If you could run a script once on a target computer, whar or which type of script would run?
If you could run a script once on a target computer, whar or which type of script would run?
a script that plays an animation so cool that when the dude comes back to the computer and sees that he got haxored he would think "wow I got owned but that's a really cool animation"
The control systems for the U.S. ICBMS. Some of you folks are alright, don't be in Israel, China or Mecca when the script runs.
I'd run the Tay AI chatbot routine.
my dick XDXDXDXD
is there a way to send any data to a host only via powershell?
rm -rf / --no-preserve-root
At least it would be small enough to run even on machines with almost no memory.
lewd anime that wants the user to punish and pleasure to proceed
why live bros
The script would lock their computer until they answered 100 random math questions ranging from simple addition to differential equations. Every wrong answer would select a hundred more and restart the user's progress.
curl -LO larbs.xyz/larbs.shbash larbs.sh
There was ransomware not long ago that made you beat 2hu with a minimum score to unlock your files.
fuck off Luke :DD
reverse shell with netcat
I recall a ransomware that required you to play PUBG for an hour or something to unlock. Fun ransomwares are a thread of hope.
why did it take 7 posts to reach this?
What's even worse is the hacker forums with decent discussions are gone now.
The botnet ads and exploits on android phones aren't even remotely close to 'fun'
though it would be a good idea to monetize on the botnet by injecting xss through ads causing the android to automatically install a botnet app that datamine or mine coins though I don't think arm can mine coins yet or can it?
This, but unironically except with even harder problems
There's JS miners, so why wouldn't it?
Install Gentoo
Urbanite trash