
How spyware is it? Are other flavours(Lubuntu, Xubuntu, Mint etc.) any better?

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It's okay, I guess. I use Ubuntu for shit I don't want to fuck with later on, like the POS plastic Dell laptop I use for ham radio. I really like Ubuntu MATE.

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biggest meme

Well. The discussion should be on how we can have less of a fractured Linux ecosystem, I guess.

There's a handsome and knowledgeable YouTuber, whose name is Luke Smith, and he did a very good video about Linux distros. You should watch it.
He also like imageboard culture and memes, just like you. You should subscribe to him if you have a YouTube account.

Hey uhhh this guy uhhhhh he's aight I guess uhhhhh


They actually got rid of the spyware a while back now, but they're still using the cancer that is Unity. Just use Lubuntu or Xubuntu. Mint is a meme distro with meme DEs as its only selling point.

It has gnome now

Please, whether you are Luke himself, a legit fan or just false flagging, please stop it with recommending that faggot, it's one of the worst cancers on /g/, and I say that as somebody who ran off to Zig Forums after getting range banned for spamming anti-Luke threads.

What drives your need to protect others from learning from him? It's fine if you don't find his videos useful but not everyone is expert level with Linux like you are. I've learned some cool things from his channel.

Back to reddit you go faggot

If you really are this retarded then I pity you.

You gotta realize he's just a sociopath who makes money by repeating all the Zig Forums and /g/ memes and opinions he finds, and them spamming himself all over /g/. Whatever little you might learn from him, you can learn it better from another source who actually cares about teaching and not just memes and becoming famous.
You cant trust somebody who's trying to get famous over everything else on anything that actually matters, because all of his opinions are just being a contrarian just for the sake of controversy, or being a conformist for the sake of sounding like he's in touch with whatever the latest /g/ trends are. He doesn't actually give a shit about the stuff he's making videos about.

I'm sensing envy. Envy that someone else is getting fans from something that you want to keep secret and anonymous. Luke's just a guy in the woods talking about tech. You'd have to be pretty insecure to see any of what he does as an attack on you.

Oh I think I get it now. In order to like someone you have to be able to relate to them. But you see nothing in Luke Smith you can relate to since he isn't an unhelpful elitist asshole who insults people.

Atleast I'm not a retard that goes into the woods and talk about a shitdistro

Or a retard that actually likes him and tries to side with him

Hello Luke

reminder that the term "rootkit" originated from unix (super user in unix is called root), is still a big issue in linux, and your "linux doesn't get viruses" argument is bullshit

You are either a glownigger, or should be posting in >>>/g/

So it's even worse now.

Why is it that e-celeb fanboys always go to the
so quickly? He doesn't care about you, goy. You can shill him for free all you want and he'll never acknowledge your existence.

sir you are great
thank you for this piece of important information sir

Nah, it's not because he's "getting fans from something that you want to keep secret and anonymous". It's just that he's a cringey wannabe-jew larping as le ebin Ted Kaczynski boomer (when he uses the same amount of tech as anybody else) and spouting all kinds of retardation, and the /g/ autists eat it up and believe it's real when the guy is obviously just acting to get views. Heck, I bet you even Linus shill tips is more honest and legit to his viewers than Luke.
And the fact that there are so many retarded people on there drowning out the good content annoys me. At least it used to, since I'm not going on there anymore after my IP range was banned.
I have no issue with people getting famous talking about Linux or whatever as long as they know their stuff, or even talking about retarded memes, as long as they're making fun of them and not repeating them unironically as if they actually believed them (cringe).
The problem is his opinions are retarded and dishonest, and he only says them to get views from other retards.
Oh, now you're playing psychologist huh? I bet you suck Jordan Peterstein's dick too, don't ya?
He probably doesn't even know I exist, why would I see his videos as a personal attack? That's just retarded. I can dislike someone without that person "attacking me".

Agreed. I found ubuntu MATE to be much better than Gnome or Unity, even on a touchscreen.

It sends some data to Amazon. Use Linux Mint or Manjaro.

all I really know about Mint is that it removed the Canonical/Amazon botnet shit. apart from that I don't really know.

If anyone here uses anything systemD just fucking kill yourselves you newfag plebs.

Just use mxlinux, it's easier to use than any *ubuntu variant.

Yes systemD is bad for advanced users since it limits amount of configuration/modularisation but it's ok for regular users. I use MX Linux that doesnt have systemd by default.

Where do you think you are?


lmao you sure are retarded

By regular users I mean casual users that just play gaymes and browse the web and not users that want to understand the GNU/Linux system

you sure are an edgy kid


yeah wow ya got me you fucking mong.

by all means continue

Just leave.
Go back to 4chan.
I don't know why idiots like watching 10+ minute videos that get across the same information in 1 minute of reading.

Attached: 2019-01-07-123045_2560x1440_scrot.png (1252x1414, 1.03M)

That's literally the point of YouTube. Act interesting in your videos so you can get views. Not even just YouTube, but the entire medium of video is based on this. You act like you're on some purity quest wherein anyone who doesn't behave exactly like you'd want them to act is unworthy in your eyes.

Dumbest comment of the month. I'm subscribed to 40 other YouTube channels. I watch them because I like their content. Not one of them have ever acknowledged my existence, namely because I don't have a Google/YouTube account and therefore cannot leave comments. Do you only do things if you expect praise in return? Sure sounds like it.
(inb4 someone asks how I can be subscribed if I don't have a YT account, I use RSS feeds to aggregate YouTube content. Which Luke Smith conveniently explains in one of his videos: youtube.com/watch?v=dUFCRqs822w )

The amount of butthurt here is hilarious. Normally if you don't like something, you just scroll past it and never give it a second thought. But if you actively go out of your way to hate on something, well that's likely because your hate is driven by envy. Guess what? I'm also subscribed to Luke Smith's podcast and I've listened to every episode. So bite me.
Luke Smith's podcast URL: notrelated.xyz/ and notrelated.libsyn.com/rss

Attached: Screenshot_20190107-221631_AntennaPod.jpg (1080x2220, 421.59K)

The problem with Luke Smith is that he is just another Bryan Lunduke, Chris Fisher, Noah Chelliah, The Linux Gamer, This Week In Linux, DistroTube, or [insert person/YT channel name here]. All these people do is create near-vapid, surface level content that drones on for far too long and that which could be easily replaced by a search engine (or better yet, a manual).
They end up acting like gatekeepers and in some cases fulfill that role for newcomers. Eventually they use the power that their viewership/userbase gives them in an attempt to influence or change things (software projects, attitudes, whatever the fuck) so that they align with their malignant/misinformed beliefs. This results in drama being stirred up in software projects, derails the interests of "the community" (high quality software), and turns conversations that should be technical in nature into political ones.
Luke Smith isn't hated here because he is successful, but rather because he pontificates about a subject matter in which he knows little about while simultaneously behaving like he is an authority figure.
It's time for you and your e-celebs to be gassed.

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There's a difference between behaving a bit outlandish and speaking about popular subjects, and literally modifying all your opinions to whatever you believe will make you more popular with the herd, regardless of what you actually think (or, alternatively, being so ass backwards retarded that you have Luke's /g/ desktop thread tier opinions).
Then maybe that's for a fucking reason. If you believe this place here is so full of losers that become jealous of somebody just because he can make a living out of jewtube, why don't you go back to Reddit where I'm sure everyone will appreciate this guy?
I think you missed a step or two in that logical inference.

I'm very jealous of needing a 10 minute lecture on how to use youtube-dl.