I'm beginning to turn into one of those guys. Please tell me 3THz is safe.
I'm beginning to turn into one of those guys. Please tell me 3THz is safe.
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I wouldn't worry about it goy, stop asking such pointless questions...
I mean, I realize it's non ionizing radiation, but we're jumping from microwave to infrared. It might not be so bad if exposure is kept low. What's going to happen to nocturnal wildlife that can see in that spectrum? Will it be eternal daylight for them or just trippy aurora-like lighting? What will infrared security cameras see? Will it render them useless? I don't want this near my balls.
They both are absorbed by human bodies, and they both are too weak to ionize anything.
The only concern for humans is thermal effects, but that should be negligible as long as you don't go and hug a transmitter.
For animals and cameras, the sun emits a lot more IR on a broad spectrum, so I guess they'll be fine.
Never get near a fireplace, then.
Gotta get anti-White 8k Netflix propaganda to the goyim as quickly as possible.
Yeah, but like ur mum, the sun goes down every night. I assume they're not going to be shutting off terahertz communications at sundown every day.
Apparently human brain has photo-receptors that can pick up light like the ones found in eyes, and putting all electronics in my house into airplane mode suddenly calms my mind, like I just turned off a buzzing TV or something. So I'm beginning to wonder whether if brain photo-receptors can pick up digital signals and react to them?
Disinfo shill. Everybody knows it is not ionizing.
It's about the effect on the cellular level. There is plenty of research that points in the direction that some other effects are into play.
Same as with light. Light isn't ionizing, but yet we are able to see.
The absolute state of Zig Forums
Everything is OK goy - except being healthy!
Photoreceptors in the retina evolved specifically to react to light. They transduce photons into neurobiochemical signals. Nature went out of its way to produce something that is specifically sensitive to light so that the organism could make use of the information contained in it.
Are you retarded? Non-ionizing radiation is exactly what it means. It won't produce reactions in your body. It won't denature proteins. The DNA replication enzymes themselves will fuck up and corrupt your genes; this radiation won't. You can radiate yourself all day and you won't feel shit, and this obviously means any thermal effect is so minor it's negligible. Probably won't increase your body temperature by even 0.1 degree celsius.
Constantly listening to some buzzing fluorescent tubes or CRTs won't damage your ears either but they will be really annoying, will cause headaches at some point and impair cognitive activity to a degree after long-enough exposure. My point was that photo-receptors in deep brain could be disturbed in a similar fashion by the electromagnetic waves floating all around us.
Microwaves are non-ionizing but we all know what happens to a hamster and a microwave. Yes, the exposure is magnitudes different between that and what we experience in the environment. Yes, different wavelengths. However to act like ionizing/non-ionizing is the only factor at play here is incorrect. Part of the UV spectrum is non-ionizing yet still causes sunburns.
this is correct. even a cell phone is bad for your health if you frequently use 4G or talk for hour(s).
Microwave ovens are designed specifically to heat shit up. It can be used as a heat source. Just like the sun. Microwaves are also widely used for communication and nobody is burning up because of that.
Subjective. Some people will find them annoying, other people will be able to tune it out. Just like any noisy room. The difference is you can actually hear the buzzing of fluorescent lights. You can't fucking hear your cellphone waves. It's not the radiation or the sound itself that is harmful. It's you personally who finds it to be a nuisance. They do nothing to your body; it's your brain that can't tolerate the stimulus. And that's okay.
Not this shit again.
The factor you've completely missed is the power going into the transmission. Cellphones are a few watts. Wifi routers are sub watt. Microwaves are kilowatts.
It's purely LOS and the range is pathetic t. radio ham
Hardcore interracial (bm/ww) porn MUST be shown at schools to young children for inclusive sex positivity!!! Sex education is NOT progressive enough.
Only 'bigots' resist progress.
Is 5G being installed in Israel?
You're way off scale for everything
Phones and routers never go beyond 500 mW and the standard microwave oven is 700W
Before you spew verbal diarrhea, why not take a second to look it up?
Microwaves are bed for hamsters because having all the liquid in your body boil from heat is bad. This is completely different from having your body's temperature go up orders of magnitude less than if you went for a jog.
No, this can be settled. You're just willfully ignorant.
Yeah. I meant hitchen's razor. The cell phone towers aren't sending jew messages to your brain. Sorry to bust your bubble.
Phones go up to 2W. Every time you make a phone call transmission begins at full power until base station and device exchange necessary connection information, then, if the link quality is good enough RF power output drops.
at this point it's starting to sound justified. fuck's sake, get some new material already.
For real though would a tinfoil hat/suit/lining protect you from this?
Well I am not looking up any charts or whatever but if I remember correctly the terrahertz range is visible range? Like there it starts with colors and whatever, something around 7 terrahertz. And everything after ultraviolet is the dangerous stuff.
I guess the high frequency em waves can increase temperature of body and water, but not directly kick out electrons from atoms which is the golden standard in the medical community for creation of whatever but you know I am not betting my body and health for few more Mbs download speeds, ya know? And I am avid techie that id also ee
I think you'd need to wear a full-body suit with no gaps (up to half the wavelength, afaik). I am also not exactly sure whether tin foil is actually thick enough. You'll just look like a fucking retard. "huh, protecting muh balls" - you'll end up in a closed institution.
this will tell us if it's harmfull or not
I'm not joking
Doesn't make it less humorous.
I didn't miss it. That's actually what I meant by microwave ovens being designed to heat up water. Obviously the amount of energy being irradiated by such a device is much greater compared to that of a transmitter. Same reason why the sun's radiation is harmful despite being non-ionizing; that stuff powers photovoltaic cells, for fuck's sake.
Didn't know specific figures though, so thanks for that.
But a part of the sun's radiation is ultraviolet, which is ionizing.
(((kikes))), go away, you all hang.
terahertz is even worse than 5g: everything in the terahertz range is negative for the human health.
Enjoy your blindness.
Doesn't matter when 1 minute of sunlight is more IR than several days of nonstop phone calls.
Via extremely delicate and specialized cells in a delicate and specialized organ, which suffers permanent damage when directly exposed to sunlight (looking at the sun for too long will blind you): on the other hand, your skin only reddens and eventually falls off if you go way overboard with direct exposure and no prior conditioning (tanning).
Again, if the cellular effects of IR were that serious, the sun would have already made that impossible to ignore: you'd have to wear a spacesuit to get out of your basement, not even joking.
Visible light is in the terahertz range.
Our eyes have the specialized cells to be able to synthetize the terahertz light into something that is vision. All other cells do not.
"s/specialized cells/specialized cell organelles/"
And those other cells don't die off when exposed to visible light, do they?
Why scienticism faggots are like that? First, you guys don't know shit, you're just spilling bullshit your read elsewhere and second, your blind trust in science is religious.
The state of science today is laughable and not only it doesn't know and can't explain many phenomena, it pretends it can.
Watch video related. Can you explain this? Can science explain this? No.
This is an as yet unexplained thing and you're willing to bet against things you can't conceive even exist.
kill yourself
implying you do
implying you don't, and is that a jewtube link I see?
implying you understand half of the points being made itt, let alone the reasoning and motivations behind them
your "counterargument" is an experiment made by 9 graders: you know, an experiment, the one fundamental thing science needs to make sense.
even if the experiment was well done and unearthed some yet-undiscovered link between EM waves and plant growth, your post would still be stupid.
now kill yourself.
Never in my life have I seen a more perfect incarnation of the Dunning-Kruger effect
Considering how bad global warming is getting 'negligible' may not be something we can afford.
what. heating stuff doesnt cause global warming. its the fact we are releasing carbon dioxide and other green house gasses that have an insulating effect on earth. look at Venus as an exmaple of this.
They're talking about mm wavelengths, so humans probably wouldn't be able to detect it. Who knows about other wildlife though.
Greenhouse gasses trap heat, if we make more heat we'll cook to death.
The heat causes increase in temperatures. The gasses donn't.
Anyone else think this shit would be pointless since it would be absorbed by the air in less than a mile?
Why would you build a transmitter every 2 miles when you could just hook them up to fiber and have simple public WiFi to provide mobile needs.
Scientists are stupid.
What is this brainlet shit, UV causes sunburn not IR you mong.
IR will cook you.
Completely unrelated issues, the only significant heat source when talking about global warming is the sun.
There I was talking about sunlight in general, not one of its component specifically.
Later I was saying that if the whole sunlight can at worst cause sunburns after significant exposure, then the low energy component can't be that dangerous.
Not at 100 mW intensities.
I bet a 100mW IR laser will.
Enough shit posting for today1
dumb (((jew))).