Don't forget to donate to my channel, goy

Is the average Linux user's IQ so low that they're falling for this turbojew?

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what a quality 4chan thread.

I just want suggestions on negative propaganda about him so I can share it on /g/ when I get unbanned.

Great use of your time. I bet he'll curse your name, seething in anger when he realizes you specifically caused his monthly donations to drop from $230.00 to $227.10.

I'd rather watch his colorful desktop to learn the basic of LaTex than skim through man pages.

Yes because the internet is their surrogate TV. Only this time they're giving money directly to the pundit and not through car ads. And a middleman gets to scrape a little off the top. Quality thread. Get back to watching ScrewAttack :^)

I've no problem with people watching youtube, I do it myself, but the problem is this guy is a complete faggot
even though I think donations are retarded
I don't know how they can stand watching him for more than 2 minutes, that puzzles me more than people giving him money.
no idea what that is
the only youtubers I watch on a regular basis are eli the comptuer guy and lately level1techs

are you actually learning anything though? a cheatsheet and some elbow grease sounds like it would teach you way more than watching that faggot

Luke is a brainlet but a pretty cool guy. He's relatable and likable, but a complete fucking brainlet.

I get the opposite impression. That he's quite smart, but he's psychopathic as fuck and everything he says is not his honest opinion but a pre-calculated opinion designed to appeal to the arch/i3/suckless kinda guy.

I just meant he doesn't know a lot about programming but does know a good amount about vim, .config files, arch, etc. I do get what you mean about him trying to fit in by agreeing with whatever /g/ says though, which is why I think he's a brainlet as he hasn't been around long enough to form his own opinions.

But I don't just mean the strictly technical stuff. Its his whole persona. The faggy beard and sunglasses. The Uncle Tom and freetard larping while using full on botnets including Android, Gmail and Youtube. The Zig Forums virtue signaling. The calling out of random groups of people in the hopes of sounding edgy, contrarian and controversial. The constantly spamming himself on /g/ while having the "I told them not to do it :^)" page for plausible deniability. The shilling of stupid shit like the eomeme68 while not covering actually important stuff like Whonix, firewalling or deniable encryption. No, of course making shitty i3 ricing scripts and giving them pretentious names is more important.
It's all memes and entry level shit for redditards to feel like le33t hax0rs. Who the fuck needs a 10 minute explanation of how to use youtube-dl in 2019?

yet here you are opening a thread about him to gather info so you can make another thread on cuck /g/ later

Not sure if he even made a video about that but it does explain Luke pretty well in one sentence. You have a good point, but from my perspective there aren't any other people explaining these kind of things as well as he does; even if they're incredibly basic he still does it better than LinusTechTips for example. I guess I need a redpill on some good people to follow.

At least he is woke on the JQ


lmao there's nobody to follow. You can either follow hardware shills or nobody. If there ever was someone who made interesting linux videos they'd be unfindable anyway because everything to do with computers on jewtube is pajeetd to hell and back.

I seriously doubt he knows anything more than just memes and even then he'd play the irony card like all cucks.

Unironically sharing this with you:

Don't be so pessimistic, gosh.


He pretty good presenter and able to explain and showcase linux tool without sound like a mouth breathing autist.

He as linguist major student show normal people can learn linux and use its tool as better alternative. As /v/fag it perk my interest to try linux again and I pretty sure most of his ironicmemers viewers interest too.

Hell, if I got a job I seriously donate some to him

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The problem with Luke Smith is that he is just another Bryan Lunduke, Chris Fisher, Noah Chelliah, The Linux Gamer, This Week In Linux, DistroTube, or [insert person/YT channel name here]. All these people do is create near-vapid, surface level content that drones on for far too long and that which could be easily replaced by a search engine (or better yet, a manual).
They end up acting like gatekeepers and in some cases fulfill that role for newcomers. Eventually they use the power that their viewership/userbase gives them in an attempt to influence or change things (software projects, attitudes, whatever the fuck) so that they align with their malignant/misinformed beliefs. This results in drama being stirred up in software projects, derails the interests of "the community" (high quality software), and turns conversations that should be technical in nature into political ones.
Luke Smith isn't hated here because he is successful, but rather because he pontificates about a subject matter in which he knows little about while simultaneously behaving like he is an authority figure.
It's time for these e-celebs to be gassed.

When did this place start discussing YouTube celebrities? I stay away from computers for a couple of months only to come back to see that all my favorite websites and imageboards went to shit.

They were shit before you left, you were just acclimated to it.

He's the average Linux user who things everything in GNU (slash) Linux is great, even when it clearly sucks. So then he's forced to use an unproductive DE and take a lot of time to read the docs of some obscure open source project to determine in what format the configuration files are.

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Because you is stupid poojeet.

Virgin nerd detected

I might be a virgin but I'm not a nerd my friend.