MSDN Channel 9: "Fuck white people"

Why is Christina Warren still working at Microsoft? She presently remains the face of MSDN Channel 9 on Microsoft.

Her infamous "Fuck white people" twat from November 8, 2016 still has not been deleted. You can read the lack of remorse in the comments.

It is public record and shows that Microsoft is becoming a politically treacherous company for vendors who require total neutrality in their cloud IT management. This is not diversity; this is out and out racism. It will not be long limited to "whites".

As you can see, they continue to feed her new video opportunities.


January 11, 2019 episode. Week On Channel 9/TWC9-Unlimited-Free-Private-GitHub-Repos-Python-in-Azure-App-Service-CES-Highlights-and-more

January 4, 2019 episode. Week On Channel 9/TWC9-Happy-New-Year-Trill-Goes-Open-Source-NET-Updates-Tech-Ranked-and-more

And so on. Developers will not tolerate this and Microsoft cannot be trusted with any further patronage until this ends. You can forget about AI and you can forget about ML.

She needs to be publicly rebuked and fired immediately. This shit will not stand.

Attached: ifuckinghatewhitepeople.png (575x363 235.66 KB, 35.02K)

Other urls found in this thread:'s_OK_to_be_white)

She looks like a bird-faced yid in that twitter photo.

That was my thought as well, but her first name is not in order. Kikes flee from anything that has "christ" in its name like vampires. Maybe she's a good shicksa.

True. She just seems to be mentally ill.

Attached: retard.png (1182x834, 179.12K)

did you notice her dead eyes and the fake smile?

a microsoft shill is mentally ill big surprise.

Look at the phenotype though. Long large nose, horse face, big teeth, upper lip thin in comparison to lower. I bet she is at least a quarter yid, doesn't even know it, and is just acting out of genetic impulse.

She's making a mockery of legitimate white hatred that only minorities should have the right to feel.

what are you talking about? she is a (((minority)))

Heh. Bringing them out of the stone age is worth every slavery they got (which is gentle compared to what their own other tribes would have done to them).

This. We should support her.


Attached: christina warren ratfaced kike.jpg (1200x900, 262.53K)

Sounds plausible. Jews will be Jews.


Just dont date anyone with black hair, europeans have the lighter shade.

You can't make this stuff up

Attached: screenshot.png (581x250, 44.61K)

nice insight.

cry some more impotent pissbaby

weak bait

Who hurt you, sweaty?

It's okay when it's white people.

Attached: 1512947137498.jpg (440x640 31.07 KB, 7.22M)


I am ashamed to say that until now, I was bluepilled on this shit (inconceivable how this could have slipped my attention all these years). Thx for waking me up.

This one has been changed but Webster used to think that just the idea that there are different sub-species at all, irrelevant of anything else, was considered offensive. The only real technical terms we have for this concept, "offensive".

Attached: Offensive.png (695x1138, 115.02K)

From wikipedia page on "It's OK to be white" ('s_OK_to_be_white)
What the fuck.
And from "All Lives Matter":
>According to professor (((David Theo Goldberg))), "All Lives Matter" reflects a view of "racial dismissal, ignoring, and denial".
I didn't know about All Lives Matter before, and often used it in conversations when I thought that we should respect people as people, regardless of ancestry labels. But this just shocked me on a whole new level.

Well, if there was no sub-species / races, why is everyone using the term "race" to label themselves? IIRC, even the american government uses the term to label people. Race deniers BTFO or the USA are racist.

Not necessarily, at least not all of them. My dad's brother married a kikess, and they named one of their children Christian.

The Current Year -1.
IDK who's Jew'ing whom anymore.