Why do programmers continue to work for FREE after already programming at their job all day?
No other profession exhibits this stupid behavior. Truly the most cucked people on the planet.
Are programmers retarded?
It's a competitive field and just clocking in, doing your job, and leaving at the end of the day is not enough to sufficiently stand out to keep full time employment in many markets. Gotta have that github.
Engineers: homebrewcpuring.org
Tradesmen: buildinghomesforheroes.org
Lawyers: probono.net
Except for you know, for all other creative professions
What's next, niggas on the moon?
No wonder why code ends up being unmaintainable and inefficient as hell.
artistic creativness is inefficient by nature
Minimalism is all about optimization. Just because some artists want to be baroque doesn't mean that's what art is about.
False; creativity is solving a problem by coming up with a new solution, i.e. by creating a solution rather than using an existing one. And I'm not making a semantic argument. What goes into creating new music is also what goes into creating a new software. You can reuse existing patterns as appropriate (e.g. openssl or the Amen break) but if that's all you ever do, you're not going to be breaking any new ground.
Well some people have hobbies that they can use to make money.
If you are so cucked to do something you hate all day, every day, thats your problem.
Also imagine what would happen, if for example a cook didn't touch food after work.
Considering you're on Zig Forums and not personally making any groundbreaking discoveries in programming, you shouldn't pretend like 'breaking new ground' is of any importance. You can cobble together some shitty 'original' music that sounds 'original' (aka like garbage) or you can use existing sounds/plugins to get something that sounds coherent and professional out of the box.
i love death grips!
idiots develop open source for free, then jewish corporation like google or redhat steals their shit, makes a botnet from it, earn shekels (without sharing half cent with open source niggers)
Sad but true in a lot of cases. What is your proposed solution? How can developers keep their software open without being forced to do it for free?
Samefag less obviously next time.
That hardly ever happens. It's safer to develop the same software in-house than use some GPL code illegally.
why do they want to keep it open?
but if they want, the could use Communist License, that wouldn't allow code to be used by any commercial entity. GPL is cuck license, Stallman is a jew
it happens every day
Google stole linux kernel and used it for Android. they added a lot of botnet and binary blobs, all android phones are botnet, steal user data, track users, contain binary code. open source code was used by jews to hurt goys. and jews got zero consequences for that. open source shits didn't even bomb google headquarters in israel.
Don't be open source. Make program, start company, sell that shit. The portion of the community that cares about safety/security will find out if you're being honest or not on their own.
I guess you could say that your mom is making your free tendy meals after her works done and that she's retarded because she's not selling it to you ?
Paid "Free" Open Source Software
Access the Source for a one-time or monthly fee
That's how you learn shit. It's fast moving field with a lot of try-hards.
If you cobble stuff together then the actual time spent becomes marketting rather than making something new.
This is why modern art sucks so badly. It's also why increasingly programming looks like some fag running import Lib; Lib.run() and then giving a talk at some conference about kernel hacking or monads or something.
Because of socialistic ideas that open source hippies put in their heads.
Work free, give away your code, and something good will come out.
But all socialist experiments usually end up with shortage of toilet paper.
This is actually exactly how original Unix worked.
You could buy an academic license and study its internals.
It was the time when software was well designed and professional programmers were well-paid rock stars.
But then open source hippies nationalized Unix and turned it into socialistic nightmare.
Recent example: grsecurity patches
Training, retard corporate zombies bring in a new system in a new language ever few years which means you have to keep up, but you also need to remember the old languages because the old systems never get shut down. Let the good times roll!
All the money these days is in hacking the shitty tranny code that runs crypto exchanges.
Other professions don't have their "code all day and share the software, you'll be free, user, you'll be freeeee" Stallman travelling the world for decades and preaching to them to work for free.
The black guy's raping the white guy's wife when he is posting his selfie!
That's what AT&T did. Academics used to build their own operating systems and machines and didn't care about being "compatible" with someone else's shitty code. You might not know that Berkeley already had an OS, the Berkeley Timesharing System, which AT&T shills replaced with UNIX because they needed more free labor because UNIX is so unproductive. AT&T pioneered the same thing Apple and Google are doing today. All around the world, real research operating systems were being replaced by UNIX bullshit. Later on, this also took over the computer industry. C and POSIX were the Java (and now JavaScript) of the 80s.
That's the difference between academic computer science then and "academic" computer science now. Now, when someone "fixes dot-dot" that "fix" won't be used anywhere because it wouldn't be compatible, so someone else will get to "fix" it, just like that "safe C" bullshit which tries to give C a few of the error handling features of 60s BASIC. All these theses get wasted on bullshit that has no academic value or purpose besides fixing a corporation's mistakes from the 70s. Any paper involving C or UNIX fits into that category. C and UNIX waste billions of dollars and thousands of papers. It's not surprising people think computer science is worthless and a waste of time.
If you wouldn't have mentioned UNIX, that would have been true, but UNIX was even worse back then than it is now. It took decades and thousands of programmers just to make it worse than a 60s OS and it still found its main use in single-user workstations because it sucked at timesharing and access control and everything else. Threads and memory-mapped files were bolted onto UNIX decades later and they are still worse than the original implementations in the 60s. Panic was only acceptable because PC users were used to DOS where any poorly written program could crash the system. The UNIX kernel was just a poorly written program.
After describing how much we know about makingcomputer hardware which is fault-tolerant... So, what other problems do we have? UNIX. Unix is a standard brought to us by academia.... Why do "we" get all the blame? AT&T spawned this virus.Perhaps we are at fault for not rising to the occassion andwritting an anti-toxin which vaccinated machines to curethem of the virus. Hmm, perhaps that was what RTM's wormwas really after (after all, it did only affect UNIXmachines...).
Is it possible at this point to just take computing and start over from the ground up?
We need to start over with that too. Ditch HTTP/HTTPS, use a completely different protocol for a shadow internet on the same physical network. If anons control the OS and protocol, they can effectively shut out glowers.
You're a complete retard.
Make a communism license that openly states the software is for the people only, red hat and microsoft is not people so they banned.