Serious question

Relatively new to linuxfaggotry and here goes the question: Why would anyone use a music player daemon over a regular music player? Are there any real advantages besides suckless memery?

Attached: theman.jpg (480x360, 19.58K)

To play songs in the background without having to maintain a "foreground" instance of the program?

Why would anyone use linux over a regular OS? Are there any real advantages besides suckless memery?

because neckbeards wanna look 1337

You can use different frontends I guess.

mpv @ disown

Music streaming. I can setup a server with my playlist and access it at any device in my home network and even over the Internet.

This is the only real reason, but some people just do it to use their 1337 mpd terminal clients.

I fell for the meme, liked it, and now am used to it.
Though, it integratee well with other programs if you add middleware, like adding some mpc commands to your WM's init file

it's convenient and flexible.

Or I could use a GUI interface designed in the last 20 years that lets me play music with single clicks, rather than commands.

gr8 b8 m8

Personal preference I suppose, but most of the terminal ones don't have plugin support so playing esoteric file formats become impossible.

Because autism. There's an old meme about making software as a server with separate GUI that connects to it, so you can make a CLI as well as a GUI and easily swithc between them. The entire point is literally
but after implementing a million lines of code to make a serialization protocol and to launch shit in the proper context with proper permissiosn, and all kinds of other insane UNIX shit, it just ends up worse off than a normal program

are you the dickfuck that's making all my software take literal seconds to do anything? and no: there's nothing bloated about normal software. it's bloated because it's bloated, not because it doesn't have a daemon design...

I use mpd because most tools support it. You want a GUI? There's a dozen. A TUI? Another dozen. A CLI tool to query the current song, skip to the next or add something to the playlist? It's all there. If you use any player that doesn't support mpd you lose all the conveniences of a large ecosystem. But if that's what you want go for it.

It 'just werks' no matter what frontend I use.


It literally just streams binary to a network port.
No special code required.

It's just a file!

Doesn't mpd have some retarded design where all your songs have to be in one folder?

Yes. Not a problem for me, but you can circumvent it with symlinks.

Because is so unstable

fucking what.

Which means:
-You have to invent a serialization format. Or pick an existing piece of shit like JSON, which means you have to grab a JSON library, but they're all shit so you grab some special snowflake library and every single package on your system has a different JSON library, and they're all subtly incompatible with each other.
-You have to make up a formal rules for your protocol
-You have to name it even though it's not worth making a name for, and this name has to avoid collisions in a global namespace which you have no control over.
-You're subject to all kinds of retarded nuances due to UNIX braindamage, like race conditions, permissions, whether you flush data to the file correctly (depends on what type of file).
All this to get the current track playing and a playlist and position within that list so then you can continue on to display it in your retarded UNIX+OOP GUI framework.
Let's contrast this to normal software:
song = current_song()
for (artist,album,track) in playlist:

muh unix muh perfect everything is a file and totally minimal muh it just werks

Or just use a language like TCL where serialization is given. Even in C, it's not hard to use htobe32 and co while sending strings prefixed by their length or just find a suitable end marker (you have ASCII US and RS for that). You're really making it look complicated when it's not.
How is that hard?
You don't, actually. Just pass /tmp/mysoft.XXXXXX to mktempd and put your socket in it (yeah, too bad there's not a mktemp for every file type).
How is that limited to UNIX?
How is that "braindamage"?
Your only good point.
The point of this is that you can avoid the retarded GUI framework and just let it play in the background, unlike your traditional bloated GUI that serves no purpose. In fact, you don't need a GUI nor a TUI for playing music.

1/10, the original UNIX Hater retard is more entertaining, git gud.

What? There are multiple now?
The new one is the one without the quote box, right?

My ISP is blocking 8ch, and doesn't let me change DNS on the router, is a VPN the only way?

If you have a home server, you can serve yourself music wherever you are, without needing the music on the device you're using.