
Zig Forums help I'm retard and I need u quick
I'm getting a cs degree with a math minor but I really cannot figure out a good second minor to take
sorry fags some people aint Gates out of highschool
I'm basically choosing between Japanese, physics, chem, and project management. Of these what would you choose and what other good options are there? Or should I just do cybersecurity like everyone else

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You sound retarded、 perfect for jap

I beat my dick ten times today and am going on about 3 hours of sleep, in short: phoneposter

study communications because soft skills are a common deficit for CS autists
business is another good choice because some classes go over project management, which you will encounter later, because no programmer does everything on their own
t. CS major

Project management, if you're looking to be a professional software developer. Hands down.

dick sucking, you'll need it

actually, in older times, it went unsaid that a programmer needed to be alone to make great works. that's why in general software was better, more efficient, etc. back then.
in (((open offices))), etc. programmers suffer and make poor quality things (of course this does not take into account the fact that some of them are so cheap and/or lazy and/or with negative practices [etc.] that they will still do badly made things like systemd, pulseaudio, etc...)

are you retarded? If you want to learn Japanese for anime, then learn it on your own time.
want a low-paying job as a research assistant in an environment less intellectually and political open than a suicide cult?
nearly snake oil, but really popular corporate snake oil, and likely to stay popular for a good while. This is the obvious choice.
funny thing, I had a choice between PM and cybersecurity and I chose cybersecurity. And today I actually have a cyber security (ish) job, with no causal relation whatsoever to my degree.
No utility relation either. Literally nothing that I learned then is of use to me today.
Go check out what cybersecurity is offering exactly. Are they teaching mod_security? How to evaluate competing mod_security rulesets? How to work with rbldnsd? If it's all just forensics and Nessus -- take a pass.
oh you confessed already.
Retardation itself is a reason to take cybersecurity rather than project management. Since PM is nearly snake oil, they're going to want you to display extrovert behaviors. You might find it a pretty annoying course. I didn't just have "a choice" of PM. I started PM and then dropped out on the second week.
Meanwhile, if you personally are interested in physics or chem, you're sure to actually learn something from those courses, and might get some cool use out of them--chem, especially, with polymer jobs.
The upside of education being destroyed in the West as a serious institution, is that it doesn't actually matter what you learn as long as it's not fucking Japanese. Chem is probably just as good as PM if you go looking for a job in PM.
Before you graduate, get a cert or two in the field you actually want a job in.

Don't waste credits on a worthless minor. Take more grad level courses in CS and math.

Uni is a scam, stop being a retard.

sour grapes

sour grapes: since I can't have them, the grapes are probably sour, heh
uni is a scam: I've been to uni and it was a fucking scam. Do something else.

I learned a lot about programming, I'm very glad I studied CS as it helped me get a better job and do a lot of networking that would have been much harder or perhaps even impossible without it

I'm leaning pretty heavily towards following this anons advice, I'm not gonna lie to you though I've asked about a thousand people and the worst answer I ever get is: "just follow ur dreams and do what u want 2 do" like nigger I'm a listless 2018 retard if I did what I wanted I would fucking kill myself

I considered doing this but I was told by several professors to actually do the exact opposite
I am proud to say though guys although I talk like a yeeyah ass fucking retard I'm not a luddite antisocial goon, I'm trying to be more managerial because I'm a lazy fucker and I'm significantly less autistic than the rest of these STEM spergs

Biology is good. Because you're a living thing so you wanna fuck living organisms. And it is also good for your mental illness.

Or organic chemistry is also good. But is is for a graduate student so you can choose just chemistry.

You can never go wrong with taking more math.

Absolutely DO NOT choose project managment if you don't want to loose your soul. I'm serious. Every "project manager" deserves to get shot.
I fucking hate SCRUM etc.

to be fair you should bully hard-working programmers

Only whipped slaves work hard and overseers deserve to get paid!

Nigger I'm younger than you and earning what you'll be losing to the Jew every year. I am the envy of my coworkers because I have no loans to pay back because I didn't fall for the uni meme. There is absolutely nothing there for you.

I'm not some fucking genius. I just don't wait to be spoonfed and I don't make dumb decisions just because that's what people do.
Use your own fucking brain for once.

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Do you honestly believe that a team without a manager can deliver software according to the budgeted time and cash? I'd love to see your team of 5+ programmers work in such a way.

Why do you believe that university degrees feed people with a spoon?

The first year of the course is literally basic programming skills. There is nothing in a university course that you couldn't just learn off of the internet.

What are these? plz no bully, am brainlet

If the matter of higher learning was simply a matter of buying textbooks and reading from cover to cover, then you'd be correct. The problem with self-directed learning is that you don't know what you don't know. You can spend your time comprehensively learning certain lessons which is fantastic if you have unlimited time to do this. There is also the matter of progression, how do you get from here to there when you don't know what you don't know? Once again, you could spend your time comprehensively learning your lessons but you need unlimited time to take this comprehensive pathway.

A formal accredited course has a specific pathway for students and the teachers teach specific lessons to guide them towards the pathway. Not only is the pathway directed towards a certain outcome, students have a whole community of people who will support them at that specific point in time. Everybody is working with the same context so everybody will instantly be able to work together regarding the lesson material. This is not the case for self-directed learners.

We have the internet now. There is no need to buy textbooks.

That's why you get a job and make friends with people who know more than you.

By asking people what they're up to and getting a job. Hell you can literally just watch entire series upon series of computer science lectures from a plethora of professors. It's not that complex.

The only reason you need unlimited time is because the breadth of knowledge is practically infinite compared to university.

What concrete value does any of that provide? I have the internet.

Tl;dr: Your post is horseshite and you should feel bad for encouraging young people to literally enslave themselves.

Seriously, management is really important. Being a programming-related project manager is basically just being an autist wrangler. CS dudes might be smart and good at coding, but they suck at communication and coordination.