Been using linux since hardy, used various forms of it from suse to arch for different applications but now thanks to pledge+chromium it has replaced arch on even my laptop and my private server has run it since I first heard of it. My question is has anyone tried it in a workstation setting?
OpenBSD as Primary Workstation
"it" being openbsd, because I'm braindead and an idiot.
Tried to use it on a laptop. got frustrated with the supposed extensive documentation and yet the lack of how to do supposedly simple things like connecting to the internet and setting up XFCE.
Not my cup of tea.
IIRC, It wasn't so much trying to set up the internet, it was that the instructions for the program were too few to account for the fuckups. Either way I don't use it anymore so I'm not bothering further.
If you cannot "connect OpenBSD to the internet," it's highly likely that you are retarded. At the very least, you shouldn't be here.
Most people here are literal children dude. That includes you. He is right at home here at that skill level.
A white nine year could accomplish that you worthless pajeet. If you weren't a subhuman niggerfaggot you'd know that was true upon reflection of your own past.
OpenBSD's documentation is light on step-by-step instructions, and instead assumes the reader understands basic concepts behind what he is trying to accomplish. That's too much for today's youth.
True. Today's youth literally die when someone opens a jar of peanut butter in their vicinity. Perfect niggercattle slaves. Generation Zion.
RTFM and get this companion piece. It's even a good read when taking a long shit.