I'm getting less and less sectarian as I realize what a fucking joke internet leftism (and internet politics in general) is. I'll "support" (whatever that word means) and criticize ML states to anarchist groups to social democratic parties. The only thing I can't stand is people who read theory but never want to deal with reality, and people who have an overly romanticized view of the history of their branch of leftism (but this is not limited to any specific tendency). Anyone else feel similarly?
I'm getting less and less sectarian as I realize what a fucking joke internet leftism (and internet politics in...
thank you for your online support fam it means a lot to me
nice blog
The best thing I ever did was quit getting into drama wars on /r/anarchism and join my local labour party
I see the absurd sectarianism and navel-gazing of the internet left as a defensive reaction to how marginalized and impotent left politics is in the world today. Trying to get involved in IRL activism and party-building just made me realize how disconnected from most people all this stuff is, and how near-impossible the "real movement" is right now.
Internet politics are a complete joke full of failures, manchildren and the mentally-ill. It’s a hobby for these people and that’s why you see people continuously picking and choosing between all of these outlandish and obscure ideologies,to look cool. If you are serious about your beliefs your time would be much better spent learning or better, doing something to further your worldview. Maybe I’m slowly getting tired of imageboards, idk
Good, this is something everyone in this board should do.
This tbh.
People heavily involved in serious IRL activism have no time for internet debates, from what I've seen.
Pretty much all the people who would have a legit interest in real leftism are too busy working their asses off in a 9-5 job(s) and they don't have time to pay attention not only to internet politics but to politics in general.
What you see online are mainly literal kiddies, manchildren NEETS, literal boomers and liberal college kids, these last ones trying to actually destroy leftism from the inside.
Looks pretty sectarian to me.
When mutual aid disaster relief comes in to drop victims supplies, when you're trying to organize workers in your industry/workplace, when you're getting ready to face off against cops and reactionaries who will beat the fuck out of you, then whatever tendencies the faggot next to you subscribes to isn't as important as pulling this shit off successfully. Most modern sectarianism is the result of people not involved in class struggle adopting an identity and defending the conclusions such identity leads them to on social media. I'd say it's the result of the "social club mentality" castrating the left by moving it away from class struggle to something you do for fun. So I guess so OP, much as I find tankies massive faggots and demsocs retards working with them and all other parts of the working class is necessary to the socialist struggle.
I think they may be gay. Good post though, I agree
Zig Forums is significantly gayer than average but massively hates themselves over it so they compensate by wanting to impregnate white women instead of enjoying sex with qts.
I feel the same way OP
Theory and praxis are worlds apart fam. One thing im learning though is that you have to trust someone and work with others. I really wish bonobos evolved frontal lobes instead of chimps, because our fratricidal gang-rape nature really sucks ass. Going at it alone means that no matter how good your theory is, it doesn't mean shit when you're up against multiple opponents or not in the topdog mammalian position. Tfw u ready to evolve but they still be marking territory with they excriment.
We are more closely related to bonobos than the common chimp. The reason humans are more violent than peaceful is because violence was useful to building large-scale societies which turned out to be better at conquest and defense than small-scale societies in antiquity, so that's the trend human population followed as conquerors and their methods spread. Most violence is systemic or a reaction to trauma inflicted by systemic violence.
Miss me with that pseudo-speciation bullshit. They're just like you but they're in a different position and doing what benefits them. Also, aside from idiosyncrasies of species, being in a group is always going to be a major advantage when it comes to social change, are you joking? Anything involving a social dimension by definition involves multiple people. Also, on this:
Stop being such an idealist. Telling people theory will never change anything unless they're struggling and what you tell them is the piece of information they needed to get to a better position. What matters is the material situation. You can understand capitalism and how to overthrow it perfectly, but you'll get way farther doing very shitty socialism than doing nothing but reading.
You gay, dude
Being a LARPer is sectarianism.
"Large-scale" societies have only existed for a few thousand years, which is not nearly long enough for evolutionary pressures to force a change in human psychology. Also, these societies were only LED by violent conquerors; 99.999% of the population was serfs or slaves just trying to stay alive to tomorrow.
Most likely it's because of evolutionary selection back when humans and neanderthals lived together. Evidence suggests that neanderthals were both bigger/tougher and smarter, but humans were meaner, more social, and bred a lot faster. They basically Zerg Rushed the superior species, and we are what evolved from those Zerglings.
Translation: you are not the top dog alpha, I am!!
Give it a rest. When the poo poo flinging ended, men turned to ink and symbol systems to express the same thing.
I believe that was my exact point
I literally am, samefag
What's dealing with reality? Also I'd agree on romanticism and naive enthusiasm. However I think reading is always good.
I really think these evolutionary or neuroscientific reductionist views are poor to say the least.