Why are we still using image boards in [current year]?

Personally I find it a huge waste of time, energy, and a distraction. Since on most image boards content only survives a few weeks or so, boards get slided, infiltrated, manipulated with almost no effort because of the "anonymous" and fast-moving aspect of image boards.

Of course there are some benefits to image boards as well, the fact that people can share images and files is one thing and that people have a feeling of anonymity so people feel less inclined to control their speech.

But, really, can't we come up with something better that tries to combine the good parts of several platforms that have shown to work quite well such as forums, chat (rooms), user-curated submissions (Voat, Reddit), etc.

Though, it doesn't really have to be an all new platform it could also be a collection of minor changes to how image boards (or some other piece of software) operate to create a better platform.

Personally I'd like to see a platform that incentivizes the re-use of files and pieces of information without having to endlessly re-post the same information over, and over again.

fuck off

Great answer, I know, I know, yet another IdeaGuy thread ... but it's a fair question isn't it? Why are we still using image boards.

The problems you mentioned only become problems when you try to use imageboards for political activism, or you start taking the internet too seriously. Imageboards are supposed to be a fun way to waste time and nothing more.

Because it's the best friend simulator for autists available on the Internet.

Attached: 1475283144893.gif (800x528, 664.6K)

try again

Attached: Marshmallow_Farming.webm (320x240, 5.02M)

You can leave, no one is forcing you to stay here.
Now go, fuck off.


Well, let an oldfag give you some advice. You should have learned to spend a tiny fraction of time on image boards but maximize what you take from them using the catalog and pinned threads for happenings. Most lurk and check in, taking a few minutes and then go about other more entertaining or educational pursuit. You are basically telling everyone here you are sitting around with your thumb up your ass waiting for whatever you came here for to fall into your lap. I can not understate how stupid your post is, and how much of a waste of time it is for all who read it. I am only replying to it to help you rethink your purpose and have some self reflection to become a better poster because as of right now, you disgust most people on this site and your narcissistic parasitic vapid attitude brings down the site in general.

Yes. Sadly many people still take image boards too seriously and waste their effort and time on them for political / serious purposes. I consider it futile.

That's the problem, there are almost no options left for politically incorrect discussion. I know of none, really.

Thanks for the criticism, I know I shouldn't even think of image boards as being serious for one second but many people do take it quite seriously.
I'm OP

It is the last vestige of the "old internet." Where else can I call OP a nigger faggot and have everyone agree?

Just use TikTok lol.

This. If you want reddit then go to fucking reddit you colossal faggot.

Reddit. But they'd be agreeing in hopes that OP actually was a nigger faggot. Which he is. Which is why he'd get 100k upvotes.

Fuck off discordfag gtfo

Even on The_Donald. Check out this BASED homosexual black guy with GRIDS wearing a MAGA hat!!! Democrats are the real racists. Do we love our black people? Can i haz upvotes to send this to the top of /r/all?

I'd say, just use some chat alongside these boards and choose what you feel like usind when you have too much time on your hands.
Ofcourse, chat rooms can't be read through as easily as catalog mode here, but it is a start.

t. off-time Matrix fag

GTFO then retard.
Oh really, you think? Why don't you go tell Churchgoers there's value in believing in Christ while you're at it.
You're an idea man without ideas.
Personally I'm glad we have an ephemeral board, so your post will be lost to the world in due time.

Because "we" aren't? Most users just ran off to private discuck servers, while everyone else left on the *chans are just holdouts or extreme newfags.
The imageboard format can't survive in the modern internet. Everything on the open web has to be Serious Business now, which goes a helluva a long way to explaining why people have been running away to private chat rooms over the years.
The only way to kickstart an imageboard renaissance would be to reverse the importance of the web in the world.

You could say the same thing about video games and the web in general. If it's not normie-hostile, it has been or will get cucked.

Attached: artificial_dreams_01.png (320x256, 8.25K)

There is nothing better. Forums have died or got ruined. Chatrooms are not the same and reddit is a joke.

Because (((they))) don't like anyone else to have the ability to freely share unsupervised knowledge with each other or dare to create something in chaotic unison. Imageboards are (or were before they got raped) international pools of offensive creativity, based on anonymity, where only matters what you say and not who you are.

These were given only as an example of "user-curated submissions" which has shown to work quite well, I'm not saying that current platforms which use this are good in any way shape or form, otherwise I wouldn't still be on image boards.

I don't really like image boards as they are right now, but I thought it was an interesting question to ask people why they're (still) using image boards and how they might be improved by taking the best of other platforms.

Yes, Ordo Ab Chao

I think most of this is due to the anonymous aspect of image boards since people get banned for the most minor things these days.

I'm OP

Pssst. That Zig Forums shit is a post-2008 cancer. The workable online communities from 1980~2005 kicked that shit out.

Imageboards were great because there's essentially no barrier to entry because there isn't any sort of account or reputation system which your posts are tied to. But that same system which makes imageboards great also allows for easy posting by shills and bots, meaning it's very easy for (((them))) to prevent any potentially bountiful discussion from taking place. I think the idea of huge internet """communities""" with tens of thousands or even millions of active users is impossible nowadays due to their notoriety and how certain groups of people want to shut them down. Imageboards were just the last surviving example half-decent discussion forums. Discord is complete aids because of how it was first marketed towards gaymers and audists, but I think that sort of thing is the future. The ability to easily create semi-closed and opaque groups is what draws people to discord, I think something like that (but not a botnet filled with cancerous children) is the future

1. Maintaining the infrastructure for permanently storing "user curated submissions" is far more expensive than just setting a cap on the maximum amount of data per board
2. Hypothetically speaking, the fact that threads can slide off the catalog/reach post cap should serve as a form of "user-curated submission" mechanism (topics that generate a lot of discussion generally get continuation in another thread). Obviously the effectiveness varies depending on the general shitpostiness of a board.
3. Voat and Reddit and most commenting systems in general use a very hierarchical way of presenting comments in the UI. A reply to a comment, unlike on your typical *ch, appears below that comment, and eventually after a certain depth it gets cut off with a link to the rest of the comment thread. This discourages people from seeing responses to comments or getting involved in literally "deep" discussions. This can be observed in scores for replies on Reddit (typically the first-level comments are the highest ones, and when you step down the scores decrease by an order of magnitude). This is in contrast to *ch* where there is no extra overhead for stepping into someone's discussion, but it is more difficult to tell where the discussion originated.

This kind of 'new' platform usually ends up being a new reddit.

6,000,000 x THIS

Attached: 796f1e641dca903d42aaf063755b07ec16f4094310d796a3d38a59e0e781705e.png (796x1060, 69.88K)

We hate you though, faggot
--Your imaginary internet friend

It has to be anonymous, anything attached to a real ID in this mental asylum period of the west could see a poster face consequences for holohoax exposure, race realism, and teaching correct biology. Isn't it insane? Many Europeans live in countries in which the government finds it totally sane to import boat loads of sub 85 IQ Africans and degenerate shitskins, whilst putting their own nationals in jail for questioning jewish fairytales.

The features of imageboards (8ch in particular) if anything make them more resilient against becoming subverted.

No you goddamn faggot, if you honestly believe your own bullshit on this point then you need to fuck right off this very moment.

We already did you nigger. See that little 'plus' sign up top?

Nothing, nigger. Listen. Listen to me. Listen to the words coming from my mouth. Nothing that you say matters.
A) your opinion doesn't matter. No one cares.
B) there is no "we", no "us"; "we" are not "on here together". You are by yourself on a little row boat. Floating in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Just because there's other boats in the sea doesn't mean you have a relationship with them. They just pass you by and call you a little sissy bitch faggot (tbh you are). You don't get to look at the 750ft fully manned pleasure yacht and say "Wow look at what us boat builders accomplished! Aren't we great!!" just because some niggers thousands of years ago discovered how to sail (lemme break down the allegory for you: the Internet), and this information is so widely available and the means of small-boat construction so cheap and easy-to-use (getting on the Internet), and you were able to build your own shitty little boat (this post), doesn't mean you can look at other boats, often bigger and more ornate than yours (other Chan users) and say "damn look at what we've done! How could we make the sea better for our awesome boats!".
C) your points are both ignorant and go against the _one_ redeeming quality of the chans, and that is that nothing stated here matters. N o t h i n g. In fact, only what YOU (not "we") remember will have any bearing on your life. See a thought you find intriguing, it's up to YOU, the individual, to flesh it out.
D) damn OP is a glowinthdark Cia niggerfaggot.

kek, no. Good post except for that.

Go make a better alternative. “We” will wait.

This used to be a feature, a + of imageboards not a -. You had to be there, you had to be an active part of the community to know what's going on. That's before redditors started making home in imageboards and demanding all content to be archived whether officially or by a third party archiver.

That works great for /b/, but when you have a board about technical subjects with actual information, you want to have that shit archived and searchable.

No, you do not. You have active discussions about whatever it is you care about. Write a blog post if you think it's quality worth preserving or future generations.

I'm working on something else that might alleviate some problems listed in the OP but it'll be a piece of software not a new platform.

The real question is: why are we using social software where EVERYONE can participate? You don't want retards posting. You want good users only.

This board is composed mostly of lusers who couldn't code their way out of a paper bag. What we really want is a board for hackers, engineers, people who can actually make shit happen. Anyone else need not apply.

Elitism is the answer.