I'm so tired of technology.
How do I unplug if tech is all I know?
I'm so tired of technology.
How do I unplug if tech is all I know?
Other urls found in this thread:
as long as you aren't concerned about "muh gaymes" just use any BSD that isn't FreeBSD, or better yet, a Plan 9 variant
This literally only gets rid of ONE out of the TEN DIFFERENT THINGS I JUST HIGHLIGHTED IN MY LIFE
This isn't about what OS to use you fucking git. This is about coming into your workshop, where you spend 7 hours a day working hard to craft the finest of woodwork and realizing your landlord rearranging every fucking tool "to provide you with a better experience" as well as painting everything sterile white so you can't even SEE your fucking tools anymore. Objecting to any of this gets your workshop magically relocated out in the boonies with a bricked in garage-style roll up door so now you have to get in through the back window and leave that open or spend the next 3 weeks fixing the monstrosity in front of your shop door.
This is about delivering a table and set of chairs to customers only finding out 2 days later that they updated the new "stool-foot protocol" and now you have to remodel your chairs or they won't fit under the table anymore and meanwhile talking the customer through a workaround.
This isn't about hobby operating systems, this is about everything technology related is garbage and is constantly updated with absolutely no fucking progress. All we get is more fucking bloat and I am SICK AND TIRED of this industry!
Then don't fucking use all that shit. You do not need it.
Look here you dumbfuck, are you fucking 12???? everything and I mean EVERYTHING has years when its made like shit and years when it just fucking kicks ass. Mid-Century furniture comes to mind, the stuff before they fucked it up... because in '55, '57 they were kicking ass, but by 1960 they had (((subverted))) it and it was nice looking garbage. Same with cars, several "great" periods to choose from. Several really bad years to avoid.
WHY THE FUCK should tech be any different? Its not. Go argue about amps or turntables. Peoples favorite years quickly come out.
We are in a shit period for software. People in the future will avoid any software from this year or near it.
So. Fucking. What.
NetBSD and OpenBSD are fine- just learn to use the package manager, and use the one most compatible with your hardware and use case. Even obscure browsers like Kmeleon and Falkon are capable of YT playback, and if that fails you can just download the videos for playback in your media software of choice.
is this an actual thing?
the only code of conduct is dont fuck with my shit and I wont kick in yours
fucking sjw cancer
It's on them. Most people don't even know what an operating system is and the most popular new laptop computers boot straight into a web browser just like everybody predicted before WebTV was even a thing. Who cares? It's like saying most people aren't private pilots or radio hams.
Find a different hobby, you're not working anyway.
you're a discord tranny
Move to the country and apply your skills to permaculture and durable self-reliant infrastructure.
Now with Gnome3, yuck. Better get one of its derivatives with a better DE. (Of course you can just install the DE, but if the point was having something that works perfect out of the box, that's an extra step.)
yeah, they're so lazy
You want the best furniture in clown year, who do you think you go to? The fuckin Amish motherfucker. Those boys never seen a goddamn computer in their lives and don't even want to. They are the elite woodworking cabal of the world, refusing the secrets of their Craft to any of those who would disobey God to use the Devil's electricity.
The Amish are like jews when it comes to loopholes around their religious exceptions They're fine with using electric power tools, as long as it is powered by a car battery. Lots of
*restrictions. Not sure why I typed that.
Even many Amish use computers for business purposes. It is about learning how to control technology (necessary tools) and not let it control you (facebook and candy crush), and that is a pretty noble trait in a world of ever increasing consumption and globalization. They just need their own militias.
The consensus is clear OP, you should become Amish.
I live near Amish and they smoke, drink, and fuck just as not if not more than the rest of us. They just do it all while wearing suspenders and having a chauffeur drive them because it's okay to have a car as long as you aren't the one driving it.
I live a life purer than most Amish!
Fuck off, LARPer.
The Amish will eventually have the best stuff. Theyre basically only using technological setup in an independent, resilient, non-problematic, bug-free role.
The Amish would use a modern computer, if the mobo hardware was practically repairable and less miniature, ran on car batteries, and open source.
use libre shit only
block out any IPs from your router (should be LibreCMC'd already if you're Zig Forumsnician in 2019) and allow only the ones you "trust" (trust no one)
meh, that's what Free Software is for, don't like it? change it!
heh... true, you can't just unplug everyone from the botnet all at once
write your own CSS :^) or use reader view at worst
move to a village
Welp, nothings completely secure and nothing will be completely secure, ever, we can just make it safer (protip: the language itself has a critical bug, everyone can read it, even if you make some code with the person you are talking to, it can be decrypted, even during creation by someone who heard)
NoScript my man, not every site needs jabashit to run, I was quite surprised when I realized some websites don't need like 90% of their js to serve their main purpose
kinda agree.
show me some affordable libre motherboard, cpu, gpu, hdd, network card, monitor
the internet just sucks now. the web is being slowly replaced by apps and the "internet-of-things" devices. most people don't even use a laptop, let alone a desktop, except for work - they just use smartphones loaded with ads and spyware. so in attempts to reach this audience tons of websites became "mobile friendly" (read: shit).
I blame smartphones for most of the decline of the internet.
Isn't the Talos II mostrly libre?
And I don't think you'll find a libre monitor.
Smartphones are just the symptom. It's normalfags fucking everything, every time.
TALOS II recommends a proprietary GPU as an optional purchase. Nope.
And there still doesn't exist a fully libre SoC in todays world.
Smart-everything is the only future we will be living in whether we like it or not. Our kind will die out while normalcattle goyim continue to live forever controlled by kikes. There is nothing we can do about this.
Nobody is forcing you to use botnet hardware. I could still get by on a Pentium 4 machine, and 2 gigs of RAM quite easily. As for operating systems, idk what to tell you. Is OpenBSD not secure enough for you? It works really well on older hardware.
There is something we can do. if we started organization that would kill every person on the planet, when we completed eliminating people we would win. jews and goyim cannot win if they don't exist.
Everyone is forcing me. there is no hardware available that is not a botnet
pentium 4 is botnet and closed source. it's just smaller botnet than modern shit
Wat how is Pentium 4 botnet? It isn't Libre, sure, but that doesn't inherently make it botnet.
to the incinerator
>advocating for the extermination of every human just because of the (((kikes))) and etc. that can be killed groupally
Do you have any AMD Products in your computer? Consider removing them and replacing them with Intel Products. You should remember that Intel Products score higher than AMD Products in all cases and provide better functionality. Always purchase Intel Products.
"Smart everything" has been purposely gimped from the git go. Its too easy to shut down, its too easy for a script kiddie to hack, goign from smart back to self contained will be a short learning curve for normies. Even dumb people dont put up with things that fail constantly.
I'm /comfy/. Only reason I still have a computer running anything with graphics is to watch anime and reply on imageboards.
See SMM.
Are you retarded? How is that C++ LLVM mess comparable to the others?
Tech is garbage, a business, a trade, drawing anime girls and selling them, anything is going to be better than working in this shit industry
if you follow KISS, outside some exotic information gathering techniques, the only thing that really needs to be fully open source is your router with a whitelist.
Stop treating privacy like a luxury, history has proven that it isn't.
Nice LARP, whitelist routing is too fragile for anything but some specialize use cases, and having a single point of failure is insanity.
We live in a CIA prison.
A nigger runs the prison.
every fucking time
This is a good point, everything is shit. Right now I'm looking for a vitamin but I want to see which company makes one that actually works and has the amount they actually state on the label (so I'm not wasting my money and I also don't overdose or get other shit mixed in there).
The whole point of a vitamin that a scientist figured out the exact specific compound you need to prevent disease X, so instead of eating a liver every day, you can just take a pill. There's nothing natural about vitamins, shut the fuck up.
Here's what I get when I search for "major vitamin companies"
Top 10 Most Valuable Supplement Companies exercise.com
Literally some gay cucksumer website talking about their 5 favorite pet brands that pay them to talk about it. Next
List of Top Vitamin Brands | Livestrong.com livestrong.com
This website is literally the buzzfeed of medical information. Not even worth opening.
14 Vitamin Brands Doctors Trust Most rd.com
Okay faggot, I'm looking for vitamin brands, not specific vitamins that I likely have no interest in aside from you trying to sell me something I never knew I needded
Which Vitamin Companies Are GMP Certified? healthfully.com
'''Top 5 Vitamin Manufacturers Across the Globe' spendedge.com
A fucking 2 page article to give me 5 words. And it's not even 2 pages, it's more like 5 paragraphs split across two pages so they have more chances to show you ads.
The 14 Mega Corporations That Own Your Supplement Brand woodstockvitamins.com
This blogspam actually has some useful information, now instead of absolutely nothing, I know a few of the companies that own some of the brands I have in my stores (for example Centrum is owned by Pfizer). It's still fucking blogspam by some naturalfag and it's only useful in contrast to how useless the rest of the search results are.
Now let's take a second to analyze this cookie cutter blogspam.
And any dumb fuck could have wrote this article. It didn't have to be a corporate blogspam blog.
vitamins | companies - EUROPAGES europages.co.uk
Some actual companies listed here, interesting. Maybe later I'll figure out how to navigate their website and what bullshit datasource they pull their information from and conclude that it's utterlly useless.
All Companies - Nutraceuticals World nutraceuticalsworld.com
Some bot generated shit, which almost breaks because of "muh cookies" popup covering part of the page. Will have to anaylze later
A link to a page on alibaba
Not even opening
Top 10 Vendors in the Global Vitamin Ingredients Market - Technavio blog.technavio.com
There are 7 billion people in the world, surely a few thousand have wrote on this subject. But the G only shows me a bunch of useless cucksumer spam instead.
Fuck all this bullshit, I want a list of all companies that produce vitamins, and what whitelabels and other jewish shit they do to hide their ilk.
Now if I search "vitamin whitelabels":
Discover ideas about White Labels. White labeling vitamin supplements is a great way for you to build your company's brand and grow your business. pinterest.com
YES, YOU FAGGOT. Your gay marketing shit works perfectly to help me have no fucking clue where anything I buy is sourced. Also without JS that website is a literal blank page even though all it's supposed to be is a bunch of thumbnails with text.
This is a perfect example of why Google search is fucking useless cucksumer garbage. It's the same no matter what you search for. Last week I looked up bathroom sinks and it was the same story.
Not to mention every fucking page is a nightmare to browse because even when they don't freeze the browser with a bunch of JS and bloat, they all have their stupid special snowflake layouts you have to figure out to process all the information correctly.
So FUCK YOU. That's what. Final solution when?
also i like how this website uses a pandemic infographic to show what parts of the world they have their products in:
east/west reversed.
Litterally get autismbux and live a sage life.
The problem here is more and more vendors are forcing "smart" bullshit. There was a story Nathan Lineback (the toastytech guy) wrote about how he had to go through hell and back not to get a Smart Thermostat.
Hell yeah, I love liver. Could eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner!
Why didn't they ever give me a prescription for that? Fucking kikes.
if you look in the right places software now a days is pretty shit. such as in embedded systems. the control systems in you car are probably pretty nice and is probably better then older shit. your car radio is probably not that bad. nice interface nice buttons nice display. you are looking in the wrong places. desktop and webshit have always been shit and they will continue to be shit.
Pretty good shit I mean
>blabla (((intelaviv))) shilling
die (((jew))).
You would overdose on vitamin A and copper, and die equally stupidly as the bozos who cant stop eating fast food.
its because you have to do some really gay seo shit to get to the top of google. only big companies and their spambots do it not normal people that write some simple page like that one you are looking for.
Freedom isn't free
Google is so fucking crap these days, they're erasing history with their shitty search. Worthless garbage, it's like after the internet became more centralized they stopped bothering.
I started studying integrated circuit fabrication so I could disconnect from the botnet properly. So do that I guess, and figure out how to do it in a cost effective way.
If you get even halfway to actually doing that we'll read about your tragic suicide the next day.
They'd better male sure they kill my children too because I'm making sure they do it before anyone else.
The kernel hasn't been subverted by Systemd, baka.
There are also a few distros that use other inits in place of Systemd
Good thread
Learn to foresight. Have plans for the upcoming cyberpunk era. If you can't handle the future, then(time) visualize it. You need to keep your 'hacking identity' in the hidden otherwise you'll end up on a watchlist. The future is grim for technology. Soon most computational power will become too powerful until they decide to not let goyims use it and have it 'corporate-government approved'.
Megacorps are the future. Even companies are now starting to steer the politics wheel. Might as well be Mr Robot and fight the Evilcorps but you're mind will be blown when you find out you were already on a watchlist.
Learn to normie. It saves.
Some of them are just blending in. No really, even the trannies on drag are doing it so no one will slit their throats for being CIS scum. Wolves in sheep's clothing, it's only a matter of when it is relevant. Can't go against a raging river unless you become the river.
This is true but most linux userbase is for wide variety of legacic hardware that keeps growing and the cons is even if you ship it on new hardware the problem will be OEM pre-configuration like bloatwares or shortcut links to ads on your desktop icons (windowsvista-present). Even the BIOS can patch the OS on boot, and even install rootkits to know OS like ubantoo.
Not a problem. I'd rather use a simple debotnet low performance PDA so I'll know if there's something fucking my compute power and if I ever plan to use supercomputer hardware I'll be making my own hybrid OS with hypervisor instead of botnet trash - wouldn't even let their shit touch my hardware directly.
The problem is most processors are too bloat and not worth learning assembly unless God speaks to you directly like Terry.
Yes but still not a problem. If you're a hacker you just want to make use of anything for your objective so there's no point worrying about systemd unless you use that on your main station. Learn to use paper. Even conquerors didn't need computers, just papers and read a lot of books.
Flat UI isn't so bad. Look at Papirus and Suru++.
In the software, the network, built into the hardware, and spying devices around you (other people's, cctv, sat). While you can mitigate all of those you're forgetting something like this pic related. Basically imagine a giant sound recorder camcorder that can suck all of leaky data. Thank FCC, IDA, KCC, CE, etc etc. All of these comply to the goyim standard. Cracking the baseband is so illegal that no one wants to publicly 'git' any project. If you're out of your mind try to do that in the mountains or just use something without that or live in a bunker.
No baseband device + own assembly OS + no network. Or simply put your battelstation under a abandoned lead-coated WW2 bunker somewhere. Some even have free electricity and TR-069.
Then don't javashite.
This is true if you're marketing your programs. Absolutely good for the programmer since the most "up-to-date code" will have equal opportunity to market share and forces the no-coders to buy and keep the industry alive. Literally the advantage is yours if you know how to make /apps/.
You can just write your own programs if you worry about it too much and if you do need to run them just then(time) use a hypervisor.
You already know what to do user.
So go all in and buy the NVidia-ApprovedĀ® latest setup, amirite?
I crai errytime. ;~;
The primary problem with IP law is that, at first, you see what seems to be growth. More investment is put into innovation and the patent lawyer gets money (parable of the broken window). But anybody who actually understands economics will tell you that this is just economic malinvestment. And eventually, a crash occurs. This is the end result of IP law. The crash is coming soon and it's already happened before. And it will happen again and again if IP law isn't abolished.
Abolish IP law.
The problem with modern IP is that it effectively never runs out. The point of IP is supposed to be that if you create something new, you can get the government to give you a temporary monopoly on it as a reward. Emphasis on TEMPORARY. Thanks to corporate stooge politicians like Sonny Bono, we have shit like long ass fucking copyright terms. A big driver of copyright law specifically is Disney. Anytime Steamboat Willie is about to enter public domain, they pay off enough politicians to get copyright terms extended. That's right, Steamboat Willie still isn't public domain. A fucking 8 minute cartoon from 1928.
Than why didn't they do it this time?
I still think it's conceptually wrong. Giving anybody a monopoly over ANYTHING for ANY REASON, especially at the cost of property rights, is wrong and economically fallacious and disastrous. But that is true, modern copyright is many times worse than older copyright laws.
There's still time. Steamboat Willie has until 2023 before it's copyright expires.
your problem has nothing to do with the state of technology but is rather an emotional problem, something is causing you to be very agitated and now you're lashing out in all directions
Apply the principles of accelerationism to computing. Perhaps we can destroy the internet. And from it's ashes shall be born a phoenix named... Internet 2.
At this point what's the down side of going full amish? You lose nothing and will force you to find actual, physical hobby which is more fulfilling and less blue hair tranny pajeet infested.
if you aren't worried about "muh mainstream newfaggot aids filled OS like BSD cancer" then use temple OS which is the only OS that isn't entirely syphilitic
Lots of shills in this thread.
Heil Israel
This is a slide thread. SAGE AND REPORT
Wow. Just wow.
Heil Israel
Internet2 already exists. Look it up
Go full Terry user
Plan 9 is abandonware, the only active fork is maintained by autistic fag enablers. OpenBSD is great for a server, or a router, but to make it optimal for a workstation means tuning or outright disabling all the fancy security features it has.
Gas yourself you (((kike))) and/or (((kike follower))).
Never disable them for the performance increases or for anything else. It is unnecessary. You can live perfectly well with the super security features, like many people do.
genocide is the only fix
t. Shlomo
trust me, you don't want this
Too many people don't understand that "year of the linux desktop" means "year of normalfags in my linux".