Reasons to be wary of glow in the darks. Let's say we have an l33t h4x0r user shithead. shithead hax0r has a grand total of 24 hours in his day, if he is like most depressed faggots he likely sleeps for no less than half of those. depressed faggot now has 12 remaining hours in his day to do shit, lets say it takes him 1-2 hours to do his daily routine (>implying he doesn't eat, sleep, shit, hax, repeat) and another hour or two to cook and eat (>assuming he eats a "normal" diet) so now he is down to ~8 hours in his day. now of course shithead isn't going to spend all 8 of those hax0ring, so lets say 4-6 hours tops of hax0ring, and about as many fucking off online, playing games, shitposting, etc. how long does it take to "program" a script or something? I have no idea, but I will assume that it is a time heavy process. this of course also rides on if he has a job, if not it would likely be 2-4 free hours now lets say shithead hax0r decides to fuck with big bruv, he spends his 2-6 hours free of his day working to troll big bruv. now they don't like this, but he doesn't care. what he doesn't know is that they have roughly a dozen people if not hundreds who can all do what he does better and faster, and they get paid to do it for longer. all that + having -full support of the law. -nigh unending budget. -latest and greatest hardware and software+best internet available. -???. so if we do some simple math, that would mean that just one (1) glownigger can match his daily effort by at least twice, and this just multiplies with eac consecutive glow. and so if they have a team of a dozen or so glows, they could easily do in a day or a week what would take him months or years, up to and including pushing his shit in.
so what kind of things do you think about late at night Zig Forums?
Shit thread, way to use way too many words to say a simple thing.
Your whole shitstain of a post could have been condensed into a few lines.
Carter Ross
Liam Diaz
it was unintentional, my internet is really slow an shitty.
Asher Mitchell
nah im way betterer
Lucas Wright
Roughly a dozen retarded people. No capable tech-sector guy wants to work for the government. The pay is shit in comparison what he could get otherwise. The only intelligent cybersec people they have are ones they threatened with convictions if they didn't work for the government, ergo they might be intelligent, but hardly motivated.
Camden Carter
Not everyone is motivated by money Shlomo.
Adam Taylor
Nope, just the smart ones.
Asher Morgan
I've been thinking about the effort of the glowdarks and the innumerable prongs of their efforts and come to the conclusion that as individuals we need to pick our battles and accept there is no perfect setup that will be immune to all attacks forever. At some point we all get forced to use a service or software that doesn't respect our freedoms/privacy, or a project we depend on will fall to their influence. Instead of going full autist and trying to build the perfect machine that uses no botnet hardware or software and has 2 or even 3 factor authentication and a rock solid chain of trust it might be better to just do the bare minimum to give us peace of mind, fit our threat model and compartmentalize as much as is practical the compromised tech/software/services we need to use. Focusing too much on every possible backdoor and botnet results in spending far too much time building a "perfect" system that is limited as fuck, frustrating to use, and will be end up being rebuilt or scrapped in 6 months when another bug/backdoor is found.
I came to realize that if I pissed off a government or corporate body enough to make them willing to bother breaking anything beyond the most rudimentary of security measures, they would likely just shoot me in the head and frame it as a hunting accident, or the revenge of someone who got triggered by shitposting. For me the happy medium of security is a corebooted x220 with IME nuked, Slackware 14.2 with encrypted root. I went with Slackware because it's stable and it's core utilities are static, no systemd, and it repels faggots because the system stops holding your hand after install is over (or before if you want encryption, lvm, or any other non-"standard" install). This leads people to think that its hard to use, but if you can read and can focus on a task for more than 30 seconds before becoming frustrated, it's actually easier imo. No random sparsely documented distro specific system utilities coming to fuck with your shit.
I also think that everyone should start making physical copies of every bit of software they can, including (maybe especially) out of date software. If you don't already, you should also keep all your old machines, and maybe get your hands on some retro machines too for good measure. The CIAniggers don't really care about us, they care about making sure that useful software is either under their control, rendered unusable by modern OS's/hardware/other software it depends on, or scrubbed from the internet. When they ban all but a handful of (backdoored) encryption methods, SystemD is merged with the kernel, all modern software requires instruction sets only available on botnet processors, all tvs, computers, phones, smart cars and smart appliances come with alexa/cortana/etc. always on and people who question the powers that be, even in private, seem to suddenly see their credit score plummet, their car starts breaking down more often and they get banned from all major platforms at once, you can be laughing as you shitpost from your old thinkpad, a Dreamcast running NetBSD, your old i486 running FreeDOS, or even an Amstrad running SymbOS. Archive the past to protect our future!
Jackson Clark
The CIAniggers are absolutely outclassed. The odds of their survival into the next century is literally flat 0%.
Lucas James
Well that has been the consensus among most security folks since the 80s. Yep, when we leave the mindset of "im not gonna get hacked because of my fully updated ubuntu" to "shit everythings fucked what should I do" We (or at least me) think about how to work around hardware backdoors. The sad but true answer is security through obscurity. Running netbsd on a dreamcast is a good example, a firmware backdoor or other ring 0 trick would be a pain in the ass. It might be just as "easy" but that same amount of work could be applied to iphone backdoors which for 99.9% of attackers is a better target. It's not secure in the true sense of the word, but it's like hiding in a forest instead of a open field.
Make them work for it. Getting hacked is part of the plan.
so its essentially infinite money vs infinite intelligence? and immovable object vs an unstoppable force? how would that pan out?
is any windows system before xp/vista a reasonable option? or would that be per-exploited due to it already having been in the sphere of tech? or would it be good as it is now out of the mainstream sphere of thought save for hobbyists?
Jason Hall
Well, it depends. For running some old software and non networked uses it's fine. It definitely has some easy bugs to exploit especially if it hasn't had 10+ years of patches installed. I would imagine it is still a big target as lots of 3rd world countries have thousands of xp machines, plus the embedded version runs on atm's and point of sale devices around the world today. Vista is slower than 7 ignoring its similar security situation. I think with some real hacking xp can be more secure than people think, like running modern linux software through cygwin. But even then lack of aslr and an ancient kernel will still put it behind modern linux/unix. In summary, I don't think it is the kind of obscurity one would want to protect against off the shelf exploits/tools, for that there are better options. But if you have a special setup and/or can prove things about it's behaviour then it's as good as anything. The worst choice is always things like pic related.
so essentially the only way to have true security is to find something up to date and make it yours per-se, and don't outsource your security to an "entities"
Jonathan Brown
That is right.
It is actually the unmaintained or unfunded projects that have the even more decent code while the well-funded ones/technologies (usually adopted as the standard after a code-off) are filled with backdoor ops and more and have more flaws but "muh performance" card over "that much more secure candidate".
This one is very true but I also advice to put them inside RAR/ZIP or else regret the copy being infected with the most sophisticated self-propagating worm programs much worse than any ransomware. I probably still have old firefox ms binary that isn't Soros'd somewhere but it's probably wormed now (I'll be looking at the modified date). On open source case, I find it hard to make old binaries work out of dependency hell distros (if you know one that isn't that plus non-glownig distro, let me know) and it is a lot easier to do portable software "copy, paste, and run" software on windows and it is much better unlike on linux distros where you need internet and sideloading is too bothersome (updated dependency breaks old programs).
Terry was a winfag and doesn't know any OpSec that is why the CIA caught up on his plans.
Noah Perez
this makes me think of arch-linux (primarily the memays about having to do every microscopic thing on it)
could you explain this bit for me, how does something get "wormed"? will keeping it in an always offline drive/machine prevent it from being compromised?
Hudson Robinson
For a high trust archive I would take all the old binaries and do 3 different checksums on each one then print out the results and store them with the copy. Also modify dates can be faked. If you want a comfy linux 2.4 distro DSL (damn small linux) is great, the package repos are still up too. It shouldn't be too hard to find 2000s era debian or slackware isos either. Linux source is archived all the way back too. For maximum oldfag points run it on a palm device, zarus(?), or original xbox.
Not that kind but what I mean is when they're setting standards for like say cipher standards where AES is adopted. Same goes to a lot of standards that are rigged from the beginning and the ones that won are glower friendly If you plugged in your hard drive over your friend's worm-owned PC it will infect most of executables in an instant. It is the worst kind of infection since even the antivirus softwares will shut their mouth because it's embarrassing to tell the user that the antivirus executables have been infected with worms and the only way to fix it is to remove everything since it is near impossible to unpatch the malware code injected to even the system files. One infection I saw was so good that it even prevented offline startup scan from malwarebytes and eventually auto-deleted any executable with filename/description about any known antivirus softwares.
I usually put them under ZIP/RAR since even legitimate hack tools are sometimes suspected as viruses though it is detected as W32.hacktool which means it is just a hacktool but they delete them fast (even windows loader/activator).
Asher Lee
When i said physical copies i meant more like CD/DVD-Rs. I know it seems cumbersome to have a fuck ton of disks floating around, but if you come up with a system it's not that big of a deal. My strategy for keeping it clean and easy is to mark disks with release dates so i have an idea of when i should check for new releases, store the latest versions in a binder with dividers for category for ease of access, and keep old copies in paper cases, bundled with other old versions of the same software, stored in boxes with dividers and with a masking tape tag on the first disk just so the name of the software is readable without pulling bundles out. Glowniggers can't fuck with read-only optical media.
If you wanna archive on hard drives or flash media I recommend creating par2 files to prevent bit rot and mount read-only when not adding files.
Nathan Bell
This thread is dumb. OP had a decent idea (that many other people had) but developed it in a totally brainless way.
These agencies have other concerns besides pwning OP. Even for that, there are millions of people like OP to pwn. Their resources are extensive, but not infinite. In fact it's common for them to have resource shortages because government is inefficient.
Their hours don't scale comparably like that because see Mythical Man-Month. A lot of people are also there to collect a paycheck, not to be the best they can be, so they give no fucks. Say you get dumped with 100 other cases on some lowly mook's desk. He's only going to do the bare minimum so he can write a report and get his boss off his ass so he doesn't make him work weekends again. Not to mention these are government agencies and do (((equal opportunity employment))). The CIA is now ran completely by women for instance. That's the extent of baseline threat model: Advanced tools, operated by disinterested monkeys, mostly dragnet.
If you are doing something really bad - and I don't mean extra spicy memes - this changes, of course. At that level compsec is kind of irrelevant. They could park a surveillance van and when you're at work come in to do evil maid. They could even corrupt your actual maid with threats or money. They could kidnap you and take you straight to a black site because due process is irrelevant if you say "national security". But if you're attracting that sort of attention, you are either running a major criminal operation (think millions of dollars) or you are a rebel that poses serious threat to the government. People who do this have much more sophisticated security, including humint and physical sec, so the obscure 0-day in your netbsd or whatever the fuck becomes a trivial detail. But if you're an international criminal mastermind, what the fuck are you even doing on this board?
so anything that is "approved" is done so by glows? and those which aren't have the possibility of being "safe"? so a couple things i've gathered are 1) don't plug your shit into "non-trusted" devices or just any ol compooter. 2) always keep a recent backup handy. 3) give your AV's cryptic undetectable names?? 4) ZIP/RAR is safe/er from viruses, worms, malware, etc? what would be some indicators of an infection? the most I have experienced is the comp acting weird and slowing the fuck down for no reason. this was back when I was underageB& what would be some undeniable ways to prove your machine has something?
seems like a solid strategy, only issue I can forsee is me being a cheap bastard and not wanting to buy a couple hundred bucks worth of disks (depending on how many releases there are) could you tell me more about that? I've always suspected that the quality of media decreases over time but I couldn't really put a name to it.
Josiah Hughes
That and don't get caught in dragnet.
Jacob Rodriguez
little fish go through the loops but how does fish avoid the net altogether?
Benjamin Sanchez
We're not talking about actual fish here, you realize.
Brayden Cook
The original Xbox was basically a PC with a PIII, 512mb of ram and some Radeon graphics card. It was super easy to mod. I've got mine with XBMC(now called KODI), Damn Small Linux, a modded dashboard with a better music player and a dvd player that doesn't require that dumb ass IR remote accessory MS tired to sell, and a half dozen games on the HDD. Gotta swap the original IDE HDD for a larger one if you wanna store more than one game at a time though, IIRC it was only 8GB Bit rot occurs mainly in magnetic medium, but also in flash storage as well. In magnetic storage it occurs when cosmic rays, random EM fluctuations, etc cause a single bit to flip from a 1 to 0 or vice versa. Most of the time this is harmless as it will happen in a part of the drive that is empty, or just doesn't have any noticeable effect on the over all file, such as in a jpg or video file, but in the right locations or with enough flipped bits the file can become corrupt. Bit flipping is most evident in ASCII text files, as a single flipped bit will change a letter. File systems with checksums can tell when a file has been corrupted but they can't actually do anything to repair the file unless there is some form of parity, such as raid, or some advanced FSs can be configured to keep multiple copies of a files data on disk in order to recover damaged files (at the expense of storage space space). Par and par2 files are a method of creating parity without depending on the file system or raid controller. Files which fail a checksum verification can be repaired using the data in the par files.
I'm not really sure what causes flash to degrade.
Adrian Miller
Forgot to mention that the Xbox's controller port is just USB with a retarded casing and 2 wires swapped. So you can splice a plug for keyboard/mouse on pretty easy
Luis Reed
we're just two fish souls living in a fish bowl
so the advantage that discs have over HDD or similar is that it's optical instead of magnetic, good to know, would that mean that it would be safe/ish in the event of emp or solar flare, also what other mediums mimic this or would be a good substitute?
this upsets me because (I think) my dad recently got rid of one that has been sitting in the closet for a number of years. your suggestion actually sound like a pretty neat idea, is it feasible with modern consoles like ps3 or xbox 360?
Ethan Powell
Correct, optical disks are really only susceptible to regular wear and tear and harsh elements, which isn't an issue if you aren't using them as coasters or storing them outside. If stored well your children's children will be the first to see any significant corruption. As for other mediums, I don't know of any that are at all practical (wanna store a dozen boxes full of punch cards to keep a back up of MSDOS?).
I never had a ps3 so i never looked into it, but i'm pretty sure it's completely jail broken and can run Linux now. For the 360 it depends on what model you have, how much bullshit you are willing to go through, and if you care about ever going online with it again. Some are trivial to mod and can be be made to load games off hdd, as well as linux or what ever else you want. Others are a pain in the ass to even get to play pirated game disks. Things are made easier if you never intend to go online, but may or may not be a major pain, require soldering, additional hardware, etc.
Jeremiah Wood
ps3 would probably be easier since it is more like an actual pc in design than an xbox. just a sidenote, where can i get the DSL distro? a quick search leaves me a bit confused as there isn't really any specific source.
Would you recommend any AV's for linux? (if there are any) if not what are some way I can tell that my system is under attack by a trojan, virus, exploit, etc? what can I do to "harden" my system against those, like from a complete newbies point of view?
Matthew Baker
There's a lot of ways to harden a Linux system. I'd recommend reading through Arch's wiki page on the matter and following any bits you feel comfortable with attempting. As for AV, I don't really bother with it my main machine because viruses targeted at linux are pretty uncommon, so even when your common sense lapses because, for example, you have an erection and a BAL over 0.12 and you just NEED to see that obscure porn that has a good chance of being illegal in your state, it's unlikely that what ever bullshit is downloaded will infect your machine. If you run a NAS or other machine that shares files with/between windows machines though, i recommend ClamAV. It's nothing fancy, just a daemon that runs a scan every so many hours, but it might prevent some funk from a random porn torrent from spreading to your windows machines, or worms from a windows machine with write access from going ape shit on your network.
Sebastian Stewart
seems like a good place to start playing with linux and its systems. any programs or other resources you would suggest for general use (it doesn't have to be strictly for linux) like text editors, package handlers, torrent clients, shit like that?
Kevin Jenkins
Arch and Gentoo's wiki's are the best out there, so any time you have a question and your distro's docs don't have an answer, check there. Arch's seems to have more topics and is more up to date, but the topics gentoo does cover are usually covered in greater detail and with more how-tos. Some people will disagree with this, but learn either vim or emacs keybindings and get used to modal text editing. Quadruply so if you want to get into programming. I prefer vim. It's a stupidly steep learning curve but once you get used to it you will never want to be without it, and being forced to navigate with a mouse will feel like pulling teeth, it's that good. Thankfully there are entire libraries of software and plugins targeted at vim and emacs users. That is why so many people on Zig Forums and /g/ use tiling wm's, they lend themselves better to keyboard only navigation, and most are based on vim or emacs key binds. That said, you can configure most of the floating WMs to use similar keybindings and be usable with minimal mouse usage, so don't think that you need to follow every meme that floats out of /g/. If you are new to Linux, absolutely distro hop to see what other package managers and distro specific tools can offer. Too many people end up never venturing outside of .deb land and complaining about problems long since solved (or never had in the first place) by other distros. But also understand that distros aren't really that different. For an experienced user, 95% of distro-specific problems can be solved and any distro can be made similar to any other. It's just a matter of how much of a pain in the ass it wants to be getting it there. My recommended distro order is ubuntu/mint for total newbies, Debian for people who have used Linux for a few months/years, then Arch/Slackware for people who have used Linux enough to be tired of weird distro-specific behavior and experienced enough to not need hand holding. Or Gentoo if they fit the last criteria and also don't own any heaters, only more computers. Alternatively if you want to make Linux system administration your job, instead of Debian go to Fedora or OpenSUSE, as most servers running Linux are on Redhat(Fedora is a test bed for Redhat, so if you get used to what fedora does you will be ready for what Redhat does 2-4 years from now), Ubuntu or OpenSUSE.
For torrents I use deluge for no particular reason. It had more features than transmission when made my first seed box but that might have changed. I haven't really kept up on it. More important than your torrent client are your scrapers. If you are a member of any of the major private trackers look into Sonarr and Radarr to automate your piracy. Flexget is great too, but isn't as easy to use since it's webUI is still experimental.
Sage because we have strayed off OP's topic, but feel free to ask more questions if you have any.
Dominic Nelson
do you use any specific virtual machines or encryption programs? also could you give me a list of programs/functions that one could expect to use on a scale of "very often" to "rarely at all" just so I can get an idea of what I would need to focus on to attain proficiency the fastest.
Nolan Sullivan
If you don't have the grsecurity patch you're fucked. If you have systemd you're fucked. If you run a compromised cpu you're fucked.
You're fucked.
Cooper Hernandez
??? explain pls obviously
also to touch on a previous post what is considered "dragnet" and how does one "avoid" it?
Bentley Johnson
I use virtual box or qemu with a graphical front end because I'm lazy and don't really use VM's for anything other than testing. For encryption I use luks/dm-crypt for my disk encryption. For encrypting individual files I just use gpg. These might not have features like hidden partitions but encryption is kind of a meme beyond confidentiality, tamper-proofing and obfuscation anyway, since if someone wants that data bad enough they will just wail on your nuts until you unlock it.
For programs you would expect to use a lot, i can't really say. It depends on what you want to do. The only advice I can give without getting too specific would be to familiarize yourself with the terminal and shell scripting, learn to compile software from source, and and so you don't end up with dozens of unmanaged packages floating around your system, learn how to make a package for what ever distro you use, or always compile with a prefix that puts everything in a specific location, maybe a directory of your home directory.
Most people use the "dragnet" to refer to all the companies and software that passively gather information on users, typically for marketing purposes, and share that information with the NSA/FBI/CIA/etc. and/or sell it to the highest bidder. Examples would be any google service, amazon, your cellphone company, and virtual assistants. Things like Intel's Management Engine are likely not part of the dragnet as while they are intentionally buggy to allow alphabet agencies access if needed, this requires action to actually exploit. Information from the dragnet is used to flag people who might be a problem for closer investigation. Things like IME, malicious firmware on devices with DMA, intentional bugs that break encryption or leak memory, etc are used to investigate/take down individuals who are already a target, or to break into systems that contain information they want but have been denied.
Nathan Stewart
what do you think of sublime text editor for coding?
also do you know any resources that can help me to relearn math from the ground up (public "education" completely killed my mental math ability ): )
Hunter Stewart
gentoo is nice on any reasonably recent computer, even the lower end spectrum doesn't have much problems regarding compile times. That was ten years ago. The only problems where gentoo is kind of a PITA is on the ARM dev boards, but that's more because of the limited RAM these often have. You can still use distcc.
Gentoos package manager is very good and will allow you to make a locally stored overlay to manage offline packages you can make ebuilds for yourself. I don't know of any package manager where it is that easy. You can even distribute pre-compiled binary packages to other systems.
With gentoo you also get the option to modify compilation via USE flags which in most packages lets you turn off a lot of stuff you don't need. It can speed up compilation and will make managing the system a lot easier since you don't need the tons of dependencies pre-compiled systems usually bring with their compilation options as they try to cover most use cases. Also can keep HDD space used down. Interesting for embedded builds.
Just everyone learn the gentoo way really, I know it's kind of a meme but it's incredibly useful and compilation times are by far not the problem they used to be. You'll also learn how a *nix system is put together and that'll make you understand every other distro automatically and even Android and *BSD builds with minimal learning. (it'll also teach you why systemd is crap) It's not even that hard, It was the first Linux distro I ever used and that was ~12 years ago.
Luke Jackson
I've never used it so I can't really say. I use vim with a handful of plugins and external scripts specific to my workflow. has some good resources
Also does anyone know how I can unfuck an old LG G4? it got stuck it a bootloop, I took a heat gun to it a while ago and just recently put it in the oven but it won't turn on. Is it the battery or something else?
Also I tried formatting an old hard drive with ubuntu on it but it got interrupted so now it says the HDD on have >1gb of storage.
Robert Nelson
this "reddit" spacing is the most autistic crap I've seen on here (and there was a lot of competiton) can we finally let it die? I don't want to read walls of text without paragraphs.
Nicholas Cruz
did you not read what was just posted? reddit spacing applies to sentences because of the way the plebbit replies are formated. They have to
type like
because otherwise it would look like a garbled shit like th is does.
spacing your paragraphs is an appreciated and accepted thing to do as it is considered proper punctuation or whatever that makes it easy to read shit and not have it look like an endless sentence
Adrian Thompson
Delete the partition and recreate and reformat it. If that doesn't work try writing a blank partition table as well (assuming you have nothing else on the drive you want to save).
You guys know we have a tech support sticky right?
Thomas Wilson
thanks for the suggestion. tbh I hadn't even noticed, this thread was originally meant to be a spook story thread that evolved into ways to avoid said spooks that evolved into plebbit spacing. but I will take a look at it.
Owen Phillips
no you moron your text must look like a stream of shit because this is only true way this is chan way we are not like them we must do something to be not like them you understand moran???? you understand?????
Adrian Torres
well this thread is going to shit mods feel free to anchor/delete this thread thank you
Ethan Watson
Those guys are retard newfags, but your OP is still the worst post ITT
Ethan Murphy
Lincoln Morales
B-but I thought chans are rally hard-core places filled hard-core trolls. But look, being a newfag I have defeated the whole fucking place with two messages. If in reality you all are such pussies, maybe you should adopt some Code of Conduct?
Sebastian Nelson
? it was a shit thread in the first place faggot it was supposed to be a "exchange of thoughts" kind of thread but devolved into tech support you didn't defeat shit, go back to whatever shitty containment zone you came from
Landon Roberts
Not even gonna happen, and it's not all that useful anyways. The US government still keeps paper copies and floppy disks of top secret information under lock and key. It's not like you can just SSH into some server somewhere with a login banner that says "top secret do not steal". I'm not sure how you think this shit works. If you were to hack into the computers of some smaller agency, you'd most likely find nothing but mundane shit, and if you touched it you'd probably be fucking with public-facing services and inconveniencing civilians.
Depends. But if they catch you they'll kick your door in mid-fap, flash bang your dog, and then you'll never touch a computer ever again.
Oh but that's just how it works IN THEORY. But in practice, you get shit like the Clinton email server. Just think if some kiddies hacked into that, rootkited the motherfucker, and exfiltrated all the contents over months and years it was active and being used for avoiding the normal government channels.
Aaron Russell
Okay guys, sorry I've harassed you so harshly. Please don't ban me, I didn't know you have CoC here.
Justin Watson
Yeah, the government agencies aren't these super efficient monolithic entities that are untouchable. Look at Snowden, he was pretty much a low-rung peon and he embarrassed them. The only reason he wasn't suicided is because he immediately went public and it wouldn't have resolved anything for them to kill him outside of the law system at that point, besides further exposing them. He also exposed that even those three-letter agencies are like every other government agency (doing pointless but expensive crap and being inefficient while trampling all over the rules that are laid out for them)
It's pretty possible to hurt them, but you pretty much suicide bomb your own life in the process. Gotta be ready for that.
Connor Davis
No, not really. That sort of shit is only happening in the innermost circles of the talmudic cults that control the media, banks, and other shit. They're nearly untouchable, and when they are hacked, it's done by state actors, possibly insiders. Not by some guy in his mom's basement.
Jayden Jones
I got news for you: "state actors" are just overpaid lamers that buy exploits from neckbeards living in their mom's basement.