Is this really going to happen or is it just a childish fantasy ?.
The technological singularity
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"The Singularity" was newage mumbo jumbo that started to pop up around the early 2000s and has since died down in popularity.
top lel nigger.
lol to you
I don't know about the so-called singularity, but I know we haven't controlled technology in a long time; instead it controls us.
Y'all gotta stop flaunting your ignorant.
The Technological Singularity.
What is it?
It's change at an exponential scale. Change so fast that by the time we understand what it is that changed, it's already changed again.
Imagine waking up tomorrow and a Dyson Sphere is already built around the sun. Go to sleep again and the solar system's already been dismantled and all its mass converted into a computer.
I kek'd at first too but it means the collective works of humanity, I think.
humanity is a nigger
There are two types of games: games with hard rules, and games with soft rules. Computers are already better then humans at most games with hard rules (see AlphaGo Zero, the recent Dota 2 thing). The only major exceptions are games where a physical body is required, but people are working on them. Will computers become better then humans at games with soft rules (DJ-ing, writing music, dancing etc.)? Who knows? That's the most interesting question. But let's say they do.
There are two ways to play games: low-order-first (LOF) or high-order-first (HOF). Low-order-first is how typical school "nerds" play and it is why they are hated. Sure, it is a rule that you don't run in the hallway, or break something, but not telling the teacher is a higer-order rule, so even if I break something of yours, you're not entitled to tell on me. Similarly, maybe storming out of your job is against the rules, but attending to your family in the emergency room is a higher-order rule, so, in some situations, you'll have to break a lower order rule to obey a higher-order one. If you would program an AI to do this the result would be disastrous. Safe to say it probably can't be done well.
And finally, the last things humans do is let rules evolve dynamically as they play. You see this in how children play, in any situation where individuals form a group for the first time and in how someone who ties to fight the spontaneous decision to change, say, a board-game rule by appealing to "how it is in the rulebook", will most likely be unsuccessful and be viewed as a rat. It is very doubtful AI will ever be able to pick up on how human groups unconsciously change game rules on the fly.
We already know what tasks computers will do better than humans and what they will not do (± games with soft rules). Now what the fuck is the singularity, what the fuck is "intelligence", and why do I give a fuck?
He was referring to the graph making nigger and OP, nigger.
the vertical bar doesn't even have units. It's just look at me, I'm making shit up.
And the increase of human intelligence over the last 2 millenniums is tiny compared to anything else.
Humans are just 15cm (rounded up) taller than 5300–2000 before Christ. Evolution is slow as fuck.
Furthermore with the constant increase of niggers and chinks through artificial means, the average intelligence of all humans would go down.
Not to mention that every little detail about this graph is utter garbage.
Soft rules are just a bunch of little hard rules put together.
Believing in the singularity is like thinking that having enough legos means you can build the death star. You don't get anywhere just by having more of something.
Believing in the singularity tells me that you don't know jack shit about what you're talking about.
literally why is it exponential
this isn't a new result, everyone already knew this. citing two celebrity clickbait news articles[8][9] doesn't do anything.
We live in a nigger
You're right. I'm scared.
Human beings should make an AI that is smarter than all human beings! We can make the God.
Actually you do. Read up some on emergence.
Also I suggest taking a look at this article.
o boy every month there is some nigger who thinks AI is gonna rule da world
I can't decide what's gayer, transhumanists or transexuals.
Transhumanists are slightly bigger faggots than transsexuals.
You glow in the dark.
how do you even become someone that wants to be a transhuman?
I'm Zig Forums's favorite cutie transgender girl, and the truth is that the best transgender girl is also a transhumanist robot too.
Nothing's hotter than a transgender's girl brain in a jar in a robot. Then you can fuck a beautiful body while listening to uh, whatever transgender brains in robots talk about. It'd be bliss.