Is 29 years old too old to become a full stacks developer?

Is 29 years old too old to become a full stacks developer?

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Yes far, far too old. Your only recourse is to lop your cock off so they overlook your ANCIENT age.

Having a job in IT fucking sucks.

No, who told you that?

Of course. If you're not a full stack developer by 7, you're too old to do anything.

if you arent underage they dont need you

What's your relevant experience and education?

Not if you can connect the dots. Most developers are faggots that can't do much without assistance every 15 minutes. #coffeeislife and bragging about their traveling and green purchases.

IT doesn't suck, jobs suck. If you understand IT, it's easy, what sucks is that you support people that don't understand things they rely heavily on and today that means they get to gripe and blame you and your job for why they can't do theirs.

If you worked in any service industry its that way. Only way to avoid it is to go into manufacturing but then you deal with petty bullshit like drama and "corporate chains".

I have over 100 employees and while most are under 26, the only useful staff are over 30. Everyone else is still stuck in that 75% work 25% socialize. It's not until they get close to their 30's that they start thinking about their future and realizing they need to be more productive to ever retire and that efficiency is the only way they'll be more productive without burning out so they work smarter.

Most people in hiring positions understand that. The only people that don't are recruiters, but frankly recruiters are a dime a dozen, I've literally not met a single recruiter that knows what makes a good employee let alone one that's ever known how to match up a job description to a resume.

If you think you can get it done, lie to the recruiter to get the interview, and be brutally honest with the interviewer. Honesty is sooo much more valuable to executives than experience, unless they're looking to hire someone for the relationships they've forged in which case you're just applying for an ambassador position than anything.

Whenever you ask something about tech and the question has "too old" on it the answer is always ==YES==

lmfao how about just beeeeeee yourself

What sucks is having to meet deadlines instead of quality. But yeah, as you said, it's not exclusive to IT.

no, I know a guy who learned web dev at age 26 (about a year ago) and now he makes $55k/year
it's not easy, but it's possible

That's really shit pay.

Yes. Simply put, if you're over 21, and looking to get into development, sysadmin, etc... You're too fucking old. Companies these days want the most they can get out of an employee, and in the Zig Forums field, that means you're retiring at or before 35. At 29, and just getting started? No company worth anything is even going to consider you. You have *AT MOST* 3-4 years of productive time left, and that's just not enough for them.

I would suggest you either kill yourself now, or kill yourself later, because you're *NOT* getting into the field, old timer.

beats working in retail or fast food
plenty of worse jobs
keep in mind this dude didn't have a CS degree

How about 80% fuck around on the internet, 20% work? Fuck working hard for internal promotions lmao, just slack for a few years then apply somewhere else. As long as you aren't egregiously and openly disrespectfully lazy your boss will give you a good reference

don't listen to haters, just learn full stack web dev (preferably MEAN stack or Django, not ancient shit like Rails or PHP) and do what you need to do in order to succeed
if you take Zig Forums's advice, you'll just dismiss everything and do nothing except install 500 different linux distros
don't listen to these people who are just trying to put you down

No. It's never "late" to start developing a skill that can keep you occupied for years, that gives you a sense of purpose and joy through the projects you make. Before you know it you'll have a github account with an array of interesting projects. You might or might not see monetary compensation or even recognition, but the time you spend building something and feeling you made a good job, is time well spent. Also by mastering a skill you gain power which you can leverage to obtain things you might want in the future. Whatever industry you're in, it's necessary to become, to feel, important, for your own mind's sake. So being programming or whatever it is you're interested in, it's never late to become better.

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Are you the same user that sperged out because other anons told you living in Silicon Valley was why you're still stuck in an apartment while making 100k a year? 55k is good money if you live in certain areas of the country. It's double what most folks make a year where I'm from.

I'm the guy who made the post about someone making 55k/year, and no, they do not live in silicon valley

55k/year is shit pay for anything involving dev work. It's entry level pay, and the raw number is lower than it was in the late 90s. So not even inflation explains why you're making shit compared to Xoomers. Hiring pajeets was a mistake. Training pajeets to replace you was a mistake.

Nobody is denying that, just pointing out that 55K in the midwest leaves you better off than 100K in silicon valley or NY

Yeah, that's true. So how can we /midwest/erners get a comfy telecommuting job at Microsoft?

are you illiterate? they were clearly entry-level, having no prior dev work experience

LOL boomer whaddu ya think

breh wut my big bro retired at 23 in 2014. it is now 2019

that depends on what your expenses are.
if you want a big house and have no debt, less pay in a less expensive area is better.
If you don't mind living in an apartment and/or have a lot of debt, higher salary in a more expensive area is better.

plus, you can always work in an expensive area for a few years and then retire to a cheaper one with all the money you saved up.


And "MEAN"? Seriously? "Learn the one thing so fucking terrible even braindead PHP rejects won't touch it" is great advice. Especially when both companies stupid enough to use it have moved off of it. Anyone who ever uses mongo for anything is 100% retarded.

node is a big deal, who gives a shit what PHP boomers have to say?
rails is dying out, people still use django though because python is way more popular than ruby
ruby isn't used much aside from rails these days
lol my university taught with mongo instead of mysql or some shit

PHP tards are the ones using node. They are the ones who wrote node. That's why its a pile of shit. Literally all the retard frameworks and web dev software you are talking about came from PHP tards: rails, node, django, mongo. You shouldn't have gone to Hank's House of IT, that's not actually a university.

The best advice is to take the working class approach which is to shut up, do your job, pick up your paycheck (metaphorically speaking in my case) and go home. Be a professional.

If you're a man all you need is 6-12 months or so working full time either frontend or backend and WHILE doing that you volunteer to take small tasks that cross into the domain you're not used to and listen very well to the code reviews.
Once you're managing those keep expanding your responsibilities and ask for a raise.
Also if your company has code reviews available to all it helps to regularly read those on tasks you can't do yet.
If you're a woman there is an easier approach which is being a pretty dead weight for about 6-12 months and then bitching about the wage gap and having the government mandate your raise.

lol I make $30k