What's Changed?

I miss the free form insanity of the old internet, I miss the care free fun of it all. Nothing feels natural anymore, everything feels moulded, controlled, and quieted.

What do you all miss from the days of old? What do you feel can be done to bring that back? We need an exodus from the current hell we've imprisoned ourselves in, we need a new frontier.

Other urls found in this thread:


I miss the lightness of text only pages, and the lack of political bias which is now in fucking everything. No, I don't care about the plights of the LGBTWTFBBQ. No, I don't think everything is a jewish/government/sjw/fascist conspiracy. Look, I just don't care.

People online are too much looking at whom to impress, what to affect and how to earn with their content. They should just go, do stuff, and have fun. That's really rare these days.

this is capitalism fault. when we destroy capitalism and jews, we will get our old internet


user if you think this is new you are absolutely retarded.

It's shit now, but I'm over it. This place, and one forum are all I have left as far as places I still participate to any degree. The internet to me now is just a place to procure roms/pdfs/software/source code.
The constant barrage of privacy invasions, shit uis, ads, finally reached the point to drive me away. The time I had previously squandered, I'm now using to do non internet hobbies, things I haven't done in years.
In a way, I'm finally free. Watching the trainwreck happen in real-time sucked, but the fires burned out a good while ago.

Why stare at ash?

Thanks for proving his initial point of political bias on everything :^)

You know who's fault the internet sucking is? It's yours and mine, try making it a better place by dropping your bullshit at the door and try and have a good time, learn something rather than flame everyone.

Don't stare at the ash, mix it with water to make slurry for bricks and build. Take the people around and try to see whos interested in making something fun happen!

Fuck off, jew.

Bullying the retards when they show up is what keeps boards healthy. We don't have enough bullying lately. Pardon me, user.


Mentioning "Jews" is some really Millennial started-using-the-Internet-in-2010 level shit. Cancer denying it's Cancerous ITT.

Nah, I have my own projects. Which I share with family and others close to me. If I'm doing it for free, I do it for who want to. Not these clowns \/, which outnumber us.

Oy vey

Gun Control is necessary because of the way YOU PEOPLE talk on here.

gun control is two hands on the grip

He is right, you know. I mean, almost every website is now made for the purpose of collecting ad money. That means self-censorship. How about "clickbait" articles and youtube "reaction" videos? Or even gaming Google's algorithms to put your shitty site at the top of its search. All capitalism.

Nigger detected

This thread is now a Zig Forums on Zig Forums thread.

But that's every thread.

three things has changed, and turned internet to a cesspit

Didn't you know that Zig Forums is the new Zig Forums?

I miss real names, real IP addresses, plain text protocols, slow and unstable connections, and lack of content.
Now we have all these onions, https, tors, bitcoins, fat ass bandwidths, and petabytes of torrent content.
Back in the old days I had to work really hard to have shit, but now it's all easy, It's just make people lazy.
This is what capitalism does to people. But I know the solution. We must gather all lazy people and throw them into labor camps, and if they don't want to work really really really really really hard, like we do, we will kill them.

Based. Also don't forget HTTP2, fucking cancer.

Only way to go back is to build a time machine and even then it wouldn't be the same as this is mostly a psychological issue. Constantly reading about SJWs, jews, tranies, CoCs, politics causes dramatic changes to one's state of the mind. Only way to get back that "old internet" or at least something close to it, is to build one from scratch as an overlay network. Which brings me to

Overlay network fits all of this. We get our own IP space, use old software, have slow connections and lack of content is basically guaranteed. Only thing to keep in mind is to keep politics away. As soon as the network becomes politicized you get back to square one and everything falls apart. Only problem is time investment, nothing is free you have to give something to get something in return, but then again this is not something extremely complicated, problem is getting enough people to work on it. Dedicating just 1 h/day to building this network would already yield great results, especially if there are 10+ people working on it, which seems like reasonable number considering how many people here waste time complaining about the current state of the internet.

ITT there's posts saying that the Early Internet was a Nirvana of sorts.

Every newsgroup on Usenet feared that some fuckups with no idea that they were wasting everyone's time and /money/ (early net was quite expensive-- long-distance dialups, institutions charging by the kilobyte, etc.) and would start a Gun Control thread.

Go back to Reddit, you uneducated nigger.

Kek, what a shit word. They should call it garbage because that's what it mostly is. Garbage on "platforms" (kek) that require browser with millions of lines of code, that in turns requires OS with millions of lines of code.
Yep, it's all fucking trash.

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Who the fuck cares? Hippies and socialists provide it all for free! Let them continue! Let them have CoCs. Let them call each other whatever pronouns they like. Let them have all the shit they want as long as it's not money.

How old are you? What is branching? Your OS isn't bloated because it has millions of lines of code, it's bloated because the tiny fractions of those millions of lines of code - you know, the functions - are written badly and do things in very roundabout ways because pajeets are shit at reasoning about code.

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Clinton and then Bush were "memed on" by the Internet much harder than Obama was, probably on par with Trump. The Drudge Report is almost as old as Netscape. Hell, the Internet was already full of gifs of politicians with flashing horns, red eyes, pentagrams and fire breath by the mid 1990s. Just as many pages had out of place quips about how this or that person is the Antichrist, Hitler, Satan, stupid, bad, evil...

There is no good or bad form of government. It's just agencies—individuals or groups with the means to affect extents of the World—that exist with symbiosis or antagonism with populations. Large governments have a mostly stable set of sovereigns. Small or disrupted governments are blank slates to be turned into large governments by would-be sovereigns. The modern capitalism vs socialism dichotomy is a joke that's either meant to keep the population content fighting itself (ensuring stability) or to move the population to revolution so that a new set of sovereigns can take control (by making the government malleable). I'm not sure what it is right now, not here nor anywhere else in the West. Maybe the game has started playing itself.


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Another thing that was completely ruined by late stage capitalism was gaming with all those micro-transactions shit, pay-to-win and never ending DLCs.

Yes! Not to mention the "collector's editions" that "do not include game". Would be funny if it wasn't so real!

Socialists claim capitalism has been on the verge of collapse for over a hundred years, and everytime it's the same: 'trust me guys, this time socialism will rise from the ashes of capitalism, unlike all those past times it totally didn't'.
Keep dreaming, the free market is unstopable, although I recognise something is coming to its end, ant that's the jew's grip on western countries.

Won't happen for as long as there's capitalism (the very system that is destroying us) and people worshiping the jew on a stick.

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I miss that interactions were peer to peer. If I posted on a website, it was between me and the "webmaster". Now, I have to talk to a 3rd party like Facebook, Disqus first, and they get to decide whether my message is passed on. If I am guilty of "wrong think" on one site, I cannot post on another.

What even happened to Zig Forums, these days it looks more and more like 4chan.

You don't miss all the Bill Gates in the anti-christ posts?

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Friendly reminder that capitalism is responsible for the white birth rate going through the floor by forcing both parents to work full time if they wish to be able to afford children. If you don't see capitalism, an inherently debt-based economic system, as simply the modern iteration of jews leveraging their control of the financial system to subvery society I cannot help you. You're probably correct in that capitalism is inexorably linked with modern civilization and will not just go away; However, you're wrong in thinking capitalism will last for an indefinite amount of time. Like a parasite killing its host, capitalism is strangling the life out of the west, and the rapidity in which the west is being killed is only increasing. Once the deed is done glorious national socialist nations will rise from the ashes of capitalism

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I miss personal homepages. Ready packaged social networking websites like Facbook need to go away. People who get to know each other on the internet should exchange their personal web addresses. Making socializing on the internet easy is what brought all the dumbshits in.

It's composed of people banned from 4/pol/ and r/T_D. Fuck the last Gate thread they had a bunch of people weren't even aware of what Tavistock was code for. That's not even fucking old that word filter happened less than two years ago.

Not capitalism, bud.
Don't confuse consumerism and corporatism for capitalism.

Consumerism and corporatism is the endgame of capitalism. Your dream of each small town having its own general store, its own supermarket, its own locally grown produce, its own pharmacy, etc, etc, is just that - a dream. Economies of scale dictate that these small stores will always be supplanted by a walmart, due to walmart being able to acquire and sell goods much cheaper. Most consumers will always make the rational choice and save money at walmart rather than supporting their locally owned businesses. The only way you can prevent that is through extensive governmental controls over the economy and corporations, but then what's the differentiates such a capitalism from socialism?

Hell yeah.

not the end game, only an unfortunate stop. ultimately the goal of capitalism is the complete encapsulation and maximization of all value. human rights will not be begrudgingly accepted by the machine but instead be stripped completely in pursuit of a higher meaning (value). marxism is not a solution to this as it will just end up doing the same thing or being absorbed or destroyed by the unstoppable force of capital. remember that marx said that the fall of late-stage capitalism would happen in the western world in the early 1900s. he made a very good assessment but a poor solution as he was unaware of the gravity of the situation.
anyways, this post is exactly about not doing what I am doing right now so I'll quit typing

Meant to use this image.

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this thread is
I also forgot to add that so-called communists in the modern world are some of the greatest proselytizers in our society of the destruction of the few things left restraining capital from becoming the unstoppable destructive force it will ultimately become. national socialists are much better in that they want to restore the values which would prevent the ultimate destruction of capital but they ultimately miss the forest for the trees.

Why the fuck would anyone want to support somebody's else business in the first place?
Socialists are just whining losers who think that capitalism is about opening a shitty local store and making guaranteed profit on it.

You can still find it, but you have to find not yet popular places, websites. As soon as it becomes popular, it becomes shit. The quality of the posts goes downhill.

Like a forum I used to follow, had a section to give tips on music(often from youtubers) and good stuff was shared, then more and more people started posting and it became popular. It went from always finding something great to absolute garbage.

I think places would have to be reduces to limited amount of people who can join. Maybe where you would pick out the better once and others would not be able to join. Even be IQ based and also men only.

That's what really changed in the early 2000 the amount of females and also stupid men that just jumped on the next popular thing.

Never mind, I forgot that this is a marginal place for people with mental issues who rationalize their own failures dreaming about fictional worlds where they would supposedly succeed.
I'm not going to take away the only joy in their miserable life.

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Put a cap on initial free-joining membership. Once the initial membership cap is reached open a second, higher limit but allow these new accounts to be by invitation of an established member only.

While anonymous boards are great for security reasons, ease of entry will always allow for normalcattle invasion. Tor bunkers used to be a solution, but with the tor browser bundle that has gone out the door. MPC put up a paywall to keep the riff-raff out, and while I'm not a member I've heard second hand it has worked pretty well.

You can also just attempt to be obscure. Avoiding listing on Google or having non-descript site names work until some faggot goes and puts the link up on plebbit which will happen eventually. If you do manage to remain obscure though attracting users is difficult. I'm a member of one such site and was invited personally by someone who thought I would be a good fit. While post effort is high, there are fewer than 200 members in total leading to days between replies at times.

There is a triangle formed by security, quality, and popularity, and you've got to decide where you want to be.

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Research "entryism" and how it relates to the slow but steady movement of the world to the left. This gives what gives meaning to the phrase "clown world never ends".

It's bloated because there's shitloads of code, that is all. You're not as smart as you pretend to be. You're a poseur. TempleOS is about *reducing* lines of code. OpenBSD tears appart the OpenSSL by tearing out tons of old code for outdated platforms and fixing dangerous designs. Go branch your neck on a tree motherfucker.

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Ignoring the terrible attempt at derailing the discussion here, some of you are making really great points and it would be nice to work with you guys to help build something interesting to try and change things up a bit.

I fully agree with you on that, people need to start hosting and controlling their own content. Bringing that sort of thing back would be really interesting so long as you can find the community of people to share with. I have a nice group of people that helps eachother with various tech projects. Unfortunately due to the pure cancer in this thread I don't want to link them.

Yeah really hate the amount of bullshit gatekeeping necessary to keep a community nice, unfortunately there's too many people out there, be them trolls or paid for shills sent to disrupt productive discussion we see in this very thread. makes some very good points on what it takes to cultivate a good and secure group/community these days.

What ideas? What you will want find a daddy like Hilter who will force other people to pay for your shitty business?

based magapede

Man, speak English, I don't understand your teenage slang.

I see a lot of good talk here, feel free to come by this public php based chat server to talk more
