Japan-based Debian dev demoted to Maintainer over misunderstandings regarding a SJW dev and CoCks

>Debian Account Managers and (((anti-harrassment))) team called out Norbert Prening over muh incorrect usage of pronouns and other (((disrespectful))) communication




Leddit threads:
archive.md/i5beG (discussion thread, shoah'd)
archive.md/MS9GO (being this triggered over internal political FOSS drama)

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Other urls found in this thread:


Hopefully he jumps ship to Devuan. This shit is tiring.

how is this political bs more important than development? who the fuck is making these decisions there?

It's what happens when society is in the process of collapsing.

When you have a tiny userbase and no need to satisfy them, development is a hobby at best, and it's very easy for personal interests to take over.

The jewish usury cycle is about to collapse, which is why they need a scapegoat. So instead of taking the blame they're gonna crash the economy, restart capitalism, and sacrifice hundreds of billions of human lives in an orchestrated war. To achieve this they are instigating global discord by any means necessary. Just read the protocols if you want to know more.

hundreds of millions...oops!

Good. Mistaking pronouns is heinous crime.

These days everyone wants fucking attention, not to mention these mentally-ill faggots craves even more.

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Not gonna work, because everyone is onto them now. Anyway Trump and Putin won't do WW3. Hillary would have though, because she's fucking batshit crazy.

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So all the fears regarding the linux coc are justified regarding the debian coc. Looking through the mailing list, I was expecting much more vile comments, which would still have been acceptable, but instead it was a bunch of reasonable, helpful, comments. This is the worst they could dredge up? Truly embarrassing.

Yep you don't institute a wrong-think doctrine on a healthy system unless you want to destroy it.


JFC, what planet are these people on????

It's an excuse, and a poorly veiled one at that. They want him gone, and don't want to say the real reason why.

The symbol for the debian distribution is specifically on the list of FBI symbols demarcating child trafficking. There is something highly grotesque and illegal going on with the people maintaining and using the Debian distribution of Linux. You will see the same thing with the logo for Dreamcast and it is no wonder that the console failed (followed by one named Saturn no less).



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so if it was already compromised why did the glowies get rid of ian?

this is the literal definition of double-speak

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This is communist bullshit pure and simple. I'm sure some of these commies are Jews, but lets put the blame where it rightfully belongs.

One is a triangle, the other is a Fibonacci spiral. Fighting retardation with more retardation wont help.

Fork Debian, call it PeNiX and put lolis everywhere. THere, now you just need a logo. Someone on /b/ can find it on deep webs.

Based weeb.

Lmao that is actual FBI document? It seems like one of those infographs made by the conspiracy-tard boomers from twitter.

First the logo was a default brush from gimp and now a pedophile secret symbol, what's next? It's actually best logo out of all distros.

I read his blog, it seems they are going after him because in 2015 he wrote pro meritocracy article, they are just purging any possible opposition. The hive never forgets.

Funny thing is he agrees with them on almost everything else, for example wants to ruin japan/europe with more refugees etc.

so how about you fucking faggots use this as an excuse to exodus to Devuan?

Daily reminder to abandon the Debian ship and move on Hyperbola GNU/Linux
soon :
Now we need more and more Aryan to use it and make sure the Jew doesn't get close it. If such thing should ever happen, OpenBSD / DragonFlyBSD. And if these one cuck out, well, it would be the day to get the oven ready.

Oh, fuck, it's about that whore Sarah Sharp again. She deserves corrective rape.
Anyway, from Norbert's blog post:
So he bowed down and changed his blog post to indulge her mental illness that she's "non-binary" or whatever, but Debian still shoah'd him anyway.

That is the most hilarious.
oldfag like us knows you don't debate with Jew but it's a pretty rough ride for a newfag. Quick redpill for him.

You should take a gander down the rabbit hole user. "Communism" is a means to an end, not an end itself

Time to look for an alternative server OS. How pozzed is CentOS? openSUSE?

Guess he's having Debian problems. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

CentOS is Red Hat, and they are pretty bad. See example denouncing cis males:
community.redhat.com/blog/2018/08/the-danger-of-devaluing-community-volunteers/ (archive doesn't work)
Also Fedora (CentOS' upstream) has a women initiative that tries to get mentally-ill dick-cutters into Linux also. So yeah, stay away from them if you're against any of that bullshit in tech.

The most disturbing thing I have found about openSUSE are their song parodies, but I haven't looked into them at all beyond that.

You have it backwards.


the fact that someone who spent years of his life contributing to a project, only to be demoted (potentially removed) over some SJW niggerfaggot pronouns bullshit, feels like it's going to get to a point where the only way these SJW types and their sympathizers will learn is a bullet to the head.

The project will just drop in quality to a point where these disgusting marxists will leave and attempt to contaminate a different project with their deplorable ideals. The only people who'll hopefully learn anything are the actual contributors who will be wary of letting anyone with a social agenda anywhere near their project.

For the linux-kernel devs themselves, there is a solution: rescind.
And for free. A key point. No consideration, he should rescind whatever code (scripts etc) he wrote for debian. I don't think they have people sign over their code either.


Aka "white men"
Aka: the same guys who let their child brides be taken from them over 100 years ago.

White men are scum and the enemy of all men, the ally of women. Sad but true. Non-white men still have child brides.

mikee spotted

Every communist is a jew. Communism IS judaism.

Gentoo. It has a "code of conduct", but it's just a classique netiquette.

what an obvious (((jew))). go die somewhere else.

I used to work work Sharp, and I went to college with her boyfriend, who is a massive beta. You would be punishing the person who had to rape her.

They aren't even oriented the same way, sperg.
Kill yourself.

Communists purged jews, so I doubt your claim.

Stalin purged jews. Doesn't change the fact that communism's source and early spreaders were jews; same with URSS's governement before Stalin.
Reading the Protocols makes it obvious that both communism and capitalism are jewish.



Communism is just institutional judaism.

Attached: jewish communist attack on germany, 1918-1919.jpg (1549x824 13.14 KB, 131.53K)

You mean created a state in Russia just for them.

I can only assume it's a boomer meme. The jew cries as he stabs you.

Considering USSR is literally state atheism at its finest, I'm going to press X for doubt

Hello? Most jews are secular. Being atheist in Russia during that period was basically the same as being a jew. San Francisco jews and New York jews are also predominantly secular.

The problem of jews is not religion, and the commie jews mostly don't have a religion.

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And so your problem is with atheists then
I proposition that if secular Jews are evil, than secular Christians are evil. And there are quite a lot more secular whites in antifa and communists than secular Jews
And I also suggest that if secular Jews are evil, Judaism as a religion is fine. It is those that stray from God's will that are evil

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wew lad

Judaism has been superceded though by Christianity.

...? Are you retarded? There's no secular Christians. Christianism is a religion, it has only one definition. There can't be a secular Christian. When people talk about jews, they do not mean the religion, they mean the ethnicity. The jews were not expelled from a few hundered locations throughout history because of funny hats and candle forks.

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He should just go to Devuan. I'm sure they'll appreciate his help.

Wtf? I love Japan now.

Linux hasn't actually banned anyone over SJW horseshit though. Linus just passed the cock as an attempt to placate SJWs. He was probably tired of the constant attacks. Don't fucking judge politics by what faggots are saying. Judge them by what they do.

Jump ship after they demonstrate the willingness to ban valuable contributors over nothing.

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hmmm yeah maybe they instituted a Coc to not enforce it.

Christianity isn't an ethnicity. You could go to an airport and ask a white person about it.

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Robert M. Price would like to have a word with you

I bet there are almost dozens of "Christian atheists" like him, but that's like talking about female speedrunners or black philosophers.

So, one of the most praised and beloved communinst leaders purged jews.
A leader so loved tankies all over the world killed themselves when his successor said Stalin wasn't such a good person.
Implying Jews would approve of Marx, a literal NEET that lived off donations from his friends and wrote about the working class in London without ever leaving his house.
Either Jews are powerful and succesful schemers, or they're the equivalent of patreon e-beggars, can't have it both ways.
Lenin purged jews indirectly by purging anyone that was mildly succesful, so...
Those are an obvious fake, are you stupid or false flagging?

I'm betting on the latter, given how quickly a thread about actual CoC abuse is being derailed.

Implying patreon e-beggars can't be powerful and succesful schemers who leech off others, hold seats of power, collude, and perform advanced political sophistry to manipulate the intellectually dispossessed. It isn't hard workers holding the power today, that's for sure.
Lemme guess, Snopes?

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Except the ones in the governement.
Are you this gullible? Just look around you instead of listening to the very jews it attacks to decide if they're real or not.

ITT we pretend Bolsheviks weren't the jewiest of jews

It's just one user, though. If he was Chinese he'd believe trustworthy authoritative sources regarding Tiananmen square protests, which of course didn't happen and are just a conspiracy theory. Just like all of the shockingly-accurate predictions of the Protocols of Zion are just one massive coincidence.

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Internet niggers

wtf are you talking about

The Zig Forums is always right meme is quite old, though. An uncensored anonymous message board about politics is truthful about the elites that fuck you constantly, who would have thought? It's almost as if lack of censorship leads to truth being posted more often.

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Zig Forums intentionally driving away people that agree with them on many things, because they'd rather be the cool edgy underdog.

Zig Forums hasn't been lightly moderated for most of its existence.
Also the pic you posted is silly, that's a case of mods being lazy and nuking a whole topic rather than censorship.
Any semi-controversial post on science is far more convincing when decensored through ceddit or similar.

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It also makes it way easier for shills and liars to push false narratives and lies. See Pizzagate for instance.
While Reddit has the (easily exploitable) vote system, all dissenting opinions on Zig Forums are ignored or ridiculed. There is no serious discussion in Zig Forums because a. Most users are there just to "shitpost" and b. All users who go against the circlejerk get treated as trolls/shills or buried under a pile of forced memes and circlejerk.

Frankly I don't care. I only go to Zig Forums for links to facts, videos, and such that the MSM won't show. I don't go there for discussion and other pointless mental masturbation.

For at least a couple of years, Zig Forums has read like the LiveJournal of an angsty teenager who uses "nigger" as punctuation to cope with getting bullied in school by Andre (FUCK that guy). I think twice about expressing genuine or challenging opinions now for fear of being associated with or dismissed as someone of that general archetype. Whether it's the result of population replacement or some organization(s) tyring to ensure all reasonable people jump ship, the result is a damn shame.

There are a million topics that will get you ridiculed on any board and not because of some persecution complex circle-jerk you imagine but because they've already been through it and you're dissenting view is actually just wrong.

Yeah sure thing. Does Zig Forums also prevent you from installing gentoo?

You should care, because how can you tell if those facts, videos, and such are not completely made up?
Verifying from scratch takes time, so you can only do that for a small number of posts: for the bulk of them, you need to rely on rougher systems (such as "Buzzfeed is unreliable, ignore news if that is the only source").
If a board can't maintain good discussion, those methods become less accurate and efficient as you have less to work with.

Even the most powerful ones are complete nobodies compared to any CEO or politician, they can get 5 mins of attention and a bit of protection money but they're forgotten soon after.
See all the literally whos disappearing from the radar, even when they got to speak at the UN they were nothing but tools for someone else, and they're vastly outclassed in popularity and income by a bunch of weird furry porn artists.
Snopes being shit doesn't make the protocols any less fake.
They're not even a good or believable fake, they're ORANGE MAN BAD levels of shitposting.

It's impressive how similar Zig Forums and /r/politics have become in such a short span of time.

So what's your argument? Shouting FAKE NEWS isn't one, by the way.

No, I don't care about the discussion at all. I don't want any concensus. I don't like any of you motherfuckers anyway. Not saying I like the jews either. Just stay the fuck away from me with your shitty political agendas, that is all.

If you don't want to kill all the jews you can go back to /g/

I'm not talking about either of those.
I'm talking about the comments including additional information somewhat on topic.

First you give me two links: one to what you consider the original text of the protocols, the other to what you consider a valid english translation of the protocols.
It would be too easy to play "nuh uh that's a kiked version" otherwise.

Kek, most of you fuckers are very into the jew technology. You fucking love x86 botnet, the fucking modern pozzed games and movies, the endless widescreen->HD->ultrawide->??? hamster wheel dance, smartphones, and all other pozzed modern shits.

cuckchan /g/ at that.

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What's the alternative, ARM? lmao

When the left says Trump is literally hitler, they lie. When they say he hates mexicans and will deport all of them, they lie. When you read the Protocols of Zion, it's all a historical record of the past century, written before the fact. The only thing that matters is that they're in line with what has been happening for the past century. Shitpost or prophecy, it's reality. Was reality memed by a shitpost a century ago, or is there some merit to this document?

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Basically anything else is an improvement. But people are married to x86, even defend it religiously, using shitty falacious non-arguments like "hur dur nothing's perfectly secure so let's just suck the maximum botnet niggerdick".

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No, your meme architecture nobody uses, writes code for, or tests for security holes is not an improvement.

Yeah, see. Here's the typical Zig Forums nigger. He thinks ARM is some kind of niche architecture. We're not in fucking 1989, dumb nigger.

Would you complain if there wasn't the Management Engine and assorted backdoors? I agree that x86 is inefficient, but come on, it can't be that you get so worked up about just that. CISC vs RISC as a more broader discussion than x86 vs ARM, I can understand, but both have their reasons to exist.

That said I do want a RISC-V future.

Prove it's not another Nostradamus, making vague prophecies that are then interpreted post facto to fit the data.

Yeah, actually I would complain. The speculation shit is DANGEROUS. It's fucking irresponsible to have that shit in hardware, and almost every modern shit has this. I don't even trust Cortex-A53 since it has branch predictor (although it's still better than x86, if one had to choose between the two). I don't want any fucking guessing in my CPU, just fetch-decode-execute with no guessing games. When they start doing clever shit in code, you get bugs. The same happens in hardware too, it's no different.

I take it you're pretty fucking new.

But ARM has a branch predictor too, right?
They do clever shit to make crappy code run fast. In reality, the only way for Intel to squeeze extra performance out of the 14+++++ nm node is to pull tricks like this. Or industrial chiller, that works too.

Attached: protocols of zion - a summary.jpg (800x800, 226.33K)

He says, posting a Nostradamus-tier summary.
You fucking faggots over at Zig Forums need to understand what a prediction is.
"The jews will secretly manipulate the media and use it for their plans" is not a prediction, as there is no way to conclusively prove it wrong: it's pointless wankery to circlejerk over.
"Rabbi Scholo the Fourth will use his frienship with Bob, owner of newspaper Whatever, to push a false story about Alex Jones fondling goats, and this will happen somewhere within year 2020" is a prediction: it's very easy to prove wrong, very hard to make beforehand, and it's the kind of stuff that can actually convince people.
Hint: the translations of the protocols I can find have some pretty clear prediction in them, prediction that have not come to pass (see the one about the pope).

Dumb nigger, the only reason computers even exist is because of clever stuff that reduces computation requirements by orders of magnitude.
Everything from individual transistiors to adders to ALUs to general purpose processors would be incredibly slower and larger if you did things the trivial way.

Like other anons said, go read the Protocols.
They're perfectly willing to sacrifice millions of their own if this helps them advance their plans.

Not very convincing

Good moishe, 5 shekels have been deposited into your account

Even less convincing, not like Zig Forums can come up with better these days.

I think you are the jew here. That user may be skeptical of the Jew and be cautious of them, yet you are trying to goad him into believing fake documents so that you can poison the well. Just like how media puts flat earthers, neo-nazi etc. inside every right wing movements to make them look crazy.

Why should anyone waste time and effort convincing glow-in-the-dark niggers such as yourself? Not me that's for sure.

The protocols are not actual prophecies. I don't care if it's going to be Rosenberg or Silverstein, and I don't care which of the newspapers, and I don't care which year they do which part of the plan. The truth is, jews are disproportionately present in media and they do collude to push false narratives that fit within a plan for the destruction of western society. I'm not looking for names of "which jews are bad", so I don't need the distinction of "these particular 98% of jews were especially bad". It's just an entire bloc that needs to go, and I see no reason why would anyone miss them.

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