Wine 4.0, the newest stable release, has been released on 2019-01-22.
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Wine 4.0, the newest stable release, has been released on 2019-01-22.
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If there's an available client sometimes, one of my relatives must use Illustrator.
If you try to unironically use a x.0 version, you're a literal beta tester.
Versions alone are meaningless.
I really wish Wine was actually functional where it needed to be. I'm not taking about games, I'm talking about a lot of legacy win32 applications or modern implmenetations of long running prograns like said. Well, at least within the last year online games have gotten working again.
I wish it had USB support.
>I really wish Wine was actually functional where I need it to be.
Sorry, the programs you want to run don't work. I'm happy I have it to run my games. It's easy to find new tools for me, but the games are my cultural heritage and priceless.
If your relative would sponsor a bug bounty the price of a new version of Illustrator I'd be happy to give a go at it. As I understand it, the newer versions are subscription based and run in McCloud, so I assume those version are not what you talk about. Also, it seems pretty harsh of you to force your relative to use Illustrator, doesn't sound like a healthy relationship, you could perhaps let them toy around with Inkscape in the weekends.
Hey listen user, not knocking you using wine for games, as I said I do to. But Wine does really limit its exposure when there isnt a result of work done to get big software going. Now, the games that started working recently were the 2hu fightan gamed and a couple of EA games. I know that proton and the work done on dxvk is doing great and that's wonderful
I didn't. I assumed your relative didn't use CC. Correct your parsing.
You implied it by saying must use. I made a small joke of it. I don't really believe that you have that kind of power over other people.
No, they're still normal 100% clientside software, but must contact Adobe's servers to verify your subscription at least once every 30 days.
t. Autismo
to be clear, the relative's college degree required Illustrator and NO OPEN SOURCE SHIT (the latter's on the part of university administration).
That's a good one, user.
Need food.. must submit and have education. That's life and it sucks. Hope you guys figured out to set up a VM then.
Thanks for the info.
Solidworks 2007 works on wine perfectly.
It's the best cad software around for mechanical assemblies.
Actually, nix that.
I forgot I had to setup the software in a VM.
Most people don't care about old production software as long as there is a newer version. Games seem to be the only case where people care to get the old shit running again, so that's where a lot of the effort goes into.
This. People bitch and moan about Free software, but they never put their money where their mouth is. I'm sure if just a fraction of Adobe customers pooled their money together and invested it into a FLOSS project it would be possible to create a viable alternative to Adobe's products. Maybe not something that can replace Photoshop in 100% of cases, but perhaps in 90% of cases.
When I was using a Mac I used Pixelmator. It started out as a pretty humble image editing application, but the money from sales allowed them to improve upon it with every subsequent release to the point where it was really fucking good for a fraction of the price of Photoshop.
I would like to see something like Pixelmator, but for GNU/Linux instead. For all I care they could charge money for it, have to public repo, and just include the source code as a tarball when you purchase it. I think this idea that Free = libre = gratis is what's holding a lot of development back by giving work away for free.
Don't laugh, this sort of shit really does happen. A company representative arrives with two suitcases and leaves with one, and the next day all computers are running the company's software. Some faculties will be like "sure, you can use any program you want", but if it looks like shit in Photoshop on your professor's computer that's your problem.
Imagine unironically going to uni in 2019
Nigger, think for once before you write.
The relative in question can pay a certain sum to get the software they want, or pay the same sum to maybe have a somewhat viable alternative software after an unspecified amount of time, no guarantees and no refunds of course.
Succesful FOSS development seems mostly unrelated to money flow, in any case: there's great projects that do it for free, shit projects that get millions from companies (systemd and firefox), and everything in between.
If you contribute to development either by writing code yourself or paying some programmer to write on your behalf, then the software project will be closer to your ideal state. If you're just sitting around and hoping that other people will code what you desire, it's quite possible that you'll be waiting beyond the date of your own death.
That relative already finished uni several years ago
Somehow all the best versions of Windows were x.1 versions.
This, muh gayms fags ruined wine.
It doesn't even matter because most faggots that care about muh gayms spend 10k on a bullshit rig tailored to their shit choice in operating system.
The fags that spend thousends of dollars on rigs for gayms will never not run windows cause they're retards who try to fix bullshit code with more hardware.
Even in the realm of gayms wine sucks cause it doesn't even fully implement any of dx9 correctly.
Sure, dxvk might allow you to run dx11/dx12 gayms but most of the modern triple A trash runs some form of drm that will pretty much never go implemented through wine.
And the rare gayms that do run fine through wine are probably running some stock engine that supports opengl anyway any the dev was just too retarded to compile the linux binary or their 2d games that don't even need advance directx in the first place.
dxvk was developed by a windowsfag, lel
The one thing wine should be used for is running software that you absolutely need to run that won't run on linux, and most of that shit won't even run on wine.
This is why people still use VMs.
The only thing wine has been doing is making devs more lazy in porting software, proton is a grand example of this excellence, instead of helping fund devs to port they decided to just run everything through a glorified winewrap and call it a fucking day.
So when you goto a dev now and ask "hey can you port this to linux" the modern response now is 15 thousen retards spewing "lel just run it on steamplay XDDD"
Or, you can get the ideal state right here and now for a small sum.
Again, you can't expect people to finance development as much as they would pay for a finished and supported product.
Gamers are the only reason wine isn't dead, normal linux users would each develop their own emulator for their specific need and never merge efforts to produce something worthwile.
You mean, devs went from "not porting to a system with single digit marketshare" to "not porting to a system with single digit marketshare"? What a surprise.
Best thing is, wine doesn't work properly with most games but has subtle bugs like mouse controls not working right or certain graphical effects plain missing.
can it load AutoCad files?
I'm asking for a friend
I don't know about 2017 or 2018 but it should be able to import dwg files.
Wine is not Windows and you're comparing what is a rolling release, "we'll call it whatever number we feel like, eh a few features added, bump it up a point" to a monolithic release with large portions redesigned and package for mass sale.
You could compere the two if you knew nothing about the development of either I guess.
Sounds like you never used GIMP.
They're finally capable of going toe-to-toe with them, and the new 3.0 version will bring back Plug Ins.
2016, 17 and 18 all import dwg's, I've done it on all 3 versions in the last 6 months.
Until a version gets released that's fully capable of running literally any Windows program in existence, I still say it's crap.
I don't give a shit if it needs to be proprietary, I just need a good excuse not to run Windows 10 anymore with the addition of using this:
Windows 10 is proprietary software so this should be a good excuse not to run Windows 10. You're just not looking for a good excuse, you're simply addicted to Windows.
I can quit any time I want.
I'm just not ready to give up the most used OS in the world for an OS that's still not used, nor supported by everybody.
Tell you what, if WINE 5.0 is the perfect version I always dreamt of, I'll immediately switch to Manjaro (my favourite distro).
enjoy your numerous bugs soon
That's the irony mate...
So far, that Memestro, and Ubuntu MATE, have the least amount of bugs out of all the mainstream ones I've used.
To me, it's more of an experience thing. I've got a really crappy 11 year old laptop, and I haven't got the money for a better one...
The irony in this post is lost on you but not on me
I guess it's a matter of opinion, but hey, if you got better recommendations, I'm all ears.
Freetards once again don't understand that hardware and software are more than means to signal your virtue.
Not even Windows can run any Windows program in existence.
I have. Gimp may be very capable, but there is just something about its interface that's a pain. I cannot really put it into words, but the Gimp interface is just clunky.
Like I said, 2.10.10 and 3.0 will bring back Plug Ins, including the one that switches the interface up.
I'll believe it when I see it, up till now GIMP has been a massive pain with idiotic UI
I never pinky promised it, I'm just saying the next one will be a massive improvement, regardless of what a pain it was, and still is.
That's the advantage of FOSS, you can modify it at will. And Plug ins were hard to find since the site went down 2 years ago.
I use Krita as my 2nd to-go, but I just hope they all somehow improve.
Works well for a simple application but fails at the scale of GIMP. Even just the XML UI codebase is so large and DSL-ish that modifying it to suit your taste would require as much effort as building an ad-hoc solution from scratch, and that's without trying to worry about keeping up with upstream. You can modify it at will but it's impractical because the engineering is flawed and it's damn sad because I like green peppers just as much as the next guy.
Implying proprietary software never allows plugins and other modifications.
FOSS certainly has the advantage of moddability in theory, but in practice it's a pointless "do it yourself"
We'll see. It's not like there is an alternative to Gimp anyway, so I'm going to stick with it one way or another.
Photoshop's UI is just as idiotic, there's simply a lot more people using it.
Prove me wrong.
When I used Windows was my favorite to use, it wasn't super powerful but it got the job done and supported plugins. Is there something like that on Linux?
While Photoshop's UI is almost as big a trainwreck as GIMP's, it also offers a usable keyboard shortcut set by default. This is unlike GIMP or Krita where you need to either 1) rebind en masse, or 2) click on the interface frequently.
think about what you just typed, this is completely arbitrary. it's good because you're used to Photoshop's arbitrary keyboard shortcut set? oh yeah.
No. Photoshop's default mappings are well suited to most of its workflows. GIMP's and Krita's aren't. Krita also comes with a Photoshop keymap. It's not useful because Krita's workflow isn't Photoshop's workflow even for equivalent tasks. Designing a keymap isn't "completely arbitrary" and this is something many software developers don't seem to understand. You place a commonly-used features in a clump and go heavier on the modifier keys and clump-distance the more infrequent or obscure the operation is. You also leave some ergonomic keys and combos open for user mapping and for future proofing. Using GIMP feels like trying to play a game with W/Z/Shift+X/Alt+C as movement keys.
Well, that describes every OS, so for this instance, I'll assume Xenix.
Maybe, I have never used Photoshop myself, I was comparing it to Pixelmator. Microsoft Office has a shit UI, so it's not really a competition with Libre Office, but iWork had a really nice UI (at least up to 09, before they converged with iOS). And now I'm sad because I realize that I'm complaining about something that will never come back again.
Wait, so you're using Android?
Android is a mOS, I meant the most used PC-OS
Android uses Linux kernel so Android is Linux. We call any OSes as Linux if they use Linux kernel.
Retarded take
If you're taking the definition of the computer kernel program being the sole definition of the operating system, then Android is a Linux operating system. I take a different definition in that the kernel program is one part of a complete operating system and is not an operating system by itself.
This. That is the sort of shit why Stallman insists on calling it GNU/Linux. Herp derp, Android is also a linux, even though it is fundamentally different from GNU/Linx in every way except for the kernel. Yes, the kernel is a very important part (perhaps the most important), but it is still only a part.
>We call any computer as , because it uses one
Apart from the last one all of those made perfect sense.
I don't know what a logic is this...
A brain is not the whole human, neither a hearth.
A car engine is not a car. You don't name a car after it's engine, do you?
We're not using only a kernel today. Complete operating system is more than just a kernel.
Did you read this?
That's like saying Windows is not NT.
GNU doesn't work without Linux, so it's Linux.
Android is a bunch of javagarbage AND HAS IT'S OWN KERNEL based on the Linux kernel.
So it's not the same kernel. Therefore Android is fucking slow piece of shit Android with it's own kernel.
GNU works with the Hurd and different kernels of BSD systems, it doesn't need Linux.
Is it clear now?
Android is BSD/googlepatched-linux_with a twist so it just runs lk during boot and doesn't violate gpl
GNU can work with other kernels, and Linux can work with other userland. Neither GNU nor Linux can work on their own, so neither is a complete operating system. GNU/Linux is the bare minimum to get a functional operating system.
This thread is just a Wine damage control. It was fucking garbage in 3 and it's the same in 4. Why do you need vulkan support on Linux the main beneficiary of it. Why not have it before? Garbage.
GNU can actually work in some places without Linux. Just because yours doesn't doesn't change the fact that GNU works. Linux can work without GNU but a system with just Linux alone doesn't achieve very much. Android's Linux fork still remains Linux because the main character is still Linux with other bits attached.