Genode/seL4 Thread

Why aren't you using an unhackable kernel, Zig Forums?

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there is no proof for x86

OP is an insane shill who regularly posts these threads btw

x86_64's functional correctness proofs are complete, slowpoke.

Why aren't you? The screenshot in your OP is from the website.

I can give it a try but it is not the first time I see something claiming to be absolutely bug free and safe

If I understand it correctly, it's just running Tiny Core Linux on top of an seL4-based VM. I'm not sure what the setup is supposed to protect against.

Great. Where is the unhackable hardware?

Well, virtulization inherently adds security, i.e. ambiguity between the kernel and the hardware. It could limit the tiny-core kernels access to the hardware... however, virtulization also inherently adds certain vulnerabilities.
I agree, it doesn't seem that great.

They rely on the assumption that the memory coherency model is totally known and shit like this, I guess.

Is it really unhackable or just marketing? Even then you could still hack the other parts of the system.

Yes, it also can be hacked. Actually, all systems can be hacked if they are made by human beings!

seL4 is like having just the steering wheel of car. You can't do anything with it, it just a small part of a bigger thing. Of course you can formally verify it, it's like formally verifying that a single nail in a house is made of metal.
Even Genode, which is based on L4, is just a framework for operating systems, a tool for building more complex OSs.

If you say this is unhackable, you need to fucking leave.
Formal verification is a great step forward, but you, OP, are a verified fuckwit. Go away until you realize how stupid your post was. If you are trolling then you did a 7/10 job but fuck off anyway.

Literal NSALinux.

Theo disagrees. And even if he's wrong, there are many attacks that this scheme won't protect against anyway. If, for example, you're using the Tor Browser Bundle and there's some exploit of the browser that exposes your real IP address, this won't protect against that. I don't even think it will protect against things like privilege escalation inside the VM. So unless you're booting a clean VM every time and not saving state between reboots, you just end up with a rooted VM.

And if you are using some amnesiac VM setup, why bother with this over Xen or anything else?

What's the threat model that Sculpt addresses?

Yeah right, like anyone who's ever sold something as 'unhackable' hasn't been completely full of shit

Putting the 'unhackable' bullshit aside, I'm more interested of seL4 as a microkernel. How is it compared to previous attempts at creating microkernels? I heard it's kinda fast, but I don't know if it's fast enough to be a serious alternative to monolithic ones.

I'm a brainlet so explain to me in simplest terms how can an unhackable kernel exist and why other software can't be unhackable like seL4 as well?

and oh could future DRM schemes borrow some ideas from seL4 and how catastrophic would that be?

Well seL4, as its name implies, is a part of the L4 series. This paper provides some insight into the developments of L4 and seL4 in particular.

The first point that you need to note is that Whites were historically a great civilization. I don't deny that, after all, they controlled over 3/4 of the world at some point.
The second point that you need to note is that Asians are autistic bug-people with no empathy. No empathy = less societal progress since they let people die randomly despite their worth to society.
The third point that you need to acknowledge is that white people have lost any and all traits which made them a powerful and superior race. You NEET-Sock larpers take achievements from the last great men in NS Germany and attempt to make them your own. You haven't done shit. White people are 100% jew controlled, and this isn't because the jew is particularly powerful. This is because white people are emotionally weak. Why? Whites have been undergoing severe devolution over the past 100 years. The two jew-induced world wars killed off entire generations of strong, brave white men, and this has KILLED THE WHITE RACE. You pathetic Nig-Sock larpers need to understand this. There's no coming back from this.
White people are weak and pathetic. They have lost 100% of what made them great through a jewish dysgenics program, and while this is unfortunate, it is also irreversible. So forget about it.
Hapas, more specifically White/Asian hapas, are the new ubermensch, so to speak. We are superior to both whites and asians since the properties of both races are polar opposites, yet meet in the middle to form an optimal combination. Whites are too cucked and have too much empathy, so much so that they feel excessive empathy to subhuman races like niggers, jews and arabs.
On the opposite side of the scale, asians have too little empathy, being perfectly content to watch their fellow countrymen run over by trucks, poisoned by fake food products, gassed by the very air in their cities, and executed by their own government for petty reasons.
These two qualities are, as I mentioned, polar opposites, and neither are beneficial to the well-being of society. Hapas possess something in the middle of these polar opposites. We are much more racist than white people. And at the same time, we have empathy towards each other. Our women are far less slutty than white roasties, contrary to /poo/ disinformation - white men prefer white or asian women, not hapas. I know this not only due to theoretical knowledge but due to actual life experience talking to others of my own kind. We only require the tiniest push to fully support anti-nigger, anti-shitskin and anti-kike ideology, whereas whites never go all the way. Whites can only become magakikes, or anti-illegal-immigrants at the ABSOLUTE best.
Hapas are small in number at the moment but with further degeneration of the white race, racemixing between whites and asians will become more frequent. Hapas will rise from the ashes of the white race and inherit the world.
It is often stated by Nig-Socks that racemixing is evil and bad because "the product of racemixing contains neither of the desirable qualities of the two parent races". This may be true under ideal conditions, but Whites and Asians don't have any desirable qualities by themselves. The races have been degenerated by decades of communist (i.e. jewish) dysgenics (in the case of asians) or decades of war-induced jewish dysgenics (in the case of whites). As such, the ordinary Zig Forums theory no longer applies. Neither of the parent races, whites or asians, actually are suited to their environment. They also happen to have polar opposite qualities, which conflict with the goal of societal stability. This is why hapas are not inferior, but superior to both races.
Note that what I said only applies to White/Asian hapas. Any mixtures containing shitskin or nigger genetics is just as bad as the shitskin or nigger genetics would be by themselves, since shitskins and niggers were never a part of great civilization.

how is it possible to be unhackable? You might have to be a squad of 14 Terry A. Davis's and 53 Eliot aldersons, to find a backdoor, but they would have still found a backdoor. Anything can be hacked, and it being open source only helps