Can I legally forbid minorities from using my software and code?

Can I legally forbid minorities from using my software and code?

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i've drafted up a license for you


Using? You'd need a patent, which are hard to get, and anyway aren't granted in the general case. You'd want to do the easier and almost equivalent task of banning them from being given the code in the first place. This is actually quite easy to do. A draft license is presented below:

hope this helps.

if you only want minorities to use your code, there are safer ways.

rms said a similar license was free, but that one didn't forbid anyone. I don't recall the name but non-Whites (and women) could do anything, even strip the license, and White men had to keep the license. Legally I don't think you're allowed to discriminate on race, religion, etc. Even then you might be allowed to disallow people with nigger names/surnames

Attached: aryan_software_foundation.png (300x250, 33.05K)

Is there a specific minority you wish to exclude? In some cases, the title alone would prevent them from looking into it. AryanFilmStudio for instance will probably stop mosts people in their tracks. Niggers don't really use any utilities so don't bother about them unless you're making video games.

Shalom, no.

Make it so you have to have a non-nigger IQ to use and they'll naturally stay away.

That depends on why you're doing it.


You would have to create contracts between people who you like and fail to make contracts between the people you don't like. It would be much more troublesome than plain software usage licenses.

Explain systemd, then.

What's there to explain about systemd exactly? The average user of the GNU/Linux operating system does not directly interact with systemd in any way and likely isn't even aware of its existence and the fact that it's running on his machine. I don't suppose any perceived ease of use of systemd is a major contributing factor to its mass adoption. It was shoved down the throats of all major Linux distributions by force, in an artificial manner.

A question to OP, do you realize that White Europeans are now on the way to becoming minorities in their very own fucking countries?

Legally, no, that is "discrimination" and is illegal.
But there are no laws against using thinly veiled racial and misogynist slurs as syntax to dissuade them from wanting to use it in the first place.

Don't put your code online, it's that simple. Relying on laws won't do anything to protect you. Anyway white men can code and aren't afraid of the command line. So we can just write our own fucking software. Now the "minorities" (not really, since whites account for under 1 billion of the world population) can just "learn to code" or something.

Systemd fucked up within a few weeks after I installed Armbian. Some daemons including sshd wouldn't start anymore. It was an upstream bug so Armbian didn't bother to fix it, and left it in Ubuntu's hands. Ubuntu didn't give much of a fuck because ARM is low priority for them. I installed Devuan right away and never had any problems since. This was my plan all along, I was only using Armbian to test the board (it has some tools for that). So yeah, probably a lot of users will know systemd exists because it's buggy shitware.

St-iGNUcius give me strength!
No you legally cannot do this because it is a form of discrimination.
I would like to forbid CIA niggers from ever contributing to free software an even if it would be legal I have no way of proving the ID of who's contributing.

Anyway it's against the four freedoms.

Nigger tyrone;Faggot.send(AIDS, tyrone);
Not that tyrone would ever look at the source code, mind you.

Given that systemd is a RedHat thing, it obviously was adopted by Fedora, and by extension also by RHEL and CentOS, and any derivatives thereof. The only other distros they needed to put it into were a handful of major upstream distros, namely Debian, Suse and Arch. All derivatives of those would need to follow suit (with very few exceptions such as the rise of Devuan which followed systemd proponents winning "the battle of Debian").

GPLA when?

In the 1970s Unix was slowly but surely supplanting previous systems.
In the 1980s Unix reigned supreme where other systems were before.
In the 1990s Linux was slowly but surely
supplanting old Unix.
In the 2000s Linux reigned supreme where old Unix was before.
In the 2010s systemd is slowly but surely supplanting old Linux.
In the 2020s systemd will reign supreme where old Linux was before.
In the 2030s...

computers will devolve into large mechanical devices with colorful bead patterns as the screen and large pedals for sifting through "files" and inputting information (there will be no more mice, just up down left right, like old unix)
it will essentially be a caveman/steam punk computer.


Discrimination is illegal in general, but why would you? It's petty and unproductive. If you wish to immediately turn over your project to the public, then do it. If not, use limited time proprietary license, then re-release it under GPL or MIT.

Just write it in C

Do you even abacus?

Prepare to be doxed unless you develop anonymously.

Make it haram.
Ensure your mascot is a pig or something.

Put a copyright on it.

Also, was thinking of a "please register, select your gender"
any other choice than male or female bricks the software like, with a regkey, with an error "unexpected value, this program will terminate."

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You are the minority.

So I can bait and sue them for shekel.

Considering that minorities legally forbid majorities from many positions in tech and also accessing code in some cases, yes.
Considering the ever growing rise of mass desensitization of the meaning of hypocrisy as well as the well being of the majorities, no.

No, but as the other posts in this thread allude to, you can design the software such that only right-wing whites (and self-hating Zig Forums nonwhites) will have any interest in using it. You could even botnet your software to check the user's Facebook feed (only right wing whites would ever consider NOT giving your app permission to their Facebook account) as an entry test.

(((legally))) forbid? No you can't use the (((law))) to do it. Use the command line. "Niggers can't into command line", and will forbid themselves from using your code.


Also, no.

You can do it by creating exclusive contracts with every individual. You cannot do it if you distribute the software without that level of control.

Don't open source it. Provide a revokable license that must be purchased. Then, imply you often donate to white supremacy causes.

The social justice crowd believes too strongly in not letting their money go to someone who would spend it differently from them to purchase a license.
You can always revoke it if you find people using it you don't want to after they've given you money.
The main problem is that you can't personally stop every single incidence of pirating, and if people actually want to use your work then people will download it anyways. Even if it's steeped in racist symbolism, there's someone who will use it anyways and not care.

The best you can do is scare the social justice crowd into not paying you for it.

I'd recommend just releasing whatever. If it's open source, insist on no CoC, or create one that says nobody can alter the CoC or add another one or tell anyone what to do. If someone says your program is "problematic" then tell them where to shove it. You'll lose the same crowd's interest but they can't boycott by pirating or anything.

Stopping niggers from using your code is pointless. Building software with an install base big enough to matter and then not being a cuck when people try to tell you how to run your project is far more important.

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That is a pretty funny idea, though. And it could be just one dollar if money is not the point, and then just give it to the KKK for the laughs. Maybe the installer could ask whether or not you're a nigger, and claim that OP is the only developer officially endorsed by the Third Reich, and that Hitler himself currently uses his software in Valhalla. Still, if you produce quality and don't work for a huge corporation, this is nothing worth worrying about because niggers won't use your software because presumably it won't be phone shit. If it doesn't have a Google, Apple, Microsoft or whatever logo, normalfags in general won't touch it. They will probably never even hear about its existence even if it does become popular.

Create a heuristic to determine the ethnicity of the user running the program. Username, location, profile photos and certainly access to camera would help. If an undesirable is operating your software, unload a malware payload on them. You don't even need to make this proprietary, because the bad press would keep undesirables away.
Yes, is a completely silly idea

just make complicated software that's more than "click here to receive result", they'll avoid it all by themselves.

Absolute state of Zig Forums, so glad I left

why do someone as big as google care about these things so much.. they are already so big that they have no need to care about what some 1% thinks.

Google actually believe that these 1% are correct in everything they claim.

You can leave again, phaggot.

where did you leave to?

No because even if you could nobody would want to buy whatever software was using your racist trash.


why would you bump this month-old thread?

I'm interested in the topic

Pretty much this. Keep the source open but the license proprietary. Then anyone can use it however they like and contribute to it but you also have a right to fuck 'em up any time you want for literally any reason.


Why forbid users? Treat them like the goyim they are and put botnet datamining crap on your software. That's the only way to the top. Treat them like they're below which they are.

Where are you located OP? I have no idea where the rest of you are, but in the United States you can 100% legally discriminate based on race,sex,gender,etc. as a private citizen. If you have a company, then discrimination laws will apply. The issue would just be a practical one, in which there are multiple suggestions ITT.

t. negroid

But I am not jewish, I have no jewish forefathers. Your ban by name system should only focus on surname.


Just make it more complex than a banana, they won't be able to figure it out.

Just make it a CLI or tui program and they won't because they don't have the brain power to use anything designed to be used by people smarter than monkeys
