That documentary about Terry was pretty good

...since I'm not mentally retarded I can recognize that the guy who made is was really pretty fair. It's obvious that he isn't a libtard just based off of his sympathetic portrayal. Why were people here so upset about it?

A million normies now know and mourn for Terry A. Davis. But hey I guess that makes you less special right? Especially considering that the moderating team of this subreddit are psychopathic pieces of shit who were complicit in his death and stole his money.

But we don't want to talk about do we now Zig Forums!

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Other urls found in this thread:

Funny how this entire fucking board gets REAL QUIET when it's brought up that Terry's money was being stolen from him. Anyone want to talk about that?

Come on now faggots. Own up. When this thread gets deleted you'll know the truth.

link? I haven't been following his saga.
Just a basic bitch normie friendly documentary that for whatever reason Zig Forums TOTALLY HATES.

Of course Zig Forums doesn't want to talk about their complicity in his death...

Because I killed him. I came here, and I killed him. He was my brother. And I loved him and I killed him.


They deleted the fucking threads! If you can find the then you are ahead of me. The mods shut that shit down when he died.

The documentary censors out nigger he missed censoring it out at 34:01, but doesn't censor out much worse vulgar words. I seem to remember him insulting Holy C. He also portrays Terry Davis as crazy and even misinterprets some of his jokes as what he actually thinks.

I didn't finish the documentary because the guy sounds like a faggot, but reading through the comments on it makes me hate him for making it.

oh wow you mean he doesnt go full 14/88 in his normie youtube WHAT A FUCKING CUCK!!!!

Meanwhile you don't seem to concerned about Terry's "handlers" in the months leading up to his death, do you?


PC culture has nothing to do with 14/88.

Yes that's the problem

And Terry was a grown adult, he made his own decisions. Only niggers like you act like he was a drooling retard

Nobody stole Terry's money. His payments went directly to his paypal. There was someone sperging out here and in the IRC making accusations and never presented any proof. The entire drama seemed motivated by jealousy, as Terry had selected a few people to help him out with website and IRC administration. Every e-celeb has creepy ass followers who think they "own" them, including Terry.

Now notice how the Zig Forums faggots are more offended by some normie documentary which brought Terry a million sympathetic ears than they are with the sick psychopaths who stole his money and caused his death.

Why do you insist on defending the Zig Forums mods and the discord though?

Want to disclose your affiliations buddy?

I'm pretty sure people had his paypal password though.

What does it matter now that he is dead?

Not sure, but Terry monitored his donations pretty closely and seemed very cognizant of his money situation. There's never been any proof that people stole money from him, and he himself never claimed it.

Wouldn't make any sense to a Satanist piece of shit such as yourself.

I couldn't finish it because of how not in-depth it was.

I know you're baiting but the kind of faggots watching that documentary don't give a fuck about Terry, they want an oppoutunity to posture about how "sad" his life and his "mental illness" was while ignoring everything he accomplished because he said nigger. Absolute scum.

It's not for you bud. It's for normies.

Again, only Zig Forumstards seem to be triggered by it. But they don't seem to have a problem with their own moderators stealing Terry's money!


You think it's bait but that's because you are a fucking dicksucking faggot who doesn't realize just how fucked over Terry was by his supposed "fans".

No, I am a Christian. I was raised not only by going to church but by also attending a private Christian school. I am not a Satanist.

So why do you act as if his death renders his persona meaningless?

So a few spergs fucked with Terry, and a bunch of normalfags who found out about his existence a month ago then forgot about him a day later are going to bring them to justice? Fuck off retard

"Normies" don't deserve the sacred knowledge. Most of the comments under that video are the people who think that 9/11 was a terrorist attack. And stop calling then "normies", these people are not fucking normal.

Oh jeez, Rick, what should we do?!

What if I told you those spergs mod this board?

So if you don't care about the people who drove Terry to his death but obsess over LE SACRED NORMIE KNOLEDGE I can only assume you are an irredeemable retard.

Now that he is in Heaven, what now happens in the material world does not affect him.

Then what was it?

literally asked you what to do, you retarded moralfag.


Attached: nothing_to_see_here.webm (854x480, 13.33M)

imagine dicksucking satanic mods for literally no reason other than that you are a bootlicking faggot


im freech dipshit, here's my lingo:


that's what you are and what you defend, you don't care that the satanic discordians fucking stole and cheated Terry you dont give a single fuck about that

nobody on Zig Forums does

Then why did we enter wars with foreign countries over it and pass the Patriot's Act if it wasn't a terrorist attack? (((Someone))) wanted us to be afraid.

For Greater Israel.

I think I remember seeing multiple threads investigating his death, with one thread that mentioned how his donations or whatever were being stolen from him.

It's true that it's a commie term but it accurately depicts the willingness of some people to get fucked over by the autorities just because.


and there he is!

Fucking var-g (op at #templeos) runs this fucking board. Mfw all the skidos hopping on with their "sauce?" mfw go find some archives of the irc and see for yourself. Mfw they expect you to just hand over literal years worth of information on an 8ch post. What a bunch of fuck offs.

The documentary sucked mainly because it assumed Terry was silent when he wasn't. There were months stretches where he was only on the irc. Fredrick not only failed to look thru any of the volumes of irc archives, but failed to mention WHY people thought his death was faked. It wasn't because "they didn't want him to be dead", it was because the first reports of his death WERE fake, it just so happened to happen just a little before he actually died. Mfw.

Hello polish communist. Enjoying those stolen donations yet?

That sounds like something you should have compiled into a screnshot by now.

Anyone find it strange the documentary quickly glossed over Terry's donations being stolen by impersonators but accepted email screenshots as confirmation of his death? Fluorescent documentary.

I've followed Fredrick for awhile for the diversity of his documentaries but I now realize he glows in the dark..

I've just finished watching it. A brilliant mind plagued by sin.

I didn't even imply that. And I don't doubt that he was getting his money stolen. But if you want anyone to believe you you're going to need to provide some sources to back it up instead of autistically sperging out and making anons dig it up for themselves redundantly.

The people who stole his money moderate this subreddit.

Terry would not approve of spoonfeeding the CIA niggers. Terry would say do you're own fucking research to free your mind.

dude hangs out at gay furry cons i'm preety sure thats libtard central

I mean I'd be more prone to accept people shittalking the guy making this documentary if they were similarly willing to call out the moderator who literally STOLE TERRY'S MONEY.

But I'm still waiting. This board is full of the most servile, vile sort of cuckolds who refuse to talk about this.


Double redditor.

Fredrick, you're drunk.

I might care if you show me the proof


Mfw for the last time Terry would not have spoon fed the cianiggers this information. The le "do your own research" meme is legitimate when the information is publicly available. This isn't a fucking highschool debate kid. There's no fucking judge to impress. Mfw.

Well which one is it, are you trying to spread this information to normalfags to bring justice for Terry, or keep it secret? Pretty sure you don't have shit and are just shilling that documentary

Until you have a screenshot with the proof how about you fuck right off.

more newfags

also someone already posted proof in this thread but the post was deleted and the user presumably permabanned

you are all a bunch of naive retards

Kek, you could easily just spam the board with links to imgur or similar from Tor. But you're just another fagget talking out of his ass.

Attached: 16ee24d172e695332c4e60a435dc6ea47c9b9bcf16429446fd2d1e73dbac9a94.png (763x478, 583.59K)

You make it fucking obvious, shill.

Haven't been on irc since like 2008. Tried more recently and they wouldn't even let me stay connected without registering a nick and validating by email. Fuck those cucks, I can just shitpost here for free.

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 16.79K)

I'm literally shilling against have you no eyes? Fricken niggers man I'll tell you..

Wow "I don't believe it ergo it's not true" much? I bet you think God doesn't exist because you don't believe in Him either, huh? Fricken Cia atheist nigger faggot.

What a fucking nigger. Literally you're glowing so bad var-g I can see you all the way from here.

This fucking nigger can't into irc?!?!
Wow the ignorance on this thread astounds me.

You know, I was beginning to wonder how on earth so many fucking skidos are biting at the chops to defend a couple of faggot kikes. Than I realized something, they're not cock sucking soiboys, it's literally just tsheiks, kenster, and var-g using a couple of proxies. Makes perfect sense now.

It's not about can't, it's about won't. Just like I don't fucking register youtube account or sign up in google, I don't play this stupid nick registration game.

does anybody have a pic of terry's grave? it's been long enough... and the shills keep on shilling

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These people come from the irc that stole Terry's money. They are here to shill, and they have the support of the mods.

You realize on Rizon there's 0 need for nick registration??? Perhaps you're talking about some freenode shit or something? I literally irc daily and have no clue what your on about user.

Idk I'm not convinced. At most, there's maybe 2 user active on there at a time. Even when I was on there daily in its hay day, most people were decidedly anti-tsheiks.

Ah so they've taken to gaslighting and calling skeptics "newfags" in order to defend their "definitive" hypertext screenshot "proofs".

The astroturfing continues.

What makes you think there's more than one of us var-g? Maybe it's all just me........

Yeah I wanted to go on freenode, since that's where most channels that I'd be interested in are, like #openbsd and such projects. Anyway whatever, I don't need this. Managed fine for 10 years without it.

From your posts, user, I highly doubt you "managed fine". Furthermore, taking the time out of your day to bash a platform (irc) based on your single experience with one (out of hundreds) servers, shows me that you are neither that mature, or well developed.

On a side note, freenode has been having major spam problems, and I believe their fix was to make channels mostly "registered nicks only".

Nigga, my first distro was Slackware in the mid 90's. I occasionally needed IRC back then to help unfuck obvious things, but after 25 years of this Unix bullshit, I can rtfm for myself. Anyway it's really just a waste of time now. I shouldn't have bothered. Should have known better.

Attached: LXF12.roundup.tuxkart-1.jpg (550x427, 54.76K)

Nice blog post faggot, no one cares.

3 anons and 15 Polish kikes. Zig Forums just keeps getting worse.

Well then don't make such a fuss when I talk shit about IRC. It's lame now, just like most other things in CURRENT_YEAR.

Someone has hacked his twitter, or perhaps is Terry?

Attached: 1547239829203.png (664x332, 33.44K)

Is Terry still alive?

that tweet got deleted, must be because terry would never say "n*ggers"

If you go, point by point, explaining how 80% of the points he brings up are misleading or wrong, would Zig Forums:
a. Double down on that 80%
b. Retreat to the 20%
c. Ignore what you said and move away from argument to namecallin

Yes, he swam to Lithuania from Oregon.

I'm attempting to classify you but I'm having trouble. I want to say you're ignorant, but something just doesn't add up. You seem like you're literally retarded. Like actually mental or something man. Pretty tough.
What's your general geographical location, user? I want to look into getting you some help for your condition. I bet we can get you on ssi checks and full time care. It's gonna be alright user, there's a bright future on the other side of these clouds.


Attached: TempleOS - Neurons-_yDFnmfg8sQ.mp4 (480x360, 12.87M)


lmfao irc shills on FULL damage control ITT

Not the same user faggot

The only jewtube documentary I saw on Temple OS was just shitting all over terry and trying to lump him in with the likes of Chris Chan etc.
I stopped watching.

Watch this thread get deleted now. IRC shills on fucking suicide watch lol.


You keep alluding to how "triggered" everyone is about it but I don't see any of that.

Well then don't fucking stick your nose into someone else's argument, retard. If you're not part of it, stay the fuck out.

That's because you're one of them, shill.

Comfy 24/7 Terry stream from 2015/16

To be honest, I'm just happy that Terry won't be completely forgotten.
Plus it was a pretty good way to give my libcuck boyfriend an introduction to Terry



any more info on this?