Has RMS ever talked about other major issues facing society? Or just other things in general at talks given? I'm just wondering how the man does not grow bored talking just about free software.
Has RMS ever talked about other major issues facing society? Or just other things in general at talks given...
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Yes, you can find all of his jewish thoughts at stallman.org
Try to offer him a coke.
Because he's autistic. Unlike 99% of autists he lucked out and obsesses about something useful instead of minecraft or lego or whatever.
He's the one free software guy that's fine with man+loli.
He's the one free software guy that's good.
I need some sauce on that. And if true, based af.
5 January 2019
There's a mix of good and bad here, liking Ocasio-Cortez as a person instead of a fuck object is probably the worst.
fuck he's got like 50 of these a day
and it goes back 18 years.
30 December 2000
28 December 2000
12 December 2000
16 November 2000
19 November 2000
3 November 2000
how does he even vote. half of these are not mainline leftist/democrat talking points.
this is a mix of leftist/libertarian
is this green party?
guess that answers that question.
also he's got a nice page on gender pronouns
he doesn't think xir's and gender degeneracy is bad
he writes a 1400 word article on why people shouldn't use "they"; because it's a plural pro-noun.
autism excerpt
Yes. I'd tell you to research these things yourself but you're retarded enough to post in this shithole so I'll give you a pass.
>Ameritard confused that not everything can be split into (((republican))) and (((democrat)))
At least you're the best goy you fat retarded fuck
t. butthurt euro with 50 parties who all bow down to the EU anyway.
I'd call you names but it really isn't your fault that you were (((educated))) in the US and ended up like that.
Gee maybe rms isn't a retard? His politics are naive but he isn't dumb enough to think the two parties that have been in power since forever will change anything if you elect them just one more time.
He's not the end-all to all opinions and I don't really agree with him on quite a few things but he sticks to his guns no matter what, that alone is respectable.
just don't. You'll only embarrass yourselves with your lack of knowledge.
There (you) have it - anything past Core 2 is bug- and botnet-ridden post-PC bullshit with negligible performance gains (at least in comparison to what performance gains were the norm over a similar period of time in the past).
05 June 2006 (Dutch paedophiles form political party)
Remeber: every other opensource/freesoftware/floss faggot is anti-man+loli.
They're all anglo pieces of shit. Or moronic white men (always dogs to their women).
Stallman is a Jew however.
So he can recognize what is good. Cute Girls.
Suggests stallman hates pedos too now.
> geekfeminism.wikia.com
So, like the rest of the opensource/freesoftware "Men", he too has capitulated to women.
Guess he wants to be white.
It will be good when Russia murders all the white men on earth.
White men ARE feminism.
I wonder why I'm still deceiving myself you all faggots will return to whatever shithole you crawled from.
Shitposting 30+ daily
RMS is the only guy who has written about the very important topic of making life more interesting for whales by creating toys for them: stallman.org
Sorry uncle Stallman, I think I'm going to continue using singular "they" when "this person" or "that person" is too unwieldy.
why are euro's always so salty?
Smug superiority doesn't do you much good while the EU is systematically destroying your country and the only people standing against it are burgers, euro expats, and potatoniggers/slavs. Europe is merely a testing ground for shit policies they'll import to America and ship back to yuroland for more refinement.
He buys into a lot of media narratives and leftist buzzwords, but he does have some sense and is good in certain areas. Take most of his opinions other than the idea with a grain of salt though.
he also wants to fuck birds
*idea of free software
30 December 2018 (Urgent: Tucker Carlson)
Everyone: Call on advertisers to stop supporting Tucker Carlson.
If you sign, please spread the word!
I would pay money to see a debate between tucker carlson and richard stallman.
Hi MikeeUSA
Nice try, but I skip the middlemen and try to get primary sources from Europe whenever possible. Unfortunately, EU member states and the US have had those sorts of close ties and direct exchanges of shit governing policy ever since the end of the second world war. I'm not sure how European, African, and Asian political news is americentric though.
Assuming you're not Zig Forums making a cheap shitpost- how exactly does stuff like racial tensions in former African colonial protectorates and cultish authoritarianism is South Korea tie into the muh burgers narrative? Seems like quite the stretch to me.
I'd like to see that. I have a feeling they'd be surprised at how much they agree with each other on things other than muh migrants and welfare.
Who is this you speak of, explain?
RMS actually founded the volped and inped movements.
RMS is your stereotypical old, uncouth, fat, balding man. And on top of that he's jewish.
You wouldn't leave your children near him, you wouldn't want to be near him, and you wouldn't want to frequent the same places he does.
As soon as you're not dealing with the free software movement, stay the fuck away from Stallman. He's dangerous.
Although his parents are jews, he is an atheist
Only leave your children to the skinny, refined, young, hairy woman
Everyone else is an evil children butcher
Atheism is jewish you absolute retard. Lurk 2 years.
I'd tell you that I hope you get shot but that's an actual reality in your shithole so I'll be nice and call you an idiot.
got me there
Stallman has defended pedos? What the fuck
Why shouldn't he? YHWH allows you to rape little girls and keep them as brides (5th law book, chapter 22, verse 28, in greek septuagint (6th word: padia: child, from which you get pedophile), or hebrew masoretic text (na'ar: child).
Young girls are cute and nice.
White men such as yourself do not want men to be happy.
You ARE feminism. You want everything to be good for women.
And you are a Heritic.
paste and redbilled
And here we see pedoanon who made those two pro-pedo threads that got bumplocked samefagging in favor of pedophilia in other threads
If you've ever actually witnessed a pedo you'll realize they're all gross and fucked in the head. It's not so much about fucking younger girls even (a man lusting after a biologically "done" 14 year old for example is natural, and probably what rms was about) it's more about living in this society and still being that way. If you're not complete and utter socially maladjusted manchild garbage you'll lust but be a decent human being and not follow up on it.
They're all trash and removing them from society is no loss for various reasons, not even the pedophilia alone. Same for people who like anime.
Nope. Different person.
White men hate anything that is a threat to white woman's dominance.
White men are feminism.
You are a heretic who opposes YHWH's laws.
By his laws, since you entice us to follow some other power (Western / USA) you should be killed in great haste.
YHWH allows man+girl child.
(see, ofcourse, the 5th law book (Devarim) for details)
case in point re: fucked in the head
You're the one that doesn't like cute young girls.
You're the one that opposes the opinion of all traditional cultures throughout time.
And you're the one's going extinct.
Yes the old tradition cannot possibly be bad argument. If it's tradition, there's no way it's harmful!
God isn't real bro
It is good for men.
It is harmful for women. The enemy of men.
The opposite is harmful to men.
Only one can win. You have chosen for women to win.
YHWH chooses men to win.
White men are the enemy of YHWH and of MANkind.
It would be good enough that his laws be so.
Young girls are good.
Yes but the time cube only spins in six days. You cannot win when the fourth day reverse move is taken further from the land.
If the God of the Old Testament existed he would've sent a bunch of murderous angels to kill 90% of the population a long time ago
What if he just doesn't care anymore?
"Oh, you reject what is good for you: Cute young girls. Enjoy your own hell being ruled over by cunts, dear white man"
RMS likes little girls?
That SO GAY!
ALL pedos must hang.
What a surprising development