/cyb/ + /sec/ - Cyberpunk and Cybersecurity General

The Cypherpunk Manifesto activism.net/cypherpunk/manifesto.html
The Cyberpunk Manifesto project.cyberpunk.ru/idb/cyberpunk_manifesto.html

"What is cyberpunk?" pastebin.com/hHN5cBXB

Cyberpunk directory (Communities, Media, Readings) pastebin.com/VAWNxkxH
Cyberpunk resources (Miscellaneous) pastebin.com/Dqfa6uXx

/cyb/ ftp:

The Hacker Manifesto: phrack.org/issues/7/3.html
The Guerilla Open Access Manifesto: archive.org/stream/GuerillaOpenAccessManifesto/Goamjuly2008_djvu.txt

"Why privacy matters" youtube.com/watch?v=pcSlowAhvUk
"Shit just got real" pastebin.com/rqrLK6X0

Cybersecurity basics and armory pastebin.com/rMw4WbhX
Endware endchan.xyz/os/res/32.html
BBS archives textfiles.com/index.html
Various guides to get started github.com/mayfrost/guides/

Reference books (PW: ABD52oM8T1fghmY0) mega.nz/#F!YigVhZCZ!RznVxTiA0iN-N6Ps01pEJw

Thread Archive: archive.rebeccablacktech.com/g/search/text//cyb/ /sec//

Guide github.com/mayfrost/guides/blob/master/IRC.md
Join irc://irc.rizon.net:6697
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= /cyb/ /sec/ News =
After a retrospective comes a new batch of crystal ball gazing:

That sounds like something Wm. Gibson would have written.

This is straight out of Neuromancer.

Attached: wallhaven-727747.png (1920x1080, 2.53M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Where to find AI program exploit finding tool? You hear about them all the time. How would that even work? Like valgrind?

>shit just got real

I am not sure how it would work, but I think it's just buzzwords to scare people of AI. It doesn't matter if you look for vulnerabilities in an automated way or not, once you're in, you're in. People should be scared of software architectures that "just work", not of some new hypothetical way to intrude.

Is there any actual Arificial Intelligence or is it all just superficial marketing gimmick as I believe it is?

Also this whole shit is just /cyb/shit

Not sentient. But expert systems were also considered intelligence. So depends on your definition.

totally not a larping thread!

I'm interested in getting in to this professionally. My local community college is offering a 2 year Cyber Security course. Am I better off just doing certificates on my own? I have a bit of Linux and Windows server admin experience but nothing particularly in security.

Just doing the certs will get you nowhere I've heard, unless you're looking for your first job.

Given that "cyberpunk" is a genre of literary fiction, everyone trying to do "/cyb/" irl is by very definition a larper.

Cybersecurity sounds kinda wonky, but it's not larping.

No write access to the FTP. Why

/cyber/ complain their board is slow, go change it...

>The Hacker Manifesto: phrack.org/issues/7/3.html
Whoever wrote that is a massige edgy faggot.

what a surprise... mid 1980s to mid 2000s were edgy times. Then came the cucked times we still haven't got out of.

Jeez OP
You really did advertise your shitty group everywhere
Just so I mention it here also
Ur a skiddy faggot OP and will always be one

Attached: b020b24a53ec651fb18234e67aad5ce545032689af6f09213b405c9d92acaff5.jpg (238x183, 9.48K)

Why does he want to kill best girl?

Cuz she a thot

Yep, OP is indeed a massive faggot. Anyway actual /cyb/ + /sec/ fag here.
AI is going to be as bad as IOT is now in around 5 years. The whole idea of security (at least on the logical side) is to get software to 'do the right thing' even in the presence of malicious inputs per se, but with AI (which we still don't fucking understand), no one knows actually how to do this. Combined with retards giving AI tremendous amounts of network access and power shits gonna hit the fan.

The guy who wrote that manifesto was lying to himself about being so much smarter than everyone else - the truth is, he was just ugly and undesirable - but other than that, there's nothing 'edgy' about it, you fucking retarded normalfag.

What about IPv6? Bite the bullet and implement it as primary L3 protocol, or stay away from it and hold out on IPv4 for as long as possible?

"AI" pisses me off. The trend for the past ten decades has been: the better hardware becomes, the less you need to understand the software that runs on it. AI is just the natural end of that trend, with companies no longer bothering to solve hard problems with engineering talent and researchers, and instead throwing more "data scientists" and compute power at the problem until it goes away. The corollary of this is that "AI" is completely inaccesible to individuals, because you need so much compute and data to even get started. Products that claims to use AI unilaterally sends it out to a server somewhere, so that they can have beefier cpus and farm your data while they're at it.

They tried that AI shit decades ago and it was a total failure and crashed Lisp with no survivors. It was all fucking hype. Kinda like basically the entire modern computing industry.

And thanks to a lot of movies like terminator that purposely were made to shift the responsability from human hands onto the AI, they'll blame the gun rather than the shooter.
Sometime, I'm not gonna lie, peoples enrage me. But then I remember that I should not be dominated by the majority's tyranny, so who cares about them. It's not like I have enough money and power to counter manipulate them.

Anyway, I'm going personally back to paper, at least for now. Tired of computers. Maybe will I use one, but only as an air gap for important thing (obviously forced to use a regular one for common stuff like paying taxes).
I mean, being able to totaly disconnect from the grid, and being able to live without this drug, makes your stronger than any other (electric) sheep.

It's literally a mix of catcher in the rye and some coldsteel the edgehog faggotry. WE LIVE IN A SOCIETY!

It's some high school kid that wrote that. What exactly were you expecting, Uncle Ted? Get real, dude. Though he probably was smarter than most, given that back then you had to figure most shit out on your own. Unlike today, where you just read Hacking For Dummies and search google.

How will you earn money (both find a job and perform the job once employed) withouth computers?

IPv6 will see mass deployment along with the 5G botnet which will probably become Skynet-tier, replacing most previous telecommunications technologies.

As much as I can. That's an incredible luxury to be able to not use technology. Only very rich people can do that.

Point taken.