While I did attend (((university))) I did a lot of self-teaching and a lot of topics even into upper-division are easy enough if you've seen it before. Enough that you could conceivably get an internship or job offer if you can show your stuff.
Before going down this route, please realize that games programming is tedious, difficult, and very stressful. The pay is low and your job is always on the line. If you want to be top-tier, genuinely, and have some better job security, you're likely looking at being either an engine programmer or working with graphics drivers a lot. And those two things overlap a lot, so it's really one specialty. If you find you dislike this field, I would not recommend games programming. If you're not actively developing engine tools you're probably just writing scripts to control stuff. Everything else (level design, creating assets, etc) is "art" and entails no programming.
You will need a strong math background (and some physics) for engine work. It's as math-heavy as computer science gets outside of algorithms & proofs.
Use Khan Academy. You can take tests to gauge your current understanding. Then fill in blanks.
Their material on Algebra is excellent. Their material on Differential Calculus is fine. The videos and practice problems complement each other well through this point.
Use OpenStax books to fill in any gaps if you have trouble understanding the way Khan Academy presents a topic.
Once you hit Integral Calculus, you will want to switch to OpenStax + 3Blue1Brown's videos for conceptual understanding of topics.
Integrals are probably the hardest form of calculation you will do. Don't be afraid to just grind out 10,000 problems until you are comfortable solving them. Same for any difficult Algebra problems you find. Just do a lot. If you run out of problems on Khan Academy, or on OpenStax, or anywhere else, buy a workbook of problems + solutions. You need to know if you're doing the work correctly.
OpenStax also has books on physics.
Grab a copy of SICP and watch the Structure & Interpretation course on MIT OpenCourseware's YouTube page. Legitimately good series and introduction despite the memes.
For object-oriented, go learn the C++ essentials from literally any tutorial or book. The original book detailing the spec is fine. Make sure you know how classes, objects, and inheritance work. Know how and when to use a pointer and to create memory on the heap.
For the advanced stuff, Scott Meyers has an excellent series.
Effective C++ -> Effective STL -> Effective Modern C++
Know how to write data structures like Linked List, Binary Search Tree, AVL Tree, Graph, and Hashtable on your own.
Learn how to use the STL to implement standard versions with proper abstractions instead of writing your own constantly.
Learn how to use modern C++ additions to ensure memory safety and optimal move semantics.
You're right that these are taught as upper-division graduation requirements at most (competent) universities. I would mostly recommend finishing the above. Once you are comfortable with that, you can look into popular textbooks for the remainder.
Be sure to tinker with game engines or write your own basic one. It's a good experience that will prepare you for the field you want to go into and give you a taste of that life. I don't know about Unreal, but Unity can be customized at a very low level if you're willing to tinker. Ultimately, it's about building a portfolio of work that demonstrates you can put the time in and deliver a product.
This is your job now. 8+ hours a day, 15 minute breaks between topics. If you find yourself burning-out on a topic, break and switch. No forums or videos except during breaks. Self-motivating to get stuff done is a skill that has to be self-taught and is valuable.
Just do me a favor and, when you finally make it, give back to the community a little. Help your fellow anons out when they struggle. Spend some time each week writing code for a free software project. Don't get cucked, and be a real asset that they can't live without. If it's worth doing, it's worth overdoing. Make yourself essential, and be the best you can be in life, no matter what you do or where you do it. Only you can hold yourself to such a high standard; nobody else will.
If you need more help, please ask.
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