There's no such thing as a no logs VPN

So this happened. The OP claims this is evidence that there's no such thing as a no- log VPN. I was wondering if someone smarter than me which is probably everyone here would care to give an opinion, and I'll keep my ignorant opions to myself and thank you in advance. Things get interesting around pg.22 of the .pdf.

Attached: 22.JPG (893x471, 65.56K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Attached: 100617lincc5.jpg (1021x800, 173K)


OP here. I understand that there are a lot of other factors involved.Bad Opsec on the "perps" fault. But I couldn't distinguish if they could only determine that he was using a VPN, ..vs they could prove what he was doing while logged into the VPN. Let me add my interest are purely educational I only use my VPN for stealing movies and Netflix.

Attached: 15447082821892.mp4 (198x360, 4.31M)

Nigga, just use Tor bridges! ;v

C'mon that's an obvious trap.

this. what you need to look for in a VPN is:
1. where it's based.
2. what payment methods it accepts
3. what info they require to use it

I recommend mullvad personally. They don't require an "account" you can pay with crypto. and they are located in Sweden.

they are jewish honeypots. the only point of VPN existence is to provide shekels to VPN owner. they will cooperate with all authorities because they only care about their profits

superior to VPN in all aspects. works by design
it's not perfect but you can have additional defenses

DO NOT PAY FOR VPN, instead donate 5-10$ a month to Tor nodes, or host your own ones

fuck off mullvad employee

it doesn't matter you pay with crypto because when you connect to VPN you send your real IP. IP can be used to identify you and your home address. even using remote public WIFI would be more anonymous than using VPN

only this is acceptable:
VPN ==> Tor
Tor ==> VPN (risky)
but you need to understand this scenarios and what risks they have

DO NOT BUY VPN, it's snakeoil. use Tor which costs 0$ but is superior

when you use VPN, you get same IP for every website that you visit. so if you log into your real account, then post on 8ch, it can be easily connected
when you use Tor and Tor Browser, you get different IP for every website that you visit and even different IP for same website when you visit it another day