That documentary about Terry was pretty good

...since I'm not mentally retarded I can recognize that the guy who made is was really pretty fair. It's obvious that he isn't a libtard just based off of his sympathetic portrayal. Why were people here so upset about it?

A million normies now know and mourn for Terry A. Davis. But hey I guess that makes you less special right? Especially considering that the moderating team of this subreddit are psychopathic pieces of shit who were complicit in his death and stole his money.

But we don't want to talk about do we now Zig Forums!

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Other urls found in this thread:

Funny how this entire fucking board gets REAL QUIET when it's brought up that Terry's money was being stolen from him. Anyone want to talk about that?

Come on now faggots. Own up. When this thread gets deleted you'll know the truth.

link? I haven't been following his saga.
Just a basic bitch normie friendly documentary that for whatever reason Zig Forums TOTALLY HATES.

Of course Zig Forums doesn't want to talk about their complicity in his death...

Because I killed him. I came here, and I killed him. He was my brother. And I loved him and I killed him.


They deleted the fucking threads! If you can find the then you are ahead of me. The mods shut that shit down when he died.

The documentary censors out nigger he missed censoring it out at 34:01, but doesn't censor out much worse vulgar words. I seem to remember him insulting Holy C. He also portrays Terry Davis as crazy and even misinterprets some of his jokes as what he actually thinks.

I didn't finish the documentary because the guy sounds like a faggot, but reading through the comments on it makes me hate him for making it.

oh wow you mean he doesnt go full 14/88 in his normie youtube WHAT A FUCKING CUCK!!!!

Meanwhile you don't seem to concerned about Terry's "handlers" in the months leading up to his death, do you?