crapple is doing so poorly they are beggining to abandoning their "le walled garden" strategy.
im calling it now:in the next five you will see iOS on samsung instead of android
Didn't they bought some movie studio too, they're devolving into netflix / yahoo, let's watch how low can they sink.
So they are following in Microsoft's shoes, when they offered Windows and Office on Macs.
They still do that, the reason why they offer Office on Mac is that was one of the settlement conditions of the Microsoft antitrust case back in the late 90s.
But now Microsoft has to because the mac laptop share is pretty high.
No they don't most Office licenses are for Windows machines since the vast majority of companies still use Windows systems.
Not that it matters since Bill Gates purchased several billion dollars of Apple stock when the antitrust case was going on and just before the press conference where they announced Office and Explorer for Mac.
For burgerland students maybe, big corps love to buy windows machines, even when they bought imacs for the lobby, it's running windows 10.
No one use macs for anything anymore, even smaller art schools are moving away from Apple.
Apple didn't choose to become a service company, they just couldn't compete in hardware anymore.
More like a datamining company just like the rest. Again , no longer any kind of choice. Seamless hardware, the terminal's software deciding which of both corporations - Apple or Google will get profit from data collection.
Datamining is more like the golden rush or oil rush, it's just "barely legal" mass spying. and no AI can work without petabytes of data.
I wonder how those companies are going to continue to get away with profiting off people's data. The user is generating the data and it is being stolen from them, it is digital cotton picking, digital slavery.
Looks like insider trading to me t. financially illiterate
Did you know that Apple is currently the company with the highest market capitalization in the world. If that's what you call "doing poorly", then you have no idea what you're saying.
So? did you see it lose close to 60 billion in value a few days ago because they reworked their earning projection for Q1.
People invest in companies they see as growing in value, Apple for the last few years has been growing in sales because of emerging markets as well as performing a large number of stock buybacks which drove their stock price high enough to make them worth $1T USD. However like other FAANG stocks (and many other tech stocks) they had poor earnings in Q3 and Q4 of last year which resulted in the stock price falling, many of these companies only missed their earnings goals by fractions of a percent but it was enough to spook investors who were expecting said companies to beat their projections.
Stock price and market cap mean shit in the short run and Apple and the other FAANG stocks are still overvalued despite having been falling for a while now. Not to mention that large tech companies are slow moving and vulnerable to being outed from the market by newer more agile competitors, in the middle of the year 2000 GE was the most valuable company in the world now its on the verge of bankruptcy after nearly a decade of irrelevancy.
Of course it is, the entire thing of Gates coming back, Microsoft releasing the boot off Apples throat and porting Office and Explorer to Mac, and Gates giving a much needed cash injection in return for stock was all brokered behind closed doors when they suspected the DoJ was preparing an antitrust case against them and the press releases were timed to weaken said case.
Nope, sub 10% is above "barely relevant" but not by much.
You're "calling it", are you? Post your name and home address, and I'll be there to stretch your shit chute on 1/09/2024 if iOS isn't on Samsung devices. Post it, faggot. I've got a delivery 5 years in the making for your lower intestine.
It's only illegal when the law says it, and we know (((who))) makes the law. There is a reason Tim Cock got the Good Goy Award from the ADL.
That was only until the mid 00s. Which is why they regularly invited Microsoft to MWSF around then to reaffirm they would be supporting Office on OS X.
This is why shareholders suck, they want constant growth no mater how much money a company already has, they want it to make more, and not only that they wan’t the amount you make each year to constantly increase. Because of this a company must make stupid desion in the name of constant growth.
Shareholders don’t care about that though, they care about growth.
Remember the Apple press conference when they announced MS bailed them out and everyone lost their shit?
the only thing that can same them is bringing back the NeXT cube, or releasing Copland OS
Users don't like Apple products anymore because they're just shitty rebranded UNIX on cheap PC knockoff or ARM hardware. I think the problem is that most Apple "programmers" don't know how to program well enough to tell what's wrong with all that bullshit. Apple used to write all (or nearly all) the software themselves. They had systems programmers and GUI programmers and multimedia programmers. Apple could have made a modern GUI environment similar to the Symbolics and Xerox workstations (as much as possible on a RISC, anyway) with updated graphics and modern features but instead they took some shitty free UNIX code and built an "OS" around it by adding more bullshit to it, making quality and productivity worse. What sucks about UNIX is that it's so unproductive that they have to take other people's free software in order to do what they used to be able to program themselves in assembly on less powerful hardware.
> I'd like to pass along this question...anyone have an> answer?>>> Macs still dont really recognize the internet, or perhaps> I should say they dont track Unix mail developments.JP, that's absurd. I can also claim that Unix doesn't support Macintosh emaildevelopments, and (I believe) there's about 5 times as manyMacintoshes in the world as unix machines. How come most (all?) unix vendors don't support Applelink,Stuffit compression, Quickmail, Appletalk zones, Macintoshfloppy disks, AppleShare file sharing, Quicktime, MacWriteand MacDraw files, etc.? It's not because the formats aresecret or proprietary - all these formats are either publicdomain or available at licensing fees far cheaper thanAT&T's.It's equally absurd to equate the Internet with unix (thoughthe contamination is pretty pervasive). The Internet and itsessential protocols (finger, telnet, ftp, SMTP mail) weredeveloped on non-unix machines while unix was still wearinguucp diapers. Unix is still wearing the same diapers, theyjust leak more now and you get to smell it every time yourmail is returned with an incomprehensible error message, orwhen you try rlogin on some new machine and your terminalsettings are all fouled up. Forget multimedia, why is itafter 20 years unix can't even get your rubout key right?Never mind that, there are native Macintosh programs whichsupport finger, telnet, rlogin, SMTP mail, NNTP news, POPmail, time, and every other Internet protocol you can thinkof. Go over to some mac ftp sites* and take a look.
This is your weakest straw grabbing yet anti-UNIXfag. Apple is orders of magnitude more successful now than when they relied on non-UNIX software for their PCs and devices. To blame UNIX for Apple's blunders in putting thinness and aesthetics over functionality and their disregard for their pro customers is highly disingenuous, even for you, and makes you sound like an Apple shill.
Very true. And then you get (((major shareholders))) demanding that your company become more inclusive, which will suddenly magically make the company better off. I also cannot stand the obsession with excess competition in the market place. Any time you buy a product, you're presented with about 300 different options, and you have to waste your time reading dozens of reviews to sort out which products are shit, which are excellent but jewing you, and which you should actually buy.
Impale yourself, faggot.
You're not even trying anymore.
Consumers stopped seeing apple as THE tech status symbol over time, each blunder degrading the brand reputation a bit more, it's as simple as that.
Why are all of these companies, not in the entertainment business, throwing millions of dollars down the toilet to force the next big film? Do they not realize people aren't going to subscribe to multiple streaming services? Let Netflix and Hulu do that. Tim Cook is having a hard enough time with Apple hardware and pro software. He virtually handed over the educational market to Google on a silver platter. I'm sure he thought he could ride Steve Job's wave forever, but this ride ends SOON.
Has Tim Cook done anything in his life besides being rich?
I'm never going to be able to look at their logo the same way again, thanks.
I know, to the tune of about $150M, most of the bail out came from Gates himself though. Apple needed to buy NeXT outright to get Jobs back which cost them $490M, for a company that was only 30 days away from bankruptcy they needed a massive cash injection then and there, the $150M investment from MS came later.
Tim isn't a goy.
No, they think that since they are Apple as soon as their service is available on everyone's TVs they will magically cancel their Netflix/Spotify/Amazon/Crunchyroll/etc sub subscription and exclusively use AppleTV.
This, the few people I know that use Apple products just stopped caring years ago about upgrading to the latest phone or laptop when they came out.
Apple-branded Toilet paper when?