I just skimmed the recently published Harvard CS50 lectures, is this really what Americans think Computer Science is? It feels like a Bootcamp for autists honestly. Is there a course for people that don't want to spend 4 hours building a website but want to learn about algorithms, formal language (and grammar) theory, etc., or is gamedev and webdev all it comes down to in the end? Really considering electrical engineering
I just skimmed the recently published Harvard CS50 lectures, is this really what Americans think Computer Science is...
You'll very likely make more money in EE anyways.
Thats a freshman level course, if course its going to be easy you sperg
What kind of teaching did you expect for freshmen? Did you expect every freshmen to have high level programming skills from day 1?
I hear they pay well to make people shut up about zero point.
It's Harvard. It's a daycare center for children of the elite. You actually have to fuck up very, very hard to get anything less than a B. Many classes there just give out an A for participation.
I picked a good university
Fuck I love Europe. Too bad the students are all Win10 fags. At least a couple can talk about alpine bsd and qubes etc. Those are the ones who are going places.
like Zig Forums
I was in one of the best universities of Europe, and it was similar. Same with the students.
Can't say that with the amount of retarded pinkos/SJWs placarding "help poor refugees and niggers!" every day inside the university itself.
Don't forget that uni is free in most of the European countries.
I'm pretty sure this cancer came from USA, which combined with the fact that almost everyone speaks English, means that bad ideas can propagate very quickly. Everything was fine until social media happened.
Is it starting in yurop uni's now? Used to want to go to uni but I fcked up my life and now the universities in my area are starting to adopt this line of thinking as well. Universities have always been places to rally against ideological enemies like big oil and corporations, Free speech and helping the poor/meek. The SJW seem to be against all of that.
Europoor here, no idea what the fuck you guys' system of classifying courses is, but no other country I know of uses it except you and maybe a few trying to ape you. Your universities are jewish by design, they make you complacent and stupid and take your money. Europe may be a socialist shithole but at least we've got decent education available without selling your soul
The class number doesn't sound impressive. College level courses come with three digits. 1xx is freshman level. 2xx next year, and so on.
And yet, none of that is relevant to CS education aside from learning C and ASM.
So are they one of those niggers that put duct tape over their laptop cameras then? I can't stand that shit, just don't install the drivers for it, or do something about the built-in microphone most laptops come with as well.
Most universities that are known for CS use Linux or a non-Mac POSIX in most of their curriculum, across the board
Here in America people Google their questions
Its an introductory course you dolt, most people i know who perform well in the CS dept here come in with no experience and we are in the top 5
Learning C or ASM is irrelevant to CS education. What's more important is logical reasoning in proving the correctness of your algorithm and in creating of algorithms to achieve your desired outcome.
That's how you get the 10nm fiasco
Only if you want to become a webdev.
CS has always been an exercise in theoretical masturbation. This is the nature of mathematics which is the nature of CS.
You shouldn't be studying CS if your goal is to become a programmer. You should study CS if your goal is consider the nature of computations.
In theory you're right, in practice this line of reasoning makes the average Intel-Aviv engineer
Great advice. You're a LARPer, aren't you?
You shouldn't go to college if you want a job. If you want a job, you should study at a vocational school.
Agreed. You should however go to a state funded university.
Well, are you gonna name the universities you went to?
I'm not one of those you quoted but I can confirm what they are saying.
Lots of programming and webshit courses have been calling themselves "computer science" for decades now. Make sure the course lists real CS concepts or even go for TCS.
>you shouldn't eat shit, you should eat shit
Computer Engneering
Knowing C is pretty relevant to CS education, courses can just assume you know it and offer optional courses for non majors
C is anti-CS education that shits on more than sixty years of computer science including OS design and non-PDP-11 hardware and it was only allowed to be taught because of widespread computer illiteracy. Incompetent "decision makers" replaced real CS with C and UNIX bullshit because UNIX companies like AT&T needed thousands of "programmers" because C was so unproductive. It's the opposite of how innovation and advances work in any other field. C is also so full of special cases and bullshit "rules" that instead of teaching general concepts and several languages like they used to, they had to focus on a single language. C is complex not because it does a lot of things (like e.g. Common Lisp), but because it's badly designed.
The complexity in Common Lisp reduces complexity for the programmer by creating "frameworks" that anyone can extend, like macros, streams, setf expanders, condition handling, and generic functions, but the complexity in C increases complexity for the programmer by making everyone avoid problems that don't even exist in assembly language. C was "designed" to be hard to replace by using shitty "techniques" like null-terminated strings and array decay that nobody else was stupid enough to do. At that time, there was a lot of work on tagged architectures and array descriptors that do bounds checking automatically, like Lisp machines, so C took a big shit on hardware development too. I also want to be able to understand every single line of code that runs on my machine, and the fact that C needs tens of millions of lines of code to do anything and so much redundancy and reinvention of wheels gets in the way of that.
I originally found this article while searching for information about the OOM killer and overcommit in Linux and found this amazing comment.
If there's one thing which truly pisses me off, it is theattempt to pretend that there is anything vaguely "academic"about this stuff. I mean, can you think of anything closerto hell on earth than a "conference" full of unix geekspresenting their oh-so-rigourous "papers" on, say, "SMURFY:An automatic cron-driven fsck-daemon"?