There's something fucked when a quick search of this sentence throws 3 or 4 sources up with the exact same line. Still weed has been de facto legalised here anyway.
never been there, its a bit of a tourist town now but its very much a new england cultural center. used to be the whaling capital of the world. read moby dick
nobody was a slave in cinncinnati though it was a free state, you should have that taig go to the hood in cinncinnati and see how much the niggers fucking ruined the urban midwest
Adrian Nelson
I've still heard about stuff like that. Our English lit A-Level was based around Marxism and Feminism in literature. You had to write about texts from the perspective of a Marxist, we were basically made to brainwash ourselves.
It was set in the 1870s with former slaves in Cincinnati and huge flashbacks to the deep south in the1850s and 1860s.
Zachary Carter
thanks confederates
Jack Scott
I don't get how they repeat the same phrases endlessly
Charles Kelly
I tried to be critical of a Marxist perspective in one of our first practice essays. The teacher's written feedback told me that I wasn't supposed to be critical of a Marxist interpretation of a text, instead, you should """"pretend"""" to be a Marxist, and write about a text as a Marxist. Of course, the only way to really do that was to drown yourself in Marxism, make sure it's the only thing you know, and treat it totally uncritically.
So wot they're saying is, now that he's in custody, he must have a camel to ride around the prison yard on exercise? Maybe if the DSS had given him one in the first place he wouldn't have knifed Dracula
Eli Hall
Nothing wrong with locking up the undesirables and making them carry out high-fatality forced labour.
are you a yank? the military in the US and the police force has become so swarthy and shitskin infested in the past 10 years its insane
David Butler
they seem to have some kind of special program to make somalis cops in the US as well its disgusting how many somali cops are showing up in the midwest
Wouldn't be so bad if they sent the wogs to the dangerous places but they only send whitey there Having a hard time recalling legless and otherwise maimed wog vets They normally send te wogs to white countries to enrich the white girls and wybois to Killyoustan ot Blowyournutsofia
nope but she had very soft skin from all the milk she imbibed in the factory
Mason Jackson
west coast (LA)
If you like Chandler, you should definitely try James Ellroy. Same 40s LA crime setting, but longer books with more complex plots, plenty of gory brutality and sleaze and corruption, and more closely based on the actual events and players of the underworld in a way that would have been unpublishable at the time. Probably also better if you like period detail because he knows which elements to play on to bring the whole setting to life to modern readers, whereas Chandler could leave those things out and assume his contemporary readers were filling it in from their own experience.
Colton Myers
Yeah sorry I was getting my coasts mixed up. Which you wouldn't think would be hard considering there's only two of them Ty lad I'll look into it after I finish one of the 4 books I'm attempting to finish.