Author successfully DMCA's GPL'd work

Since: oxwugzccvk3dk6tj.onion/tech/res/1018729.html
was bumplocked by the shadow admins (aka the programming code) (Since I'm winning on all counts: because I am correct on the law).

Quick recap, as told by user:
Anonymous 02/05/19 (Tue) 14:47:16 No.1027517

Summary of this episode as this thread reaches the bump limit:


Other urls found in this thread:

Some woman contributed this opinion:

Oh and my long held, seldom used, mikeeusa account was banned for some reason. I hope one day the CC gains power again and burns all these women's rights believers alive, like in the old days.

User was banned for this post.

On one hand I feel like talking about this (as a woman in tech/opensource/redhat) but on the other hand I shouldn't (as a moderator)

I'll just go with this note: One hell of a dare to post such a thing on /r/Fedora and/or /r/RedHat don't you think? I don't think that this person will ever get a job in any Open Source company anymore. :]

Now you should calm down your schizophrenia. No wonder you weren't taken seriously and you still aren't you phrase things with complete madness. The salt generated on leddit is nice tho. But m8 the way you handled and phrased your goal has created more hatred towards the GPL than anyone else since the beginning of the GPL.
Plus you've also associated GPL users with your own insanity. Don't get me wrong I hate all the social justice retards and it's not insane to be against it but you've handled this in a manner that completely negates what you did.

RMS already does that by literally eating his feet.

What's the largest project this has happened to. The main one I can think of is Bukkit (the Minecraft server that allows plugins). One of the developers got mad that Mojang hired some other Bukkit devs and essentially sold the project to Mojang so he DMCA'd everything hosting the source code to it. Since he was a large contributor it essentially killed the project.

also this happened back in 2014.

using proper English grammar, this unambiguously refers to someone who hates women.
using feminist grammar, this refers to a hater who is a woman.

Are you sure about the second part?


Feel free to re-present the issues using more... sane... language.

Is this bad? Remeber the GPL proponents were always touting that you could use the GPL to "free the source" of derivative works /WHILE/ also claiming that the GPL /WAS NOT A K/ (they were correct on the second part: it isn't a contract alone).

Specific performance is /ONLY/ available in contracts (and even then it's hard to get). They were blatantly talking out of both sides of their mouths for decades.

Why is this bad?

Why did he do this? That was disgusting. I (all of us) saw the video. Why doesn't he into shoes?



It's no more disgusting than admitting to enjoying anime.

Gnome is trash.



When will you just kill yourself MikeeUSA? You're worthless garbage. No one gives a shit about your stupid slot game, no matter how many fucking threads you make. No one will ever care about any code you write. It's worthless, useless, forgettable garbage that doesn't solve anyone's problems. You're an autistic narcissist pedophile, probably a rapist too. Hopefully you get a big dick shoved up your ass in jail after you get caught fucking more children. You'll die alone, with cheeto crumbs all over your 300 lb stank ass belly, shit in your adult diaper, loli posters on every wall, with your micropenis all shriveled up from furiously masturbating to child porn 10 hours a day.

Imagine bragging about your DMCA abuse.
Imagine thinking the post limit exists specifically to target you.
Imagine samefagging so desperately.

Daily reminder that trolls feed off this kind of attention. If you're going to fume at a troll, I suggest working with established copypasta because your effort is greatly diminished when you do it.

You are a fucking imbecile.

Bump to trigger autism.

inb4 he gets IP-benned from reddit

He can post on Leddit through TOR though



Get new material, mikee


Someone forked my repo

Are you samefagging or another impersonator?

Nobody is nor wants to impersonate MikeeUSA.

I love this

nice samefagging jew

Attached: Screenshot_2019-02-06 Author successfully DMCA's GPL'd work.png (230x154, 3.2K)


thanks for posting irrefutable evidence
i am now convinced you are not a jew trying to push degeneracy by supporting feminists and claiming GPL cannot be revoked in response to linux's code of conduct which you no doubt support.

Please livestream your self-flagellation.

You can just edit that shit with inspect element to say anything you want.


Yes. But we already know that RMS is autistic and we know that he isn't insane per default.

They seem to get pretty angry about "Rescind".

I write to code for my purposes, not yours.
Since you ban me from having good girls I want to harm you, not solve your problems.

You think I wrote it for you?

Indeed it doesn't solve anyone's problems. Today it exists as bait to cause you problems. #RescindGPL

Faggot americanism.
Hopefully the catholic church will go back to burning you people alive.

More americanism.


still nothing on by the way

Going to lick your wounds and claim victory?
I send the requests to github something like 10 times now.

Bitbucket and gitlab complied, github did not.
2 for 3.

The GPL is revocable.
The code IS mine.

M I N E.

First you said "HE NEVER SENT ANY!!!!"
Now you complain.

Moving the goal posts constantly.
It is no abuse: I revoked the license from "John Doe", I OWN THE FUCKING COPYRIGHT, I used the DMCA properly.

You can get the text of the DMCA requests from here:

There are 2 different versions.
If you wish to send that text to github to see for yourself, you have my blessing to do so, acting as my agent, sending that text to get the DMCA take down through to them

("e" sig)

Trying other contact forms on github

Thanks for getting in touch with us!
We’ll get back to you shortly.

The license was originally written by Richard Stallman
GPLv3 was written by Richard Stallman, with legal counsel from Eben Moglen and Richard Fontana from the Software Freedom Law Center.

You didn't even bother to check.

Like all pro-women people you must claim victories for women from that which was set down by men.
Same thing with the Linux kernel and Opensource: Men did all the work, women have come to kick them out and rule the roost.
That is how western society is. It is an enemy of all men.

GPLv1 and v2 are by RMS.
v3 are by RMS and eben moglen etc.

Women had nothing to do with the GPL, nor the opensource movement, until they invaded in 2009. They've done nothing since but rule the roost.

Because you are a faggot. You think you can give them undeserved credit and get your dick wet.

It does, if I were the ruler I would torture you to death as a heretic, as the Catholic Church used to do with people who believe and professed the things you do.

I appreciate what you're doing with the salt you make from being right but could you not link to Reddit.

post replyI have rescinded the GPL from a number of people (regarding GPC-Slots 2)

Ok, I'll post the comments without links

One of the opensource lawyers has said to me: "you are exactly the type of person character and fitness was created to weed out."

>still nothing on by the way

I do wish they'd post it, but if you read their "reason" for creating the DMCA repo it is clear that it is to simply mock the senders.

When there is an issue of law that threatens them, it is not something they can easily mock without lawyers and commentators from the other side citing references that show that the reasoning is sound. They do not want a media story either, so they do not post the takedown.

stop lying faggot, the repo is there for transparency, you're not important enough for Microsoft to mock you

comphacker : you had a gratis license, not a paid license. There is no attached interest. I revoked your license, you defied me, and are now committing copyright infringement.

An "interest" generally means PAYMENT (not that you're 'interested' in the work... fucking moron). You PAY for a license, you can then hold the other party to the terms, You do NOT pay for a license, you have nothing to hold the other party to.

If I EVER find out who you are I am going to FUCKING BEAT YOU TO DEATH...
And then inform you that your license is rescinded.

I have sent it again and again and again and again.

Time and place. I want to murder you.

Reported you to the FBI

Totally a lawyer and not an unhinged dindu

Sent both requests again, this time using:
[email protected]
to: [email protected]

lol, Mikee's even more unhinged than usual. What an impotent faggot.

Time and place shithead.
I will bring a weapon and will kill you.
Time and place.

How do you even function in real life

Tell me where you are so I may cut off you hands, nail you to a wheel, break you on that wheel, and then burn you alive.


Sorry, all other emails require your life's story.
Wasn't so in the past, but now we're firmly under the control of the women's prerogative. And they don't want user males around.

Aren't you going to tell me where you are so I can travel there and torture you until you are dead?

Why not?

Cafe an der Uni
Ludwigstr. 24, 80539 Münchan, Deutschland
Tell me when you'll be there.


On a learjet 7 as we speak.
Be ready for an inquisition style torture, a spanish style disembowelment (using the spiked drum), and then an act of faith.

I can see that you haven't leaved your basement, lardass

This guy's just wrong. Why did he say that.
I guess women wrote linux too..

It's nice looking down on the clouds. You will be broken on a 15th century breaking wheel. It's on loan from the vatican. Your death will be slow.

Lots of birds up here, the pilot must be flying low...

Odd that you'll pretend you're a lawyer, but won't pretend you're a pilot, too.

Left, not leaved. "To leave" is an irregular verb in English.

Odd that a jew on 8ch thinks it's opinion matters.

Imagine getting this mad at some random dude on the internet. lmao

People seem to get very mad at "GPL is revocable" for some reason.

I've found that they get mad once someone has revoked it. Especially normalfags who start crying because they can no longer get their favorite software since it's been DMCA'd.

woop xir ass mikee

Your slots game is nobody's favorite software.

While they sit next to a 6tb drive full of music, movies, and software they don't have a license for either.

Revoking the license is apparently "incel terrorism", someone seems concerned atleast. Free Software lawyers were saying how they wanted to disbar aswell "people like X are exactly who Character and Fitness was ment to weed out".

Why would a normalfag keep local backups of media they like when they can stream it anytime they want from Spotify (tm) or Netflix (tm) or Hulu (tm) or Itunes (tm)?

all me

To MikeeUSA: please seek help. You've been sperging out for 10 years straight now: you're not well and you are making the internet a worse place for everyone, including people that share some of your anti-feminist goals.
If you keep on this path you'll end up jumping in front of a train like Terry, only difference is that people liked Terry, nobody likes you.

I rescind your license.

--Lawrence Rosen

--Lawrence Rosen

--Lawrence Rosen

Lawrence Rosen - Open Source Licensing - Sofware Freedom and Intellectual property Law

--Lawrence Rosen


Appelate court ruled that the Artistic License was a Copyright License, _Overuled_ the lowercourt's opinion that the only damages available for the AL were contract damages. Now licensor can get copyright damages instead.

How does this hurt me, DIPSHIT? Oh, are you relying on the non-binding DICTA earlier in the case? SHOWS WHAT A FUCKING RETARD YOU ARE.

The ruling helps me. The court decided that the AL was a copyright license, overruling the "we have a contract here" ruling of the lower court. If the court found it was a contract then only contract damages would be awarded, as is their practice.

Artifex case involves a preliminary offer to do business where the company allows two means of acceptance of the offer: Pay for the commercial license, accept the GPL.

Not the GPL standing alone.

Both of these cases are cases where a licensee violates the license, and the court allows the licensor to recover.

Completely unrelated to a situation where the licensor revokes a completely gratis license and you FUCKING pieces of shit feel that you can punish the licensor for doing so.

It's very basic law of licenses, you fucking moron.

Your only other option is to beg the court under equity not to enforce the owner's legal right. Which, is the SFLC's game plan.

The GPL itself is NOT a contract.

Tell me how so, dipshit. It's you who seem to be unaware that licenses are revocable, that obeying a pre-existing legal duty is insufficient for consideration, that a non-exclusive license is NEVER a transfer of rights.

You just assume that because commercial copyright licenses are irrevocable outside of their terms that gratis ones are too. Same mistake PJ the paralegal made.

Nope, informing the lay people that gratis licenses /are/ revocable.

YHWH doesn't require consent. See Devarim chapter 22, verse 28 (key words: taphas, na'ar (hebrew), padia (greek Septuagint), puella (latin vulgate)). I know it conflicts with your western religion, but hopefully the muslims will completely destroy and dismantle it so there is no record left of your western religion ever existing on this earth.

The adult women infiltrate gratis projects, then rule over the men who actually built the project from the ground up. They are entryists and ENEMIES. They do this to every single hobby men build into a science or engineering field. I can't really say all women though, WHITE women.

Does that include that baby-faced faggot B.Kuhn who isn't even a lawyer and then suddenly learned one year that, if he was going to run a legal consulting firm, he'd better hire a lawyer instead of playing one... and then learned that a lawyer cannot be below lay persons in such a firm, so he made the woman the head of the place and pretends it was all for women's empowerment, thinking that no one knows the bar rules and can see through his bullshit? Is that the Software Freedom Conservancy's who's "clarification" I debunked within 5 hours of them posting? The one that ignores section 0 of the GPLv2 which defines "you" as the licensees (not the grantor) and falsely attempts to convince readers that section 4 is a "no revocation" clause when it is simply a clarification that if an upstream licensee loses his license through automatic rescission, the downstream licensees do not automatically suffer the same fate. That SFC? The one that "advises" its clients to "wait it out" so they can lose their standing via the statute of limitations running (Great advice B.Kuhn).

Yea, a bunch of fucking retards who basically commit legal malpractice against their clients as a "career". But you get what you pay for (and that also goes for licenses)

(((To MikeeUSA: please seek help. You've been sperging out for 10 years straight now: you're not well and you are making the internet a worse place for everyone, including people that share some of your anti-feminist goals.)))

(((If you keep on this path you'll end up jumping in front of a train like Terry, only difference is that people liked Terry, nobody likes you.)))

this. Mikee where da patreon at

Actually, 20 years.
10 years ago is when the women actually managed to gain leadership over OSS, prior to that they weren't given the time of day: the men who actually wrote the code ruled.


If they're not pro-loli, they're not anti-feminist.

No where, does it for free.



Hi MikeeUSA, I'm curious how your childhood was and what major events happened in your life. I want to know how you ended up being you. I'm not judging, I'm genuinely interested. I think you are a fascinating human.

Private schools.


Realizing that there was no way to win, so there was no reason to strive. Yet having the desire to strive none the less.

I agree with him. You sound insane. That's not a bad thing by itself, but it's a bad thing if you want to be taken seriously. I agree with the sentiment against SJWs and enforcing what you enforced, though.

Would you re-transmit the message in a non-insane sounding way.

Speaking nicely does not work.
Explaining the law calmly does not work either.

The techies only listen when there is an appearance of emotion behind the words; in which case they also dismiss the words as mad. But they atleast read them.

Who do you think sent the original "rescind" emails to the LKML 3 months ago? Nice and calm. The techies did nothing and just dismissed the information as "wrong". Because, you know, they're lawyers...