Hello, fellow anons. I'm currently writing an universal *chan client...

Hello, fellow anons. I'm currently writing an universal *chan client, that allows you to read and post on multiple imageboards, such as (((4chan))), Zig Forums, kotchan and more. However, I'd like to ask you: What do you think the perfect structure for such application would it be?

Option A:
Option B:
Option C

What would you choose?
Also, what features would you like to be included.

Attached: img1.png (512x512, 79.84K)

Ability to download entire threads/boards

I'm not asking about language, faggot. I'm asking about one of the options above.
Also, going to make downloadins boards/threads available as "logging".

option c as option a and option b is autistic
with option c, you can still make a default interface as an example for programmers and users but someone can come in and make something better or have a fancy gui interface

Thanks, choosing option C. Anything else?

Oh, almost forgot. What scripting language would you like for extending it? Or maybe just make it simple socket to which scripts written in various languages can connect and manipulate it?


One advantage or feature you can have over normal imageboards is the ability to spoil images as nsfw alternatively, making a spoiler an actual spoiler. Don't try to re-invent the wheel too hard.

Whatever scripting language that's closest to C and the like's syntax.

Not suitable for scripting

I'll keep that in mind.
What scripting language would you recommend then? Lua? Python?

ever heard of dynamic linking? scripting is a meme

I wrote my universal imageboard client as option B in C with ncurses. I also implemented my own custom image renderer like the one from w3m. I programmed it to use cubic interpolation to scale down images. Unlike w3m's solution, you don't actually need to save the image to disk for mine. You just can have it streamed in from a network request.

Ever heard of not having to recompile entire plugin whenever you try to change something?

I see most people here are faggots suggesting niche languages, so I'll just make it language agnostic

Interesting. Can you give a link to its repo?

Translation: working on a hot new idea.
Otherwise you wouldn't be asking such a fundamental question about what the thing should be like.

Lua is pretty good choice.

What's the issue with compiling?


Lua is literally shit tier.

No, there was an incident when I tried sharing before, so I'm never going to publicly release it. Another cool feature is that you are able to write posts in the text editor of your choice. When you want to post something it will open up your text editor, and when you save and exit it will be posted to the thread / board.

lmao. saged and reported


Padded Option B.

undoubtedly option A. Will you provide linux support? how can we keep up to date with progress?

Wrote basic stuff, like fetching page and making it into a structure. Basic code works, currently working on the interface.

Understandable. Consider removing all mentions of your name and releasing it anonymously under Unlicense if you don't want it to be traced back to you.

I'm going to make it POSIX-compatible. That means, all UNIX-based OSes should be able to run it.


You haven't done anything.

I wrote the most basic stuff. What's wrong with stopping and asking here what would be the good design for such project?

Attached: 2018-12-27-235119_490x94_scrot.png (490x94, 14.44K)

