Do you have a second to talk about terminal emulators?
Is there a reason not to use whatever defeault your distro comes with?
Are there noticable differences between different ones?
Which one are you currently using and why?
Terminal emulators
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Used to be a yuge urxvt faggo but xfce4-term is the best I've used. Good balance of werks-n-features and minimalism.
xterm. Seriously.
No bugs, fast, works with everything, even has sixel support. It's the reference. Even on old systems the overhead it has compared to more incomplete emulators is not worth putting up with their problems. Use it with a bitmap font and that will be the fastest terminal emulation you can get.
Abandon All Hope, Ye Who Enter HereThis is undoubtedly the most ugly program in the distribution. It was one ofthe first "serious" programs ported, and still has a lot of historical baggage.Ideally, there would be a general tty widget and then vt102 and tek4014subwidgets so that they could be used in other programs. We are trying toclean things up as we go, but there is still a lot of work to do.
Yeah, it's a mess code wise, but it works and works fast. Compare st (which isn't well written either but meme here) to xterm in regards to speed. Hell, compare it to urxvt. xterm will come out on top.
Except urxvt is actually good
Why is the ancient terminal abstraction still a thing in current year?
Because making something better would require committing more resources than to just continue using the pile of shit that alreadt exists.
"If it ain't broke, don't fix it" is the real UNIX philosophy.
Gas all UNIX weenies tbh.
Is anyone seriously concerned with terminal speed?