Data farming

Let's talk data farming anons

Is Hiroshima farming my data on 4chan?
Is pig farmer Jim and his company farming my data on Zig Forums?

Which one of these cucks should I trust? I need the worlds smartest user in here asap

Attached: deadhero.jpg (640x425, 69.22K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Neither, it's a gamble either way. There's less retards here though.

Pretty much this. There is no real discussion on 2018/2019 /g/, they just follow one of these templates:
If you try to talk about anything meaningful you get only a handful of actual posts and are drowned out by that inane garbage

Yes well when the userbase is in the millions vs 301 IPs (lmao) that would of course be the case.

If you want to browse a dead board which even the LARPers have abandoned, run by a retarded weebshit whose only achievement in life is getting a relatively active board by 8ch standards (301 active IPs lmao), you're more than welcome on Zig Forums.

Based and redpilled.

Nah, there is if you avoid the trash threads.
This is a thread just a couple days ago about satellite hacking, where a guy who actually worked with satellites showed up:
Here's a thread I made a while ago about making DIY chips, where at least one guy who worked on a fab showed up:
Same for threads about the minutia of assembly or C++.
If you avoid the cancer threads there's more content than here, that's for sure.


Well to be fair thats how you find gold.


Yeah, so much better staying in this garbage dump with no candy at all


that's the point, it's junk food anyway

I already proved to you that there's good content on there.

Seems to me like the solution is to post here, as there's no google captcha, and lurk on 4chan as they have a cucked google captcha.

How little do you value your time?

after I got range banned there I now have much more free time for other things

How little do you value your time?


if you're just on Zig Forums there's a lot less activity than on /g/ so I guess a lot less little


why would you buy a pass or care about the captcha if you aren't posting anything?
also the UI for the archives is shit, there's no catalog view, and the numbered pages are constantly changing because new threads, so by the time you finished reading say page 3, you switch to page 4 and you see all the same threads that you saw on page 3 that have been pushed back. there's no real way to navigate the archives chronologically, really the only purpose they serve is if you have the id for an old thread you want to fetch or if you want to search for something specific.

Attached: 5282f421fbc233ac75bb5181cc78b6014fef1f89ecf7ea54e0d74fa698c7237d.gif (512x512, 2.77M)

Both are, but it doesn't matter if they can't sell you shit. Embrace non-consumerism and keep the ad blocklists alive. Also don't go to 4chan, it's really cancerous.

I cant understand the mindset of 4chan users that worship privacy and free software on a closed source website that has google captcha. is it possible jim is farming data on 8ch? there is no evidence. Is 4chan farming my data defiantly. fuck off cuckchan still.

8ch is closed sourced too

oh wow neat desu

You're confusing a matter of network services and free software. They are not the same issues.

This is why you only use Zig Forums through Tor

One of the /b/ mods is a trap called Omelette. To get the job, he/she had to lay an egg live on webcam. That's all I know, because later they ban me. Stay safe, bros and don't shove eggs up your butt.

Attached: 7b097af70b893aa0ba0218b2684714d87b0dd21273a7875f7de115f2fb4ad18b.png (363x375, 182.69K)

Is that image fucking real?

Without a doubt, yes.

Hotwheels stated Zig Forums's software is designed so as to make such endeavours impossible but who knows what the pig farmer's been up to since.

I don't much care if Jim is selling user data, what he's got is very much limited unlike Hiroshima who has google captchas and 4chan pass user info to sell plus god knows what else the slant eyed kike is able to market.

Google doesn't give any info about the captcha users to the webmaster.

unfortunately it is.

This is fucking hilarous, especially if you've read his Guide to PGP which doubles as a ryptopunk manifesto.

yes, see >>>/g/8207

I'd still be using 4chan if the site itself wasn't such a pile of trash. Both sites have shitty userbases and I have no reason to trust either Jim or Hiro at all. But I can post here without javascript and only have to fill out one dumb captcha a day instead of every single damn post. I don't even know how you'd get any valuable data out of imageboard users, assuming they're using an ad blocker.

captchas are def being used to provide live and dynamic training data for AI. I dont mind doing captchas but I don't like being tracked thus TOR. it sucks when boards block TOR because of spam/ trolls since we all share the same IP ( as far as the onion side of the server sees. one ban blocks all TOR users. luckily here on Zig Forums people seem to play nice.
4ch is even more toxic than 8ch, although and perhaps because it is contained within predefined boards. the level of user creation potential on this site has immense data value and is 100% certainly being datamined by various entities whether site owner is doing so or not

trust each chan to be what it is,
but ultimately trust only yourself