn't been hijacked by faggots. Ruby has better syntax (it's both more powerful and easier to read). And most importantly, Ruby is cuter.
now do this:
swap files 'foo' and 'bar' without the possibility that a third process (such as a web server)
1. fails to find 'foo' or 'bar'
2. opens 'foo' or 'bar' to other than their intended contents
literally lol
mfw no Fortran tan
Headers add on to a language. Their contents are not built in.
Swap what? Contents of the files, directory?
What? Do you mean lock the files during the process? There is a python module that can do that.
I don't know what you're saying but Python can rename files, or slurp file contents like:
fooContents = open(foo, r).readlines();
so, python?
which are non-pajeet then?
Would fuck the shit out of C#, shell, R, Scala, ActionScript
how about other anons?
swap FILES.
What the fuck would an voluntary advisory lock have to do with anything?
Locking a file from being modified while handling its data will prevent corruption.
Where is the verb?
Without a colon the list seemed unrelated.
I would copy the contents to memory, write to tmp files in their desired directories, check for changes, and rename the files while deleting the old ones.
Alternatively, one could just rename the files if you want to switch directories as well.
This will mitigate the time needed to lock the files. What's your point?
jesus christ.
how does any of this contribute anything to the requirements?
this is all that matters, and it's three syscalls and a violation of requirements
across separate filesystems, there's no longer any way to satisfy my requirements. Directories do not matter in the slightest though.
man renameat2
Google python file transfer over network
Lua is the only sane choice left for dynamic scripting languages. It's also faster than all of the others.
Sure, this sounds good in documentation, but have you ever tried to implement this outside of university? It's fucking messy.