I didn't think it would happen so quickly, but my laptop refurbished from 2007 is falling appart. I am typing with the on-screen keyboard as of now because I set clamwin to autokill and I dont know how to get this damn trojan botnet off without killing muh old laptop. I am on Win 7 on a Dell with an SSD. Any advice? If you suggest Linux then I need an emulation and vidya friendly version because I haven't played with real linux since 98ish? Plz halp?
I didn't think it would happen so quickly, but my laptop refurbished from 2007 is falling appart...
Enjoy shit performance faggot
Most lower end vidya will probably work on gnu/Linux as well. Just install gentoo already faggot.
Thinkpad x200 or nothing
Here's what I do in Debian (assuming you have amd64 arch)
dpkg --add-architecture i386
apt update
apt install libgl1-nvidia-glx:i386
apt install libgl1-fglrx-glx:i386
sudo apt install wine wine32 wine64 libwine libwine:i386 fonts-wine winetricks zenity
echo 'export WINEARCH=win32' >> ~/.bashrc
winetricks dxvk
wget dl.winehq.org
wine msiexec /i ~/wine-mono-4.7.5.msi
How to install applications
wine foo.exe
wine msiexec /i bar.msi
Wine path is here ~/.wine
Why are you installing wine32 when everything is 64-bit now? Good question! Windows people are FUCKING RETARDED.
Many proclaimed 64-bit programs are actually 32-bit so much so that this is the easiest way to handle it.
I am an SNES/PSX emu fag along with mostly pre-2004ish vidya. I have more than enough performance; so why Gentoo? Isn't Clover or Temple OS the best?
This is on testing btw. I'm not sure if stretch will have dxvk.
Neato, but this does not answer my question.
I don't have any money left and I am on a laptop. I need a solution for something finite and older.
you can go a long way with emulation these days
Just format it bro
can you dick around with something in safe mode?
that's a cute cat btw