Tamil Nadu scientist claimed although there is no problem with the experimental physics, theoretical physics, he said, is totally wrong and will be completely destroyed in future.
Adil Rashid
04 January 2019
Scientist Says Einstein, Newton Were Wrong, Gravitational Waves Will Be Renamed As 'Narendra Modi Waves'
Tamil Nadu scientist Kannan Jegathala Krishnan said Einstein and Netwon are wrong.
Photo Credit: Kannan Jegathala Krishnan/Facebook
A scientist at the 106th Indian Science Congress on Friday stunned the audience with his audacious claims regarding modern physics and famous physicists including Albert Einstein and Isaac Newton.
Kannan Jegathala Krishnan, a delegate at the Science Congress, claimed that modern Physics will be completely destroyed and asserted that a new understanding of Physics will emerge based on his observations.
According to Krishnan's LinkedIn profile, he is a Senior Research Scientist and Coordinator University Education, World Community Service Centre, Aliyar, Tamil Nadu.
Laying his charge on modern Physics, Krishnan said, "In the 21st-century, the super standard model will rule the world, it is also known as the Vellarithi Model of Universe. This will be the only one model, the modern Physics will be completely destroyed."
On gravity and Isaac Newton, he said, "When scientists asked what is a gravitational repulsive force, Newton puzzles to answer because he was not able to understand what is a gravitational repulsive force."
"Luckily his calculations are correct". Krishnan added and went on to say that "there is no problem in experimental Physics at all, the problem is only in the theoretical physics, which means that the scientists have failed to interpret the experiments in the right way." He called it his "proverb".
The Tamil Nadu scientist also said that though Albert Einstein was a genius, he made a "blunder". "Einstein made a big blunder, even though he was a genius, I am telling, he made a big blunder, he was guiding the world in a very very wrong way and today I have completely refined all the theories of Einstein (sic)."
"If Einstein's theory is correct, why is it not compatible with Quantum Mechanics, why can't he give answer for double-slit experiment, why was he not able to give answer for Quantum entanglement, when I can give answer for all the experiments, and my theory sits with every experiment," Krishnan said.
He further claimed that "Actually there is no bend in space-time at all and he (Einstein) didn't even understand it"
His disagreements with Einstein didn't stop there. Talking about Einstein's 'Theory of Relativity', Krishnan said, "What Einstein told was that mass is converted into energy and it is moving at the speed of light, that is why he added C2, you have to understand that he didn't even understand what is energy." "So, completely, E=MC2 is wrong," he argued, wrapping up his attacks on Einstein.